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高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Section Ⅱ Gramma课时作业 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Section Ⅱ Gramma课时作业 外研版必修1

Module 2Section Grammar后接v.ing形式作宾语的动词.用所给单词的适当形式填空1She cant help crying (cry) at a sad movie.2He avoids giving (give) us a definite answer.3Its no use arguing (argue) with him any longer.4Lets consider changing (change) our house.5I remember seeing (see) her once somewhere.6I regret to_say (say) youre dismissed.7Ill try to_help (help) you.8You must remember to_call (call) me as soon as possible.9Wasting your time means shortening (shorten) your life.10What about doing (do) the work another way?.单句改错1The old lady stopped to having a rest._答案:havinghave2After reading, lets go on writing a short passage._答案:writingto write3I have been looking forward to hear from you._答案:hearhearing4Missing the last bus means to walk home._答案:to walkwalking5She is so busy that she cant help cleaning the house._答案:cleaningto clean6Wed better put off to discuss it until next week._答案:to discussdiscussing7Its no good to talk about others business._答案:to talktalking8I prefer walking to ride._答案:rideriding9I forget answer Toms letter._答案:answeranswering或在forget后加to10We went on to read the lesson for half an hour._答案:to readreading.完形填空Good teachers can always find a way to encourage their students to work hard and learn well. That year, in the local school, there was a _1_ math teacher, as well as some new pupils. One of the new kids was the most stupid child anyone had ever _2_. It made no difference how _3_ or how slowly his classmates tried explaining numbers to him; he would always say something very _4_.Before this boy _5_, math lessons had been the most boring of all. Now they were great _6_. Encouraged by the new teacher, the children would _7_ the pieces of nonsense said by the new kid, and they would have to correct his _8_.They all wanted to be the _9_ one to find what he said wrong, and then think up the best way to _10_ it, which didnt seem to make the new kid _11_. _12_, little Lewis was sure that it would make him feel sad inside. He was sure he would see him _13_. So, one day, he decided to _14_ the new kid when he was on his way home. After _15_ school, the new kid walked a few minutes to a local park, and there he _16_ for a while until someone came along to meet him. To his _17_, it was the new teacher!The teacher gave the new kid a hug, and then they went off _18_. Walking behind them, Lewis could _19_ they were talking about math. And that stupid new kid knew everything about it, much more than _20_ else in the class!【文章大意】一位新来的数学老师,想出了一个办法来帮助学生喜欢数学课。1A. funny B. newC. strange D. good解析:B根据as well as some new pupils的语境,可知这位老师也是“新”来的。2A. needed B. likedC. chosen D. seen解析:D这里为了形容那位学生是如何的笨,故说他是所有人“见过”的最笨的学生。3A. surprisingly B. badlyC. quickly D. beautifully解析:C根据or how slowly的语境,可知应选C,表示不管你解释得快还是解释得慢,对于那个学生来说结果都是一样的。4A. stupid B. boringC. sad D. dishonest解析:A那个学生很笨,故不管你跟他如何释疑,他的回答总是显得很“愚蠢”。5A. cared B. arrivedC. helped D. chatted解析:B根据before以及now的语境,可知这里是在对那个笨学生到来之前和到来之后的情况进行对比。6A. luck B. pityC. fun D. pain解析:C根据math lessons had been the most boring of all可知以前,数学显得很枯燥;而现在,这个笨学生的到来使得数学这门功课变得“有趣”了。7A.pick out Bwrite downCthrow away Dlisten to解析:D根据Encouraged by the new teacher可知学生们都认真“听”那个笨学生的回答。8A. mistakes B. jokes C. conversations D. stories解析:A其他的学生听那个笨学生的回答,是为了帮他纠正“错误”。9A. happy B. noisy C. first D. kind解析:C学生们很积极,故每个人都想“最先”发现那个学生的错误并将之改正过来。10A. remember B. explain C. experience D. introduce解析:B学生们找到那个笨学生所犯的错误后;为了表现自己,应该是给那个学生“解释”他为什么错了。11A. relaxed B. surprisedC. interested D. unhappy解析:D根据后面那一段的语境,可知这些纠错的行为似乎并没有让这个笨学生“不高兴”。12A. However B. ThereforeC. Also D. Still解析:A根据little Lewis was sure that it would make him feel sad inside可知这里需要一个表示转折的连词。13A. walk B. danceC. cry D. smile解析:CLewis肯定那个笨学生内心深处是伤心难过的,故他敢肯定能看到那个笨学生单独时“哭泣”的场景。14A. follow B. askC. tell D. advise解析:A为了证实自己的想法,Lewis决定放学后“跟踪”那个笨学生。15A. showing B. touchingC. hitting D. leaving解析:D这里是指放学后那个笨学生“离开”了学校。16A. guessed B. waitedC. disappeared D. shouted解析:B根据until someone came alone to meet him可知那个笨学生在那里“等了”几分钟。17


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