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大学核心商务英语口译教程各单元答案详解Unit 课件

,第六单元参考答案,第四部分 技巧练习,第五部分 练习段落拓展,第六部分 段落实战与演练,第三部分 课文详解,课文详解,1. 谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。还有比这更好的事吗世界上最好的大学之一在纽约扬基队主场所在地举行毕业典礼?真是再好不过了。(掌声) 谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。我原以为在扬基体育场不可以这样做。,2. 能够获得这个学位,我感到十分荣幸。我代表获得此一荣誉的其他人向你们表示感谢。谢谢你们给予我们参加这次毕业典礼的殊荣。当我看到眼前这一大群毕业生及其亲朋好友时,我不禁想到,你们是在一个不同寻常的历史时刻获得学位,我们的国家和整个世界比以往更需要你们的才智和精力、你们的激情和承诺。,3.毫无疑问,你们已经为投入这样的世界作好了充分的准备:这个世界似乎前景不很明朗,但将赞赏你们不仅为了你们自己和家人而且为了你们的社区和国家所接受的教育。作为国务卿,我十分清楚我们面临的各项挑战。作为新的毕业生,你们和你们这一代人将面对这样的挑战:气候变化和饥饿、赤贫和极端主义的意识形态、新的疾病和核扩散。,4.但我深信,你们和我们能够胜任这样的任务。我们在美国和整个世界所面临的各种问题,都能够通过人们的努力、合作和积极的相互依赖得到解决,而这种相互依赖表明,人类社会正在继续前进。挑战将激发我们最好的一面,我们将把明天的世界变得比今天更加美好。(掌声),5. 我知道,在毕业典礼上作理想化的演说是当前的时尚,我的讲话听起来也许很理想化,但我的信念深处有一种强烈的现实感。因为你们知道,我认为我们别无选择。我们可以袖手旁观,我们可以束手无策,我们可以采取悲观怀疑的态度,但我们知道这样做会产生什么样的结果:我们会把阵地拱手让给那些其意识形态为世界上所有有良知和信仰者所不齿的人。,6. 因此,我们之间积极的相互依赖 这是一个事实将使我们为应对这些挑战做好准备。但这不能再被仅仅视作政府与政府之间的事情。随着新技术的不断涌现,我们有时间和机会成为公民外交家、公民活动家,通过辛勤工作、耐心和毅力一个一个地解决问题,逐步积累成我们所寻求的解决方案。,将下列段落翻译成英语(共十题),1. 第一段-1: In 2006, Chinese and Australian leaders reached agreement on building a comprehensive and cooperative relationship for win-win progress in the 21st century. In 2009, the two countries issued a joint statement, a formal document reaffirming the basic principles guiding the development of China-Australia relations and important agreement reached between the two sides.,1. 第一段-2: All these are testaments to the fact that Sino-Australian relations have matured and reach a new height, and that both sides have the wisdom and ability to keep bilateral relations moving forward in the right strategic direction.,1. 第二段-1: China and Australia have different national conditions. It is only normal that they do not see eye to eye with each other on some issues.,1. 第二段-2: What happened in the past 38 years has shown that although the international landscape and the domestic situation of China and Australia have changed significantly from the time when the two countries forged diplomatic ties, our common ground has expanded rather than diminished, our room and potential for cooperation increased rather than decreased, and our willingness to deepen bilateral exchanges strengthened rather than weakened.,1.第二段-3: I think it is fair to say that our relationship could only grow when we strive to broaden common ground, and could only grow healthily when we rise above differences. 来源:百度文库 ,2.第一段-1: In the last two years, the population of Internet users in China has grown rapidly. As the basic network facilities gradually improve, China increasingly expands the coverage of the Internet. By June 2010, China had registered a total of 440 million Internet users and the penetration of the Internet had risen to 33 percent.,2. 第一段-2: The broadband users in China had reached 363.81 million and 98.1 percent of the Internet users who surf the Internet on computers have access to broadband networks. The export of Internet bandwidth had reached nearly 1 000 gigabytes.,2. 第一段-3: About 115.08 million people in rural areas have access to Internet, accounting for 27.4 percent of the total Internet users. The time people spent online continues to increaseeach person spending 19.8 hours per week.,2.第二段-1: What deserves to be mentioned is that 277 million people surf the Internet on mobile phones, which accounts for 65.9 percent of the total Internet users and 33 percent of the total mobile phone users, and 11.7 percent of them only get access to mobile Internet.,2.第二段-2: People usually use mobile Internet to acquire information and communicate with others. Instant messaging service tops the usage of the mobile Internet, accounting for 61.5 percent, followed by mobile search, which accounts for 48.4 percent. 来源:普特英语网 ,3.第一段-1: The present world is witnessing major economic challenges, coupled with major structural changes or adjustments. The impact of the global economic crisis is still with us, while global challenges such as climate change, energy and resources, public health security have become increasingly prominent.,3.第一段-2: In addition, the present world is also witnessing international or regional hot issues here and there. 2010 is a very important year for the international efforts to combat financial crisis in promotion of early world economic recovery.,3.第二段-1: Collective efforts are essential, under the present new circumstances, if the above global problems are to be put behind us. No country can do it alone. To further advance the noble course of peace and development for humanity, intensified cooperation and coordinated actions are called for on the part of the international community.,3.第二段-2: The Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said during a recent press conference, “the cold-war mentality and zero-sum game theory have become anachronistic. And the right way to survive and thrive is stick together in tough times like passengers in the same boat and pursue mutual benefit and win-win progress”. 来源:http:/gd.china-embassy.org/eng/zyxw/t662561.htm,4.第一段-1: To speak of the innovative applications for Chinese portal sites


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