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Welcome to Ninas English class!,Why should we study English?,Interest The most widely used language in the world Know more about the world 150 marks in the NMET (National Matriculation English Test) of great use for you in college and even in your whole life,What is the difference between senior 1 and 2 in English class?,Vocabulary: about 3500, more difficult. E.g. 1. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to . A. disappear B . fall C. fail D. damage,Grammar: more complicated E.g. 1. Try _she might, Sue couldnt get the door open. A. if B. when C. since D. as 2. The next thing he saw was smoke _ from behind the house. A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen,高考主要题型简介: 1、阅读理解 (4篇) 2、 完形填空(15空) 3、语法填空 10分(10空) 4、短文改错 10分 5、写作 25分 (80-120字),Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,1.textbook; 2.other kinds of tapes; 3.simple English songs; 4.CCTV-9; 5.Internet,1.Be active in and after class; 2.Dont be afraid of making mistakes,1.Morning-reading class; 2. Students Time; 3.Other kinds of materials, magazines,Write Weekly Diary using the words, phrases and Sentences that have been learned,Practice makes perfect!,Change Your Attitude ,And You Change Your Life ! ! !,Attitude is everything!,Attitude is everything 态度决定一切 Success comes from good habits 成功源自好习惯,Good habits for learning Senior English,听:,Listen more Taped conversation English songs and news,说:,读:,写:,2. Read more Original materials; textbook and etc.,3. Write more Sentences-short writings -passages,说:,读:,7. Pay attention in class and take notes,8. Finish homework on time,9. Review lessons in time,5. Willpower (毅力) No willpower no good English,4. Practice more. “Practice makes perfect”,6. Look up the dictionary when necessary,10. Try to use English as much as you can,11. Pay attention to your handwriting,Some skills,Every night when a day is over, when the light is off, when you go to bed, you ask yourself 8 questions. Did I recite words today? (今天我背单词了吗?) Did I read aloud today? (今天我大声朗读了吗?) Did I do some reading today? (今天我阅读了吗?) Did I listen to the tape today? (今天我听英语录音了吗?),英语学习一日常规,Did I finish the homework today? (今天我完成作业了吗?) Did I go over the lesson today? (今天我复习功课了吗?) Did I prepare for tomorrows lesson today? (今天我预习功课了吗?) Did I try communicating in English today? (今天我用英语交流了吗?),The Interest of English Learning Fun of English learning,英语语言的魅力 词的魅力 1.There are 100 birds on a tree. What method will help you catch them in one shot? Using a camera,2.A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 第一个cook是名词,厨师的意思;第二个是烹饪的意思,动词;第三个又是名词,厨师;第四个又是动词,烹饪。 3.Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗?,4.Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.,5.I think that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong.,麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。,我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that” 是错误的。,英语谚语A good beginning is half done. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Work makes the workman. You never know what you can till you try. Practice makes perfect.,How do we learn English?,熟能生巧,雪碧,乐百氏,舒肤佳,纳爱斯,汰渍,飘柔,Sprite 精灵,Robust 健壮的,Rejoice 欣喜,Safeguard 保护,Nice 美好的,Tide 潮流,品牌,标识,标识,微博,山寨,裸婚,炫富,骨感美女,人肉搜索,水货,Micro blog,copycat,naked wedding,flaunt wealth,boney beauty,flesh search,smuggled goods,网络热词,


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