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小学英语精通版六年级上册第一单元Unit 1试卷

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小学英语精通版六年级上册第一单元Unit 1试卷

小学英语精通版六年级上册第一单元Unit 1试卷 Unit 1 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.I go to (school) at 7:15.2.I do some (read) in the evening.3.I ave dinner for 40 (minute).4.How about (play) fooball?5.There are six (family) in the picture.6.you (like) football? Yes, we .7.I do some (write) for 20 minutes.8.It never (snow) in China in June.9.The children always do (they) homework at night.10.I (not) have dinner at home.11.How about (take) a long after after supper?12.Im very happy (meet) you.13.They often learn English by (chant).14.My brother (play) football after school.15.you often (have) lessons on Sundays? No, we .16.The boy (write) a letter now.17.School (begin) at 9:00.18.Im (read) an email from Lucy.19.Let me (tell) you something about my daily life.20.How about (take) a long walk after dinner?21.Lucy is very (friend) to me.22.School (end) at three in the afternoon.23.She (not go )out in the evening.24.My sister and I often (wash) clothes on Sunday.25.(not do) your homework now.26.She helps her mum (do) the housework.27.It never (snow) in China in June.28.She can ask him (help) her.29.Tell them (not sing) here, Lucy.30.Look, the dog (run) after a cat.31.What time your brother (get) home on weekdays?32.There (be) a basketball and some books on the table.33.Do you know your (father) birthday?34.Each of the students (have) a notebook.35.she (like) dancing?36.We (not have) lunch t home.37.She (play) games now.38.They are good at (swim)39.He often (walk) to school.40.(dance) monkey (dance) very well.41.It is difficult (learn) English.二、填入合适的词。1. Im reading an email Lucy.2. Let me tell you something my daily life.3. I g to school 7:30 every day.4. School is at 4:30 in the afternoon, then we go home.5. Please tell me email.6. I watch TV thirty minutes every day.7. The boy with me to school by bus every day.8. I go to school by bus.9. Im an email Peter.10. He goes to bed at about ten every .11. Her father has lunch at home. Because he is very busy.三、单项选择。( )1. We bike.A.are not have B. have no C. dont have D. no have( )2. The boy new friends.A.Have many B. has some C. have any D. has any( )3. you an English book? Yes, I .A.Does, have,does B. Do, have, do C. Does, has, do D. Do, has, do( )4. Where Peter and Tom from?A.do, come B. does, come C. do, comes D. does, comes( )5. One of the girls Chinese.A.am B. is C. be D. are( )6. We can get there tomorrow. A. to B. at C. D. in( )7. everyone like the tea? A. Does B. Can C. Are D. Do( )8. How is your sister ? A. feeling B. to feel C. feel D. feels( )9. Im a teacher of maths, what you? A. to B. in C. about D. from( )10. your homework in class.A.Dont B. Dont write C. Dont do D. Arent( )11. My mum often comes and apples.A.picking B.pick C. picks D. is picking( )12. We have classes 8:00 17:00.A.at, at B. about, about C. from, to D. about, at( )13. My mother is very busy. She goes shopping.A.always B. sometimes C. often D. seldom( )14. he like playing football? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Can( )15. The boy often English by .A.learns, read B. learn, reads C. learns, reading D. learn, read( )16. I like , but my sister .A.cooking, doesnt B. dook, dont C. to cook, dont D. cooking, cooks( )17. You can tell me your daily life email. A.for B.at C. by D. of( )18. What you often at home?A. does, do B. are, do C. do, doing D. do, do( )19. You should practice your .A.listen B. istening C. listens D. to listen( )20. Peter always his mother the housework.A.helps, to do B. helps, does C. help, do D. help, to do( )21. He to bed at nine.A.doesnt often go B. often doesnt go C. not often go D. go often( )22. He goes to school again 13:30 the afternoon.A.At, on B. at, in C. in, at D. on, at( )23. That question . I cant answer it.A.easy B. is easy C. difficult D. is difficult( )24. Our teacher tells us in the street.A.not play B. no play C. not to play D. no playing( )25. It is raining now, but he wants to waitfor her.A.dont B. still C. doesnt D. also( )26. Her mother starts lunch.A.cooks B. to cook C. cook D. is cooking( )27. Its eleven oclock, but he .A.still B. still working C. is still working D. still is working( )28. Lets look his school bag. A. out B.in C. of D. inside( )29. What do you have lunch school?A./, in B. for, in C. a, of D. for, at( )30. day, we go to school bike.A.One, on B. Every, by C. A, in D. One, at( )31. We should be when we cross the street.A.care B. careful C. carefuly D. carefully( )32. The boy likes , but in winter he doesnt like .A.swimming, to swim B. to swim, swimmingB.swimming, swim D. swim, swimming( )33. you cant write, just draw pictures.A.If B. So C. But D. Of四、完成句子。1. 让我告诉你一些关于我日常生活的事。Let you something my .2.早上九点开始上课。 School nine the morning.3.每天下午三点三十分放学。School at every afternoon.4.晚饭后我看书或看电视。 Dinner, I do


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