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高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers测试题4 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers测试题4 外研版必修1

Module 2 My new teachers 一、单项选择( ) 1. -Do you think computers will become more and more _? -Yes. Many people wish _one. A. polluted; to get B. polluted; getting C. popular; getting D. popular; to get( ) 2. Please _where to begin and how to do it. A. expect to us B. explain it to us C. explain to us D. expect it to us( ) 3. The foreigner made a deep _on me. Ill keep it in my mind all my life. A. impression B. opinion C. thought D. idea( ) 4. I cant _his saying so. He is not a person of that kind. A. imagine B. expect C. hope D. think( ) 5. He suggested _the meeting till next week. We are too busy this week. A. putting off B. to put off C. put in D. putting in( ) 6. To be a good teacher calls for rich knowledge as well as _. A. cowardice B. courage C. treatment D. patience( ) 7. _wrong to say a thing in that way. A. That is considers B. It is considered C. That is considered D. It is considering( ) 8. Id rather _the game than _the other player. A. lose; hurt B. to lose; to hurt C. lose; lose D. to lose; to lose( ) 9. The road to the airport was very busy and we were _the plane. A. afraid to missing B. afraid of missing C. worried to miss D. anxious to miss( ) 10. -Can he clean his motorcycle here? -Id prefer _it in the garage. A. him to clean B. he cleans C. he will clean D. him cleaning( ) 11. We can understand why he _speaking to us. And we try not to speak to him. A. manages B. remains C. mentions D. avoids( ) 12. He has a _imagination. A. alive B. live C. lively D. living( ) 13. I stopped laughing when I realised that he was _about it. A. nervous B. amazed C. embarrassing D. serious( ) 14. As soon as I got their fax, I wrote back _. And they appreciate my way of doing things. A. clearly B. correctly C. immediately D. amazingly( ) 15. With the old man _us, we had no difficulty in finding the temple. A. lead B. leading C. help D. helped二、选词/词组填空amusing appreciate as a result completely energeticfall asleep in fact intelligent made progress made surerespected scientific similarly strict surprisingly1. Men must wear a jacket and tie and, _, women must wear a skirt or a dress and not trousers in this office.2. I _forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.3. I would _it if you would turn the music down.4. Molly always told us exactly what she thought, and we _her for that.5. The exam was _easy, and all of us passed it.6. All his life, he made a lot of _discoveries.7. The Whites are _with their children.8. Are there _forms of life on other planets?9. He is a strict and _teacher.10. His wife told us _jokes on our way home.11. Nick has _with his studies, this year.12. I always _when watching TV.13. They told me it would be cheap, but _it cost me nearly 500 dollars.14. He wasnt at work last week. _, he missed an important meeting.15. I _that the rope was firmly fastened around his waist.三、补全对话A从方框中选择句子,完成对话。A. What time will it begin? B. Im afraid I cant come on Wednesday.C. What about tomorrow? D. No problem.E. Would you like to come? F. Whats it for?W: Hello, David.M: Hi, Alice. Im going to have a party next week. (1) _W: A party? Thats wonderful! (2) _M: Its my birthday on Wednesday. Im going to be 16 years old.W: Oh, dear! (3) _M: It doesnt matter. My birthday is on Wednesday, but the party is on Friday.W: Oh, thats fine. (4) _M: At 8:30.W: All fight, there will be no problem.M: The party is going to be held at the London Hotel, near the town centre on Shindy Street.W: OK, (5) _Ive got a map.M: Wonderful! See you then.W: See you.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _B填写句子,补全对话。M: Oh, Jane. I heard you had gone to China. (1) _W: The day before yesterday. I only visited Beijing and Shanghai, but I had a great time.M: (2) _W: Thats hard to say. I think Beijing is prettier. It has better sightseeing. There are a lot of museums and galleries.M: (3) _W: Shanghai is more exciting. It has better shopping. The goods in the stores are less expensive now than before.M: (4) _W: Oh, night life? Sha


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