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大学英语综合教程Unit 12 gender differences课件

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大学英语综合教程Unit 12 gender differences课件

,Gender Differences,Task 1: Do you know that? Task 2: A poem Task 3: Wives and bread winners Task 4: Man and woman,Dumb man + dumb woman =,Smart man + smart woman =,Dumb man + smart woman =,Gender Differences,romance,affair,marriage,Gender difference is a term used to refer to social characteristic that distinguish men and women. These include such things as differences in hair styles, clothing, family responsibilities, occupational roles, acceptable behavior and other culturally learned activities and traits. All of these differences are linked to the non-biological notions of masculinity and femininity which vary from one culture to another.,Gender Differences,Scan the differences between men and women. Then work in groups to decide whether the characteristics are mens or womens according to the information you get.,Do you know that?,Click the picture to get the answer,suffer more illnesses have a higher rate of colorblindness have a larger brain are more likely to have a heart attack have more fears live longer like diamond shapes miss more work,How does Tennyson see the roles of men and women? Explain his poem in your own words. You may begin your explanation with: His poem tells us that man works in the field while woman should stay at home. Man ,Read the poem by Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) carefully. Work in groups and answer the questions below.,Man for the field and woman for the hearth (炉边, 喻家庭) Man for the sword and for the needle she Man with the head and woman with the heart Man to command and woman to obey; All else confusion. from The Princess (1847),A Poem,Watch the interview on Wives Are Bread Winners and answer the following questions with the ideas you get from it.,Why is there a high divorce rate in the families which wives earn more?,2. How do women often feel when they get more for the family?,3. What are masculine and feminine?,Wives Are Bread Winners,Wives Are Bread Winners,Who will do the following things, man or woman? Could you think of similar ones as many as possible about the different personality of man and woman?,Pay $200 for a $100 item needed.,Pay $100 for a $200 item arent needed.,Worries about the future until gets the other one,Never worries about the future until gets the other one,One who makes more money than the other can spend.,The one who has the last word in any argument.,The one who says Anything after that is the beginning of a new argument.,One who can find such a person.,To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him little.To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.,Man and Woman,A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesnt. A man marries a woman expecting that she wont change, and she does.,Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women arent looking, men kick cats.,A woman knows all about her children, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.,Possible characteristics of the ideal husband/wife: Ideal husband tall, handsome and strong 2) capable of supporting a family Ideal wife 1) beautiful and healthy 2) warm-hearted,Ideal Wife and Ideal Husband,Directions: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.,1) From your point of view, what are the characteristics of the ideal wife and the ideal husband?,2) Would the ideal wife and the ideal husband have been different in your parents generation and in your grandparents generation? If so, how?,Man and Woman,This is an unusual but interesting custom in Thailand. Watch the video and listen carefully, then try your best to retell the information you get about the custom in your own words.,Work in pairs to answer the following questions.,A man should be masculine. He should be strong and responsible enough to protect women, children and the old in a family and in the society. He cares more about his career and success than his looks. However, a woman should be feminine, tender, considerate and smart. She should spend more time on household affairs, on children and the old at home.,Whats the typical image of a man / woman in traditional mold?,Sample,Yes. There is a culture bias in education that favors boys over girls. Sometimes teachers unknowingly prevented girls from participating as actively as boys in class by assigning them different tasks. For example, In a science class, the teacher had the little boys perform the scientific experiment while the girls were given the task of putting the materials away.,Is there any gender-bias in education? If so, whats the situation? Can you give an example to illustrate it?,Sample,This may deprive girls of the chance of hands-on work, a vital learning experience that would affect their entire lives. (Another example is that the typical American teachers assume that boys will do better in math and science subjects while girls have better verbal and reading s


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