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译林版六年级英语上学期Unit8_Story_time .

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译林版六年级英语上学期Unit8_Story_time .

Unit8 Chinese New year,Sing a song: Happy New Year!,Chinese New Year,When is the Chinese New Year this year(今年) ?,Chinese New Years Day 大年初一,Chinese New Years Eve 除夕,大年三十,Look and choose (看一看,选一选),What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve?,a,b,c,d,e,f,What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve?,a,b,c,d,e,f,Look and choose (看一看,选一选),What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve?,a,b,c,d,e,f,light firecrackers 放鞭炮,Look and choose (看一看,选一选),What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve?,a,b,c,d,e,f,Look and choose (看一看,选一选),What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve?,a,b,c,d,e,f,get red packets 拿/收红包,Look and choose (看一看,选一选),What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve?,a,b,c,d,e,f,Look and choose (看一看,选一选),What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve?,a,b,c,d,e,f,watch fireworks 看烟花表演,Look and choose (看一看,选一选),Lets read 读一读,watch fireworks 看烟花表演,light firecrackers 放鞭炮,get red packets 拿/收红包,What are you going to do on Chinese New Years Eve? 在除夕那天,你将要干什么?,Im going to 我将会,Tip: 我们把“主语+be going to+动词原形”结构的句子称为一般将来时的陈述句。它们的特点是含有“be going to”,在翻译时,翻译成“将要,将会”。,Lets talk 聊一聊,Anna,Shes writing an e-mail about Chinese New Year to Su Hai.,Watch and order,Watch and order,2,1,3,4,5,6,Watch and order,Read and answer,1. Where does Anna live?,2. When is Chinese New Year?,3. What are Anna and her family going to do tomorrow?,4. What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?,5.What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Day?,6. What are they going to do on the second day of Chinese New Years Day?,Read and answer,1. Where does Anna live?,2. When is Chinese New Year?,3. What are Anna and her family going to do tomorrow?,4. What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?,5.What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Day?,6. What are they going to do on the second day of Chinese New Years Day?,She lives in Hong Kong(香港).,Its going to be Chinese New Year next week.,They are going to buy some new clothes and food, and make some cakes and tangyuan(汤圆).,They are going to have dinner.,Annas parents are going to give Anna red packets. And they are going to watch a lion dance(舞狮).,They are going to watch fireworks in the evening.,下周,Reading time!,Choose one way to read the text.(四人小组任选一种方式朗读课文。),1. Read in paragraphs. 小组成员分段朗读。,2. Read together. 小组齐读。,3. Read by yourselves. 自己自由朗读。,Show time!,Can you retell the e-mail in your own words?,你能用自己的语言来复述这封邮件吗?,Lets retell,Anna is writing an email about Chinese New Year to her e-friend.,Before Chinese New Year, she is going to.,On Chinese New Years Eve, she is going to.,On Chinese New Years Day, ,On the second of Chinese New Year, .,Theyre going to have a lot of fun.,Lantern Festival,Light lanterns 点灯笼,Watch lanterns 赏灯,Eat tangyuan 吃汤圆,Qingming Festival,Sweep the tomb扫墓,Spring outing 踏青,Dragon Boat Festival,Eat rice dumplings 吃粽子,Dragon boat races 赛龙舟,Mid-Autumn Festival,Watch the moon 赏月,Eat moon cakes 吃月饼,Of a nation, of the world. 民族的才是世界的。,Homework 1. Read the text fluently. 2. Tell your family or friends what Hong Kong people do at Chinese New Year.,


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