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课时作业12阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Do you like visiting museums? Here are some of the best museums in the world.The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is the largest and most famous museum for art and history in Holland. It has a large collection of paintings from the Dutch Golden Age, including works by Vermeer and Rembrandt. Until 2013, the museum is being completely restored, but the major great works are still on show.The Museum of Modern Art in New York City is often considered the most influential museum of modern art in the world. It has the best collections of modern art works worldwide, including Monets Water Lilies, Picassos Les Demoiselles dAvignon and Van Goghs Starry Night. Besides the artworks, one of the main attractions of the museum is the building itself.Founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great, the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia is a large museum of art and culture. It shows a collection of over 3 million items throughout the world. Being a popular tourist attraction, the Hermitage is truly one of the best museums in the world. It displays priceless works by Rembrandt, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Reubens and more.Built in 1753, the British Museum in London is a museum of human history and culture. Its collections, which include more than seven million objects, are among the largest in the world. Objects include the Rosetta Stone and the largest collection of mummies outside Egypt. Its one of the top destinations in London.Home to at least 120,000 items of ancient Egyptian antiquities(古迹), the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is one of the worlds best museums. There are two main floors, the ground floor and the first floor. On the ground floor there is a collection of coins used by the ancient Egyptians. On the first floor there are artifacts from the final two dynasties of Ancient Egypt and also many artifacts taken from the Valley of the Kings.作者向我们介绍了一些世界上最好的博物馆。1If you want to see Van Goghs works in the most influential museum of modern art in the world, you should go to_.ALondonBNew York CityCAmsterdamDSaint Petersburg解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“The Museum of Modern Art in New York City is often considered the most influential museum of modern art in the world.”以及“Van Goghs Starry Night”可知应选B。答案:B2What do we know about the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia?AIt was built by Catherine the Great in the 17th century.BThe items displayed in the museum are all worthless.CIt displays a collection of over 3 million items from Russia.DWorks of Da Vinci and Reubens can be seen there.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的最后一句“It displays priceless works by Rembrandt, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Reubens and more.”可知应选D。答案:D3We learn that the Egyptian Museum in Cairo _. Ais much larger than the others mentionedBhas more items than the others mentionedCis one of the top destinations in the worldDmainly displays ancient Egyptian antiquities解析:推理判断题。根据末段可知这家博物馆展示的是埃及本国的东西,故选D。答案:D4Whats the writers purpose in writing the passage?ATo show that he or she really likes visiting museums.BTo explain how the museums above were built.CTo introduce some of the best museums in the world.DTo encourage us to learn something about visiting museums.解析:目的意图题。根据文章内容可知作者主要向我们介绍了一些世界上最有名的博物馆,故选C。答案:C阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you want to be happy, you must take responsibility and stop expecting things or people to make you happy.You are the source of your own happiness, so stop looking elsewhere._1_Here are a few ways for you to follow:Be thankful to others._2_It is too easy to take those around us for granted. Show them the same consideration you would like shown to you._3_This goes beyond(超过) politeness; it is a form of giving. Treat everyone you meet as if they have a big sign on their chest saying “Make me feel important.” If you do this you will discover a hidden source of joy.Perform acts of kindness. Dont wait to be asked._4_It doesnt need to be a big thing, hold the door for a stranger, or smile at anyone you make eye contact with. Look for chances to make others feel good.Make a decision to be happy. This is the most important step on the road to a happy life._5_You are the key to your own happiness, so go ahead, unlock it once and for all.ARespect other people.BBe polite to other people.CInstead of looking for happiness, start creating it.DYou can change your feelings by acting the way you want to feel.EIf you see a chance to do something nice for someone else, do it!FSimply make up your mind to be the happiest person you know, and you will be.GBe grateful to the people in your life, and practise saying thank you for any politeness they show you.本文讲述了你是自己快乐的源泉,只要下定决心你就能成为最幸福的人。1C解析:根据前句“You are the source of your own happiness, so stop looking elsewhere.”可知,你是自己快乐的源泉,不要再去别处寻找,故此处指要开始创造幸福,而不是去寻找幸福。looking for是信息词,故选C。2G解析:根据第二段第一句“Be thankful to others.”


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