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. . . 教 案2013 2014 学年第 一 学期课程名称: 公共英语I 课程类别: 所属系部: 公共教学部 任课教师: 职 称: 授课班级: 使用教材: 新编实用英语I 二 年 月章节或项目名称Unit 1- Section 1 Talking face to face - Section 2 Being all ears授课类型授课进度班级地点周次星期节次理论 实验 实训 其它 符合 超前 滞后 停补 建筑1321教B205第6周五5-6装饰1321教B207第6周五7-8教学目标(知识目标/能力目标)1. Greeting people and giving responses;2. Saying good-bye to people;3. Exchanging personal information;4. Introducing people to each other.重点与难点1. Greeting people and giving responses: first meeting and meeting again;2. Communicating personal information;3. Introducing people to each other;4. Key words and expressions.教学方法与手段Teaching and role play教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第一节1. New words and expressions 2. Talking face to face 3. Practice the dialogues 10min20min10min第二节Being All EarsReview 35min5min教学小结Students have learned how to greet people and give responses, and exchange personal informations作业布置1. Make up dialogues for greeting and introducing people referring to the dialogues in the Workbook.2. Do the Put-in-use exercises.3. Preview Passage I and the exercises.章节或项目名称Unit 1- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp Eye Passage I授课类型授课进度班级地点周次星期节次理论 实验 实训 其它 符合 超前 滞后 停补 建筑1321教B205第7周一7-8装饰1321教B207第7周一5-6教学目标(知识目标/能力目标)5. How American and British people greet each other;6. Key words and expressions. 重点与难点5. How American and British people greet each other;6. Key words and expressions;7. Translate the Chinese sentences into English.教学方法与手段Teaching and role play教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第一节1. Review the useful expressions about how to greet people and give responses; 2. The way Americans greet;3. Useful words and expressions.5min20min15min第二节1. Reading of the passage;2. Do and explain the exercises.3. Review10min25min5 min教学小结Students have learned the way how American and British people greet each other.作业布置4. Learn by heart of Passage I;5. Preview Passage II and the exercises.章节或项目名称Unit 1- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp Eye Passage II授课类型授课进度班级地点周次星期节次理论 实验 实训 其它 符合 超前 滞后 停补 建筑1321教B205第7周五5-6装饰1321教B207第7周五7-8教学目标(知识目标/能力目标)7. Self-introduction;8. Description of a persons appearance;9. Key words and expressions.重点与难点8. Key words and expressions.9. Description of a persons appearance;10. Self-introduction.教学方法与手段Teaching and practicing教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第一节1. Review useful words and expressions; 2. A little about me;3. Useful words and expressions. 10min20min10min第二节1. Read aloud of the passage;2. Do and explain the exercises;3. Rewrite the story in the third person;4. Review 5min20min10min5min教学小结Students have learned how to introduce themselves and depict a persons appearance.作业布置6. Review what we have learned;7. Preview and do the exercises in Trying your hand and Grammar.章节或项目名称Unit 1- Section 4 Trying your hand and grammar 授课类型授课进度班级地点周次星期节次理论 实验 实训 其它 符合 超前 滞后 停补 建筑1321教B205第8周一7-8装饰1321教B207第8周一5-6教学目标(知识目标/能力目标)1. Writing a business card;2. Basic sentence structure;重点与难点1. Writing a business card;2. Basic sentence structure;教学方法与手段Teaching and practicing教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第一节1. Review the useful expressions about how to introduce oneselves and depict a persons appearance; 2. Translate business cards; 3. Ask students to write a business card of themselves.10min15min15min第二节1. Sentence writing and grammar review;2. Do and explain the exercises;3. Review. 20min15min5min教学小结1. Students have learned how to write a business card ;2. Basic sentence structure.作业布置1. Review what we have learned;2. Remember the new words and impressions;3. Do the exercises in the workbook;4. Preview Unit 2.章节或项目名称Unit 2- Section 1 Talking face to face - Section 2 Being all ears授课类型授课进度班级地点周次星期节次理论 实验 实训 其它 符合 超前 滞后 停补 建筑1321教B205第8周五5-6装饰1321教B207第8周五7-8教学目标(知识目标/能力目标)1. Expressing pleasure and thanks on receiving a gift;2. Congratulating and responding;3. Expressing regrets and asking for forgiveness;重点与难点1. Congratulating and responding;2. Expressing regrets and asking for forgiveness;3.


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