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学 海 无 涯,1,government is making out a plan to solve the education problems. 85,(二) Nowadays, almost every family has TV set, and almost everyone likes watching TV. TV has become part of our lives. TV has many advantages, for example, it informs us the latest news which is happening in the world; it can open our eyes, enlarge our knowledge and also help us to see more about the worldBut, it also has some disadvantages. People waste too much time in watching TV and his normal life and work are affectedTo the children who they spend too much time in watching TV, it can do harmful to their sight and healthy. So we should control the time of watching TV.,76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85,76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.,(三) A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took part in a college course in French. Since I have learned to say German well in Germany, I thought it might be interested to begin studying another language. At the first class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise in it he would say a word or two in French, and each student would do their best to copy. When he got to me, he kept having me to say more words, and I finally asked him why. I find it great fun, she explained it. In 25 years of teaching at school, its the first time Ive heard an American speak French with a German accent.,(四) The Huaihe River has been serious polluted. Day and night millions of tons of waste water is being poured down to it from hundreds of factories. The waste water is harmful. At present there is no fish in it. The river water cannot be drunk. People in either bank have to dig wells to take drinking water. The Huaihe,76. 77. 78. 79. 80.,学 海 无 涯,81. 82. 83. 84. 85.,River is such dirty and poisonous that people dont dare swim in it. Something must be done to stopping the pollution. The government and the people near the river must try to clear water as soon as possible. Now special attention has paid to the pollution by the government and more scientists. The pollution will be prevented in the near future.,76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.,2,Dear Abby, How are you? Today Ive got a wonderful news to tell you. I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However, my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They cant imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study in the capital instead. Then Ill be able to continue living with them. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up? Best wishes, Jane,(一) 76. hopedhope 77. inwith 78. doare have 前加 to 去掉第二个 to 81.81. his their already 前加have lesson 前加 a makingcarrying (二) has 后加 a liveslife us 后加 of whichthat 81. ButHowever histheir 去掉 they harmfulharm 85. healthyhealth (三) 76. returning 后加 to 7,学 海 无 涯 7. havehad sayspeak interestedinteresting 80. itwhich theirhis 去掉 to shehe 去掉 it (四) seriousseriously tointo 78. inon takeget suchso stoppingstop water 前加 the paid 前加been 去掉 more (五) 去掉 a have 后加 been examexams waswere strongstrongly tooso 去掉 of liveliving 84. 85. fact 后加 that,3,


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