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大学英语 专科 Unit 7-Section A课件

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大学英语 专科 Unit 7-Section A课件

Section A Cyber-stepmother,Contents,Text A,Main Idea match; be consistent (with) or equivalent (to) 相当;相类似 e.g. His sports clothes dont correspond with his shy behavior. 他的运动服跟他腼腆的举止不相称。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,correspond,2. 这些国家的经济衰退导致了其政治的相应衰败。,The political weakness of these countries corresponded to their economic weakness.,1. 尽管家长禁止,但男孩和女孩仍经常通信。,The boy and girl corresponded regularly, although their parents had commanded them not to do so.,New Words,Expressions,Exercises,correspond with 与通信,国内的研究机构相互之间通信,交流在这个学科上的最新信息。,e.g. Mr. Brown said he had corresponded with Dr. Smith and asked for his opinion on the treatment of the little boy. 布朗先生说他已经跟史密斯医生通过信,征求了他对这个小男孩治疗 的意见。,Expressions,Research institutes in our country correspond with each other to exchange the latest information on this subject.,Exercises,basis n. 基础;根据,e.g. Nothing can shake the basis for my belief. 没有什么能动摇我信念的基础。,他们友谊的基础是都对体育感兴趣。,The basis of their friendship was a common interest in sports.,New Words,Expressions,Exercises,on a daily basis 每天,你得每天练习才能掌握这项新技能。,e.g. The rent will be charged on a daily basis. 租金将按天计算。,Expressions,You have to practice this new skill on a daily basis in order to master it.,Exercises,forth adv. 向前方,e.g. They went forth into the desert. 他们向前走进了沙漠。,介绍后,发言人走上前开始讲话。,After having been introduced, the speaker stepped forth and began to talk.,New Words,identify v. 【1】 prove or show the identity of 认出;鉴定 e.g. No one can identify him; he does not seem to come from here. 没人认识他,他好像不是本地人。 【2】 cause or consider (someone) to be connected with 把和联系起来;把和等同起来 e.g. Many people identify wealth with happiness. 许多人认为有钱就是幸福。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,identify,2. 许多足球球迷被认为有暴力行为。,Many football fans are identified with violent behavior.,1. 警察已经着手调查此事,但目前尚无法查明原因。,The police have looked into the matter and have so far failed to identify the cause.,New Words,guilty adj. 【1】 having or showing a feeling of guilt or shame 内疚的 e.g. She felt guilty, so she told the police about what she had done. 她感到内疚,因此她将自己所做的一切都告诉了警察。 【2】 having broken a law or disobeyed a rule 有罪的 e.g. The man was found guilty and was put into prison. 那个人被认定有罪,并被送入监狱。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,guilty,2. 他被认定犯有向外国提供秘密文件的罪行。,He was found guilty of passing on secret papers to a foreign power.,1. 如果你为错误感到内疚,那道歉不就完了?,If you feel guilty about the mistake, why dont you just apologize?,New Words,respond v. 【1】 say or write (something) in reply 回答 e.g. When I asked the child if he liked the school or not, he did not respond. 我问孩子他喜欢不喜欢学校,他没有回答。 【2】 do something in answer; react 响应;有反应 e.g. My cold wont respond to treatment. 治疗对我的感冒不起作用。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,respond,2. 液体对温度的变化有反应。,Liquids respond to changes in temperature.,1. 那位老师鼓励学生回答问题,哪怕答错也没关系。,The teacher encourages the students to respond to her questions even with wrong answers.,New Words,Exercises,accustomed adj. 习惯于的;惯常的,e.g. Try to get yourself accustomed to the new environment as soon as possible. 你要尽快适应新的环境。,我的眼睛已适应了黑暗,因此我能看清10 码开外东西的轮廓。,My eyes had become accustomed to the darkness, so I could pick out shapes about ten yards away.,New Words,Expressions,Exercises,grow/be/become accustomed to 习惯于,这证明适应人工喂养的驯化动物一旦离开人便无法生存。,e.g. As his eyes grew accustomed to the light he could see that the room was full of people. 待眼睛适应光线后,他看见屋子里全是人。,Expressions,It proves that a domesticated animal, accustomed to being fed by hand, cannot live without man.,at least 无论如何,反正;至少;起码,e.g. There was no further doubt, at least on his part, as to what was to be done. 对于该做什么,反正他是一清二楚的。 e.g. He cant be only 20; he must be at least in his early thirties. 他不可能只有20 岁,他至少三十出头。 e.g. Youre luckier than I because at least you have a good job. 你比我幸运多了,因为你好歹还有个好工作。,Expressions,Exercises,Exercises,at least,2. 家家都应备有至少3 种解毒的物质。,All homes should have at least three substances to deal with poisoning.,1. 如今人们走进医生的诊疗室都希望得到检查。无论如何要量量体温吧。,People today expect to be examined when they enter a doctors office. At least they expect their temperature to be measured.,3. 他是个比较迟钝的学生,但是起码他能按时交作业。,He is a slow student, but at least he manages to hand in his homework on time.,Expressions,Exercises,Using the Right Word,Working with Expressions,Focusing on Sentence Structure,Translating,Using Topic-related Terms,Basic Writing Skills,1. “Problem student” is a term we _ to a student who always makes trouble in school. 2. You must let the kids know: one will come across many difficulties in ones life and a life free from all worry just doesnt _. 3. In order to find them easily, we should make a careful _ of the books in the library. 4. When Tim and his old classmates meet, they will always _ about the good old days at school.,respond exist necessarily gap arrangement chat accustomed attach guilty combine,attach,exist,chat,arrangement,Fill in the blanks with the words given below, ch


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