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八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版

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八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B课件 (新版)仁爱版

Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 1 You should see a dentist.,Section B,Whats wrong with him?,Ask and answer,He has a cold.,He should drink more water.,Whats wrong with her?,Ask and answer,She has a toothache.,She shouldnt eat too much chocolate.,Whats wrong with him?,Ask and answer,He has a fever.,He had better see a doctor.,最好做某事,Whats the matter with him?,Ask and answer,He has a stomachache.,He _ drink cold water.,最好不要做某事,had better not,Whats the matter with her?,Ask and answer,She has a backache.,She _ lift heavy things.,had better not,Pair work,For example:A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have a headache. /.A: You should/shouldnt/ had better/had better not .,话题导学:(学习目标) 1、词汇:hey, feel, terrible, flu, medicine, sore, day and night, lie down,candy,brush 2、学习情态动词should 和shouldnt以及had better和 had better not 表示劝告和建议的用法。 3、能够向别人表述自己的病情并学会给别人提建议,在实际生活中学会运用。,预习导纲: I、单词互译与记忆 1.感觉_ 2.糟糕的_3.流感_ 4.药_ 5. 疼痛的_ 6.糖果_ 7.刷_ 8.牙齿_(复)_ II、在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译 1. 看起来气色不好_2. 患流感_ 3. 吃些药_ 4.休息_ 5. 日日夜夜_6.想要吃_ 7.躺下_ 8.一天两次_ 9.太多_ III、句子理解与熟读 1) Whats the matter? 2) Im feeling terrible. 3) How long have you been like this? 4) Youd better take some medicine. 5) I cough day and night. 6) Why dont you have a good rest?,课堂导练: I、根据首字母提示和句意提示填空。 1. Whats the m_ with you? 2. You should take some m_ and have a good rest. 3. We should b_ our teeth twice a day. 4. Jim doesnt look well. He feels t_. 5. Xiao Ling likes reading in the sun for a long time, so he often has s eyes. 6. You have a high f . You should see the doctor. II. 单项选择。 ( ) 1. It cold outside. Youd better _ your coat. A. put onB. to put onC. take offD.to take off ( ) 2. Mom ,I have a sore throat . _. A. Youd better eat hot food . B. Youd better not eat hot food C. Youd better to not eat hot food,1. Whats wrong with Bruce? He has _. A. a toothache B. a fever C. a headache and a cough 2. Whats Steves suggestion? A. Seeing a doctor. B. Taking some medicine. C. Going home and rest.,1b,Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.,Watch the flash and mark T(True) or F (False).,Steve looks well. ( ) Bruce has been ill for two days. ( ) Steve will take Bruce to the hospital. ( ) Bruce will take some medicine. ( ),T,F,T,T,Number the sentences to make up a conversation similar to 1a.(注意划线部分),How are you feeling, Nick? I have a terrible cold. I cough day and night. Not so well. I dont feel like eating. OK. Thank you. Im so sorry to hear that. Why dont you have a good rest? Youd better not go to school today. Whats wrong?,1,4,2,6,5,3,Practice,2,I have a toothache.,Pair work,Make conversations after the example.,Example:,Whats wrong/the matter with you?,3,You shouldnt eat too much candy. / You should brush your teeth twice a day.,New words and phrases can be learnt better if you make your own meaningful sentences with them.,Find the right advice.,I have a sore throat. 1. You should eat hot food. 2. Youd better drink cold water. 3. Youd better drink hot tea with honey.,Practice,I have a toothache. 1. Youd better work too long. 2. Youd better see a dentist. 3. You should drink lots of boiled water.,Find the right advice.,Practice,I have the flu. 1. Youd better not drink boiled water. 2. Youd better see a dentist. 3. You should lie down and rest.,Find the right advice.,Practice,He has a fever. 1. Hed better drink lots of boiled water. 2. Hed better see a dentist. 3. He should not drink lots of boiled water.,Find the right advice.,Practice,She has sore eyes. 1. Shed better eat hot food. 2. She should not work on the Internet so long. 3. She should drink lots of cold water.,Find the right advice.,Practice,4a,Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the difference between /i:/ and /eI/.,/ i:/- /eI/,fever-favor,feel-fail,see-say,week-wake,4b,Listen to the conversation, paying attention to the weak form and incomplete plosion. Read after the tape and imitate, then use the phrases in 3 to practice.,A: Whats wrong with you? B: I have a fever. A: How long have you been like this? B: Abou(t) two days. A: You(d) better lie down an(d) have a rest.,You _ brush your teeth twice a day.,You shouldnt eat so much candy.,I have _.,Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.,should/had better,a toothache,Exercises,I have a fever.,You _ stay in bed and have a good rest.,You _ drink lots of boiled water.,should/had better,should/had better,I have sore eyes.,You _ work on the Internet so long.,You _ take good care of your eyes.,shouldnt/ had better not,should/had better,Give advice: 1. should do You should have a good rest. 2. had better do You had better go to see a doctor. 3. shouldnt do You shouldnt eat too much candy. 4. had better not do Youd better not work too long.,Summary,句型转换 1


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