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五年级下册英语第一单元复习卷 姓名:_1、 重点词汇: take a test测验 play games玩游戏 get a haircut剪头发 see the doctor看医生 shop for clothes买衣服 have a party聚会 write a letter写信2、 重点句型:某人将要去做某事的固定句型: 询问:What + be + sb + going to do +时间。 例句:What is he going to do today?某人将要去做某事的固定句型: sb + be + going to + 事件+ 时间。例句:She is going to play games on Monday三、练一练。1、根据图片提示补全句子,每空一词。 1) Im going to _ _ _. 2)Is she going to _ _ _? No, shes going to _ _ _. 3)Were going to _ _ _.2、根据图片提示,仿写句子。 Model 1:Im going to sweep the floor.1._2._ Model 2 :Are you going to play basketball? No, Im going to watch TV. 3. _ 4. _ _3、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1) _(be) you going to _(play) play basketball? 2) Im _(write) a letter. 3) Tony is going to _(get) a haircut today. 4) Jenny _(take) a test yesterday. 5) My mother is going to _(shop) for clothes. 6) _(be) Peter going to _(see) the doctor?4、单项填空。( )1)_ you going to play football with your friends? A. Is B. Am C. Are( )2)_ are you going to do today?A. What B. Where C. Who( )3)Tony is going to _ games with his friends.A. take B. play C. playing( )4)My friends _ to go to the park.A. is going B. are going C. am going ( )5)Im going to _ a vacation.A. have B. has C. having( )6)My mother is going to _ for clothes.A. play B. take C. shop5、根据答句选问句。A. What are you going to do today?B. Are you going to play ping-pong with your friends?C. Is she going to play games?D. Is Peter going to get a haircut?E. Whats Jenny going to do? ( ) 1) Shes going to play the piano. ( ) 2) No, Im going to play football with my friends. ( ) 3) Yes, he is. ( ) 4) Im going to swim with my father. ( ) 5) No, shes going to shop for clothes. 五年级下册英语第二单元复习卷 3、 重点词汇: plan计划 by ship乘轮船 by plane坐飞机 by bus坐公交车 by train坐火车 stay in a hotel住在酒店里 go camping去野营 go sightseeing去观光旅游stay with my aunt and uncle住在叔叔阿姨家里 二、重点句型: (1)询问某人将要去哪里:(where)去哪里 Where + be + sb going? 例句:Where are you going ? (2)回答对方将要去某地方: sb + be + going to + 地方 例句: I am going to Beijing . (3)询问别人怎么去某地方:(how)问如何去 How + be + sb + going to + 地方 例句:How are you gong to Beijing ? (4)回答别人将要坐什么交通工具去某地。 sb + be + going to + 地方 + by + 交通工具(除了on foot之外) 例句:We are gong to Beijing by plane.三、练一练。 1、默写。1)观光旅游 2)住在酒店里 3)去野营 4)住在叔叔阿姨家里_ _ _ _5)坐火车 6)坐飞机 7)坐公交车 8)坐轮船 _ _ _ _2、根据中文提示,写出正确形式的单词。 1)Lets _ _ (去露营)next Sunday. 2)Lets _ (去观光旅游)tomorrow. 3)I am going to Tibet _ _(乘飞机)this weekend. 4)We _(将不)_ in a _(住在旅馆)in New York.3、单项选择。( )1)A:_ are you going to Guangzhou? B:By bus. A. Where B. How C. What( )2)I never go to school_ car. A. by B. take C. get( )3)A:Where are you going to stay? B:Im going to stay _ friends A. in B. for C. with( )4)A:_ Sammy ride her bike to school? B:No,she doesnt. A. Does B. Is C. Did( )5)A:What are you going to do this holiday? B:I am going to _. A. going sightseeing B. go to sightseeing C. go sightseeing4、连词成句。 1) going ,where ,you ,to, are, stay,(?) _ 2) to ,how, Guangzhou ,does, brother, your, get,(?) _ 3)stay, to ,hes ,his, grandpa ,with ,going,(.) _5、看图,完成句子。 1)-How do you usually go to school?-_. 2)-Is your father going to Beijing by plane?-_ 3)-What are you going to do tomorrow? -_ 4)-Where are you going to stay?


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