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高中英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation测试题4 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation测试题4 外研版必修1

Module Six The Internet and Telecommunications一、知识归纳1. 重点词组1)be known for/to/as 16) take part in, join in, join, attend 2) come up with 17) possible与likely 3) the number of 与a number of 18) work as 4) concentrate on/upon 19) specially与especially 5) on average 20) mobile phone 6) consist of 21) do/make/carry out a survey 7) allow 22) ones attitude to 8) asas possible 23) wrap up 9) the reason for/why 24) hesitate to do sth 10) communicate with 25) a series of 11) make sure 26) add 12) contain 与include 27) by doing13) either, also, too, as well 28) refer to14) comparewith, compareto,29) personal computercompared with/to 15) agree with, agree to 2. 重点句型1) it 作形式主语It is/seems/feels+adj.+(for/of sb)to do sth. It is +n.+to do sth. It +动词短语+to do sth. (e.g. It requires hard work to finish the work.)2) it 作形式宾语主语+v.+it+ adj./n+(for sb) to do sth.3) We can learn all we need on the Internet.3. 语法项目1) 合成词2) 定冠词和零冠词二、随堂训练1单词拼写1) Our car had a _ (抛锚) on the motorway.2) I cant _(集中)on my studies with all that noise going on.3) The _(平均)temperature in Oxford last month was 18.4) Buses run _(频繁地)from the city to the airport.5) Sea water _ (包含)salt.6) Please make sure that you give us a _ (明确的)answer.7) Children should be encouraged to be _(独立的) thinkers.8) What _(百分率) of people die of this disease every year?9) Many people believe that it is the God that _(创造) the world.10) You cant go into that building without _(允许).2. 句型转换1) A: The Internet is made up of millions of pages of data.B: The Internet _ _ millions of pages of data.2)A: It took him two hours to read about football on the Internet. B: He _ two hours _ about football on the Internet.3) A: Its been five years since we last saw each other. B: It _ five years _ that we last saw each other.4)A: If you work harder at your lessons, youll make more progress. B: _ _ you work at your lessons, _ _ progress youll make.5)A: I advised that he should not drink too much. B: I advised _ _ _ _ too much.3. 根据汉意完成句子1) 我叔叔现在在一家电脑公司担任经理。 Now my uncle _ _ the manage at a computer company.2) 不到三年时间,失业工人的人数从3,000上升到30,000._ three years, the number of the _ workers _ from 3,000 to 30,000.3) 他来晚的原因是他没赶上早班车。The reason _ he was late is _ he didnt catch the first bus.4) 人们常把老师比作园丁,而把学生比作花朵。 Teachers _ often _ _ gardeners while students flowers.5) 我们有可能提前完成工作。It is _ _ us _ _ the work ahead of time.4单句改错1) Our class is consisted of four groups.2) That is interesting to watch the playing games.3) The West Lake is known for the paradise on earth(人间天堂).4) My parents did what they could help my aunt and uncle.5) I would appreciate very much if you would help me with it.5语法1)-Wheres Jack?-I think hes still in _ bed, but he might just be in _ bathroom.A. /; / B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the2) Many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _ public places.A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the3) _ many times, he still didnt understand it.A. Having been told B. Though to be told C. Having told D. He was told4) These wild flowers are so special that I would do _ I can to save them. A. as many as B. that C. as much asD. whichever5) He ran as fast as he could _ to catch the bus.A. hope B. to hope C. hoping D. hoped6) -Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning.-Is it _ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a7) I knew _ John Lennon, but not _ famous one.A. /; a B. a; the C. /; the D. the; a8) Mark was seen drinking at a _ table yesterday. A. three-legs B. three-leged C. three-leggedD. three-leg 9) Most of us went to the exhibition, _ some girls. A. include B. including C. contain D. containing10) He _ a good idea at the meeting. A. came up with B. came up C. came out D. catch up with6阅读理解AWhat changes are going to happen in our way of life? According to White Patrick Golding, more people are going to have part-time jobs. This is going to be true for most workers. People have many interests. Full-time jobs do not allow time for these interests. People are going to have two or three different part-time jobs.According to David Jerkings in his book “Job Power”, workers are going to have more power in their companies. They are going to have more power over


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