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专科英语一山东大学网络教育考试模拟题及答案 .

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专科英语一山东大学网络教育考试模拟题及答案 .

(英语一)I. Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following words. (B)1. observe: A. 5RbzvB. b5z:v (A)2. employ: A. im5plRiB. 5emplRi (B) 3. various: A. vZ5risB. 5vZris(A)4. operate: A. 5RpreitB. Rp5reit(B)5. splendid:A. splen5didB. 5splendidII. Mark the stress for each of the following words. (B)6. amountA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节 (A)7. practiceA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节 (A)8. instrumentA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节 (B)9. umbrellaA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节 (B)10. politicalA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节 C. 第三个音节 D. 第四个音节 (B)11. What have you seen?A. 一般疑问句升调 B. 特殊疑问句降调 (A)12. Did he go there on foot or by bike?A. 选择疑问句升、降调 B. 一般疑问句升调 (B)13. Why didnt you go?A. 一般疑问句升调 B. 特殊疑问句降调 (B)14. You dont have to come tomorrow, A. dont you?升调 B. do you?升调 (B)15. What lovely weatherit is!. 祈使句降调 B. 感叹句降调IV. Fill in each of the following blanks with a word in its proper form. 16. _Whether_ we beat them _or_ they beat us, the match will be enjoyable.17. Dew is formed _where_ the grass is thick.18. She listened attentively _lest_ she should fail to follow the speaker.19. This car, _which_ I paid a lot of money, is now out of date.20. There werent any movie theaters in the town _where_ I spent my last summer.21. A mans knowledge consists only of two parts: that _which_ comes from direct experience and that _which_ comes from indirect experience.22. When _in_ trouble, they always look _to_ him _for_ help.23. We must be very sorry _for_ what has happened.24. He missed the train _by_ 10 minutes.25. Products made _by_ machines are generally cheaper than those made _by_ hand.26. Some people do not believe _in_ teaching formal grammar.27. Last night I came back late _for_ the meeting.28. She lives _in_ 4401 Part Street.29. Its eight oclock now. You _should_ be doing your lessons. You _shouldnt_ (not) be V. Each o (B)30. “What is that building?” “_ the garden equipment is stored.”A. Theres in which B. Thats where C. The building that D. Thats the building which(C)31. It wasnt such a good dinner _ she had promised us.A. that B. which C. as D. what(D)32. _ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A. In case of B. In spite of C. Because of D. But for (A)33. _, I will learn it well.A. However difficult English is B. No matter how difficult is EnglishC. However English is difficult D. No matter how English is difficult(C)34. While reading the newspaper, _.A. a colorful advertisement caught my eyesB. my attention was attracted by an advertisementC. I was attracted by a colorful advertisementD. what attracted me was a colorful advertisement(C)35. The meat is not ready _ and it _ has to be cooled for another five minutes.A. stillyet B. yetalready C. yetstill D. alreadystill(A)36. Frank things quickly and with ease. He didnt have to sit up late the A. learnedstudying B. studiedlearning C. studieslearning D. learnedstudied(B)37. The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it _ on the way.A. goes wrong B. should go wrong C. went wrong D. would go wrong(B)38. Doesnt he have any sympathy _ the crippled boy?A. at B. for C. in D. of(B)39. John met an old classmate of his _ his way home.A. at B. on C. in D. by(A)40. Mr. Li _ the composition once a week last term.A. had us do B. had us done C. had us to do D. had us do(B)41. _ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.A. Dissatisfying thoroughly B. Being thoroughly dissatisfiedC. To dissatisfy thoroughly D. To be dissatisfied thoroughly(A)42. He is the man _ I supposed was capable of doing such a thing. A. who B. to whom C. of them D. whomVI. There are four parts underlined in each of the following sentences. Identify the one that (D)(1) The teachers lecture on the history was three hours long and Henry felt very boring. A B C D(C)(2) Mr. Brown often wore a heavy coat because he was not used to live in such a cold climate. A B C D(C)(3) Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before A B C(C) (4) The reason that he has been such a success is because he never gives up. A B C DVII. Fill in the blanks with the word in the brackets in its proper form.(1) I think Ill stop working soon. I have been tired (tire).


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