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高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers教案1 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers教案1 外研版必修1

Module 2 My New Teachers 1. 教学课题(Teaching topic):MODULE2 Reading and vocabulary2. 教学内容(Teaching contents): (1) words and expressions (2) reading comprehension (3)exercises 3. 教学目标(Teaching aims):1) Understand the dialogue and the text of the introduction to the relationship of the students and the teachers; Obtain information and understand the viewpoints of the writer. 2) Be able to identify the new words and phrases while reading; Be able to use the v-ing forms and the structures which can be expressed favoritism to a teacher. And can read and understand the passage related to the topic.3) Be able to describe your favourite teacher with the learned words, phrases and expressions in this unit; Can describe the teachers teacher feature and discuss discus a standard of a good teacher.4. 教学重点(Important points): 1) Cultivate the students ability to read. 2) Master the new words and phrases and can write a composition with the expressions and sentence structures. 5. 教学难点(Difficult points): Write an article about a favorite teacher.6. 教学准备(Preparation): Make some pictures; Make some slides; and prepared some reading comprehensive passage related to this topic.7. 教具(Teaching aids): A tape-recorder, some materials8. 课的类型(types): Reading and comprehension9. 教学过程(Teaching procedure):活动设计设计意图Step1 Presentation Show students a part of a film or pictures and tell students the importance of teachers in ones life.(Film: Sounds of Music or some pictures of Helen Keller)用一段反映师生情的影片或图片导人本课的话题,在激发学生兴趣的同时对他们进行“师恩可贵”的思想情感教育。Step2 Lead-in Use some teachers pictures to lead in the topic “My New Teachers”. Ask the Ss several questions, such as 1) Do you know the teachers?2) What subject do they teach you?用学生熟悉的老师的照片来激活课堂,调动学生的学习积极性为引出本课的课文学习奠定基础。Step3 Words learning and explanation Lead in some new words that will be present in the text in the way of communicating with the students, and explain some important words, such as avoid, hate, appreciate, admit, joke, respect. And try to finish part 2 at page 13. 以和学生交流的方式引出一些生词,把生词放在具体的语言环境中来学,可以减轻学生记忆单词的负担,以便让学生能够达到熟练应用并增大词汇量的目的。Step4 Fast reading Read the text silently and quickly and find the answers to the two questions.1. Which teachers do students like a lot?2. Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict?培养学生快速阅读并获取信息的能力。Step5 Detailed reading Read the passage again and answer the questions of part4 at page13. (There are 6 questions.)培养学生准确地把握细节问题的能力,让学生学会阅读文章,善于带着问题去学习,以培养学生的阅读技巧。Step6 Listening Listening to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.让学生的学会地道的读音,以提高听说能力。Step7 Intensive reading Read the passage again and do some exercises about words definitions. Match the definition with a proper word. 进一步加强对本课生词的理解和应用,让学生学会在具体的语言环境中记忆单词。Step8 After reading Provide students with some key words and let them try to retell the text with their own words.这是对课文理解的升华,让学生利用关键词复述课文需要学生动脑筋重新组织材料,有助于学生口语和写作能力的提高。Step9 Homework Write a composition using at least five new words weve learned this class. The title is A Teacher I Like Best. (about 100 words)继续本单元的话题,落实和巩固课堂所学知识,进一步提高学生的英语综合素质,增加人文素养。10. 课后小结: 本节课是一节阅读课,要求学生通过对本课的学习,学会从阅读中获取信息并处理信息。通过这节课的设计,能够让学生通过处理生词从语言材料中提取有关的信息。能通过这堂课的学习增强对老师的尊敬感。并且学生通过听读的训练,能够自己组织语言描述自己喜欢的老师的形象,能够描述各科任课老师的性格特点和授课风格。达到了预期的目标。


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