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【题型:简答】【分数:4 分】 得分:4 分4 分 11 What are the characteristics of Byrons works? 答:答: Although many of Byrons works are debated by the critics, he is still one of the influential figures in the history of English literature. In most of his works, we can see Byrons violent attack on Cant politics, religion and morals, his novelty of the oriental scenery, the romantic character of Byronically hero and the easy, fluent and natural beauty of his verse. Byrons diction, though unequal and frequently faulty, has on a whole a freedom, copiousness and vigor. His descriptions are simple and fresh, and often bring vivid objects before the reader. The glowing imagination of the poet r 答案:答案:they are violentattack on politics, religion and morals. They describe the novelty of oriental scenery and shows the easy, fluent and natural beauty of his verse. they are violentattack on politics, religion and morals. They describe the novelty of oriental scenery and shows the easy, fluent and natural beauty of his verse. 【题型:简答】【分数:4 分】 得分:4 分4 分 22 Briefly state Mark Twain s magic power with language in his novels. 答:答: A.Setting: In the novel Mark Twain recreates a small-town world of America and presents the local color. B.Language: He uses simple, direct language faithful to the colloquial speech, the vernacular language of the local people C.Character: The author recreates two rebels and fugitives running away from civilization, especially Huckleberry Finn, an innocent boy who refuses to accept the conventional village morality D.Theme: The novel is a criticism of social injustice, hypocrisy, conservativeness and narrow-mindedness of the American small town society E.Style: The novel employs a humorous 答 案: 答 案: His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect, and his sentence structures are simple, even ungrammatical spoken language; His characters speak with a strong accent, which is true of his local colorism;Different characters from different literary or cultural backgrounds talk differently. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect, and his sentence structures are simple, even ungrammatical spoken language; His characters speak with a strong accent, which is true of his local colorism;Different characters from different literary or cultural backgrounds talk differently. 【题型:简答】【分数:4 分】 得分:0 分0 分 33 What are the main features of Robert Brownings poetry? 答:答: Robert Brownings poems are known for their irony, characterization, dark humor, social commentary, historical settings, and challenging vocabulary and syntax. 答案:答案: He uses dramatic monologue, fast, rough and unmusical rhythm. His works include clipped and compressed syntax, similes and illustrations,non-poetic jarring diction. He uses dramatic monologue, fast, rough and unmusical rhythm. His works include clipped and compressed syntax, similes and illustrations,non-poetic jarring diction. 【题型:简答】【分数:4 分】 得分:1 分1 分 44 What are the Wessex novels of Thomas Hardy? 答:答: Thomas Hardy is one of the most excellent realistic novelist and poet in the 19(th) century. His novels are famous for the description of his hometown Wessexa city in England, and therefore are called by the name Wessex Novels,which are also named as Novels of Character and Environment by Hardy himself. These novels describe the unexpected and huge changes in fields of society, economy, politics, ethics, and customs in England after the invasion of Capitalism, and the miserable fate of the broken farmers, and discover the potential crisis of the society in England which is under the mask o 答案:答案: They are the fictional and crude rural region in Wessex andHardys homeplace. They are the fictional and crude rural region in Wessex andHardys homeplace. 【题型:简答】【分数:4 分】 得分:2 分2 分 55 Comment on the characteristics of Romantic writers in English history. 答:答: It is a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, extols the faculty of imagination and nature 答案:答案: It is a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, extols the faculty of imagination and nature. It is a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, extols the faculty of imagination and nature. 【题型:简答】【分数:4 分】 得分:4 分4 分 66 The white whale, Moby Dick is endowed with symbolic meaning. What do you think it symbolizes? 答:答: To Ahab, the whale is an evil creature or the agent of an evil force that controls the universe.To Ishmael, the whale is an astonishing force, an immense power, which defies rational explanation due to a sense of mystery it carries. It is beautiful, but malignant at the same time. To the reader, it may be regarded as a symbol of nature or an instrument of Gods vengeance upon evil man 答案:答案:To Ahab, the whale is an evil creature or the agent of an evil force that controls the universe. To Ahab, the whale is an evil creature or the agent of an evil force that controls the universe. To Ishmael, the whale is an astonishing force, an immense power, which defies rational explanation due to a


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