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1 Answer the following questions briefly based on the given pictures. 1) Lipstick is used to apply color to the lips. 2) Nail polish is applied to fingernails or toenails to decorate and / or protect the nails. 3) Eye shadow is applied to areas around the eyes, usually on the eyelids and under the eyebrows, to make the eyes stand out or look more attractive. 4) Mascara is used to enhance the eyes. It may help make the eyelashes darker, thicker and longer. 5) Eyeliner is used to draw lines around the eyes so as to create a more beautiful contour. 6) Powder foundation is used to tone the face and give it an even, uniform color. It can cover flaws, and some can also protect the face from damage caused by sunlight. Facial masks, sunscreen, facial cream, eye cream, etc. Reference: 1. ? Yes, I do use some of these products once in a while. For example, when I go to parties, I often apply lipstick and eyeliner. On such occasions, putting on some makeup gives me a good mood. ? No, I dont use any of them because Im a male and these products are all for women. However, I do apply sunscreen when I stay outdoors for a long time in summer. 2. ? Yes, they are generally used by women. What men usually do may be just shaving and having a haircut. ? No, I dont think only women use cosmetics. Although men in general do not use such products in daily life, it is possible that male actors and singers wear some makeup when they perform. 1. The sentence means that it is very difficult, or even impossible, for a man to give a right answer when a woman asks him how she looks, no matter how hard he thinks about it and how many different answers he tries. 2. Men are satisfied with being average-looking, paying little attention to their looks. In contrast, women pay great attention to their body and image, considering their appearance as not good enough even if they are in fact attractive. 3. The interaction of many psychological and societal factors, for example, their childhood experiences with toys, and the influence of the media. 4. Girls toys are proportioned to have extreme measures of the body (e.g. in terms of height, weight and waist size), whereas boys toys can look weird rather than handsome. 5. It implies that men pay little attention to the details of their appearance. 6. Cindy Crawford is mentioned as an example to show that the beauty industry and the media have great influence on womens devotion to physical beauty and the use of beauty products. 2 7. The author thinks that the claim is not right since men in fact pay little attention to the details of womens appearance. 8. Women think so because men do not even care about their own appearance. For instance, a man often does not bother to clean the cream in his hair or ears after shaving. 1. I think there are three main factors accounting for womens greater attention to appearance. The first are cultural traditions. It is common in many cultures that people put high value on beauty when they look at women. The second is the requirement of certain jobs. For example, in China airline companies set certain criteria for appearance (e.g. in terms of height and weight) when they recruit stewards and stewardesses. Finally, the influence of the media is another strong factor which shapes womens pursuit of physical beauty. There are a lot of advertisements of cosmetics and skincare products in various media such as TV, magazines and newspapers. They often have celebrities as the spokesperson for the advertised products, which makes women have an illusion that they could look as good as those famous stars if they use the products. In short, these three factors exert immense influence on how women value appearance. 2. ? Yes. On certain formal occasions, a person, either female or male, has to pay attention to his attire. Sample cases are job interviews, business meetings, weddings, and banquets. This is because to dress properly is an important element of successful completion of these events. ? No. People do not have to care what others think of them as long as they feel comfortable and satisfied with their looks themselves. After all, this is the most important source of happiness to people. 3. In my opinion, the important traits of human beauty include two types, one for appearance and one for inner qualities. Features that characterize a beautiful appearance are a good-looking body, proper clothes and accessories, as well as use of makeup that matches the occasion or event one is attending. Inner qualities that make a person beautiful mainly include good manners and positive personality traits such as honesty, bravery or friendliness. 4. ? Yes. Women should pay great attention to their appearance and hence need to wear makeup. This is because beauty is, believe it or not, usually an important quality for women to succeed, for example, when they want to look for a job or an ideal husband. ? No. What really makes a person beautiful is inner beauty rather than physical app


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