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大学英语全新版综合教程ppt课件 Book3

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大学英语全新版综合教程ppt课件 Book3

Unit 1,Changes in the Way We Live,Preparations,1.what do you think of the title? Why people want to change their ways they live? 2.what are your life style?,Text A,Questions 1)why do so many migrant workers move from the country to the city? 2)why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside? 3)In your opinion, which is better, living in the country or city?,Words,1.frustrate: discourage使灰心 eg: The lack of money frustrated him to prevent sb.s plans efforts or attempts from succeeding挫败,2.content adj( not before noun): happy and satisfied eg: He is quite content with his life. be content to do v: to make sb. fell happy and satisfied content yourself with sth (to do or have sth that is not what you really wanted, but its still satisfactory),n:1) a feeling of quite happiness and satisfaction do sth to your hearts content (to do sth as much as you want) eg: 在暑假,孩子们可以允许尽情的玩耍 2) contents: the things that are inside a box,bag,room or are written in a letter, book etc.容器所装的东西,目录 3) the amount of a substance that is contained in sth or the ideas ,facts, opinions that are contained in a speech or a piece of writing,3. haul: vt:1)transport,as with a truck, cart, etc 2)to pull sth. heavy with a continuous, steady movement eg: to haul the logs along to haul up the fishing nets n: a large amount of goods that has been stolen, or found by the police eg: The robbers haul included a very valuable diamond ring.,4.due: adj 1)be due: to be expected to happen or arrive at a particular time eg: When is your baby due? be due to do sth. eg: The meeting isnt due to start until three. be due for sth.( expect to get sth.) eg: Im due for a pay rise soon. 2)due to: because of eg: The companys problems are due to a mixture of bad luck and poor management. 3)in due course: at some time in the future when it is the right time, but not before eg: 委员会会在适当的时候考虑你的申请的.,5. Improvement: an act of improving or a state of being improved eg: We need to carry out some improvements to the computer system. cf: improve(ment) on / improve(ment) in improve(ment) on:如把两件事作比较,而后发生的比早发生的好 eg: Todays weather is an improment on yesterdays. improve(ment) in:指某方面好转或改善 eg: There has been an improvement in the weather. Your luck improves with the improvement of yourself.,6. supplement: v: to add sth., especially to what you earn or eat , in order to increase it to an acceptable level supplement by/ with n: sth. that you add to sth. else to improve it or make it complete an additional part at the end of a book, or a separate part of a newspaper, magazine 增刊 eg: the supplement to (of) the book,7.spray v: to make a stream of small drops of liquid come out of a small tube or several small holes spray sb. with sth. spray sth. on/ over sth. eg:她把香水喷在身上. n: liquid which is forced out of a special container in a very small drops eg: hair spray( spray which you put on you hair to keep it tidy) insect spray(spray used for killing insects),8.stack: n:a neat pile of things one on top of the other +ofeg: a stack of dishes v:to form a neat pile or make things into a neat pile eg: Stack the firewood in the back yard. be stacked with eg: 地上堆满了盒子.,9.swamp: v: to suddenly cover sth. with a lot of water, especially in a way that causes damage ( usually passive)to suddenly give sb. a lot of work, problems etc to deal with swamp sb with sth eg:Were swamped with telephone calls. n: land that is always very wet or slightly covered with water eg:要走出这片沼泽地是非常困难的.,10.crawl: v:to move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground crawl along /across to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority, especially because you want them to help you crawl to sb make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl, you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl. n:a very slow speed,11.illustrate: to make the meaning of sth clearer by giving examples eg: Let me use another example to illustrate this difficult point. cf: explain / interpret / illustrate illustrate:绘图或是举例说明 explain/ interpret:一般的解释,说明,但是后者较正式,因此其宾语往往是法律(law),条约中的条文或行文(article, wording)等,12.digest: v: to change food that you have just eaten into substances that your body can use eg: Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily. to understand new information, especially when there is a lot of it or it is difficult to understand eg:I struggled to digest the news. n:a short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report etc,13.boundary: cf:boundary /border /frontier boundary:着重指山脉,河流等形成的天然“边界线”,多指在地图上的领土分界线 eg:mark the boundaries of border:指“边境地带”范围较广的地区 frontier:其和border都可以用来指国于国之间的边界,边境,但是其指就某一国单方面提及的边界边境,而且意味着设防的边界,需要护照,签证,海关等各项检查 eg:Chinas Mongolian frontier,14.insurance: insurance adjuster:someone who is employed by an insurance company


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