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人教版高中英语选修9《Exploring planets》教案

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人教版高中英语选修9《Exploring planets》教案

人教版高中英语选修9Exploring planets教案人教版高中英语选修9Exploring planets教案 目标认知 重点词汇: scale, postpone, evolve, attach, date back to, give out conflict, restriction, fluency, appeal, 重点句型:not ?until 句型 语 法: 宾语 精讲巧练 重点 词汇 scale 【原句回放】 However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. (P32) 【点拨】scale n. the size of sth. , especially when it is big 意为 大小,规 模 ,on a large scale 表示 规模宏大的 ,还表示 等级;比例,尺度 如:Any public demonstrations(游行)on a large scale without the permission of the city authorities is antisocial. The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer. A machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to 300 pounds on it. 【拓展】scales 表示 称,天平 scale 也用作动词,表示 攀越,爬越 ,短语: scale up/ down 按比例逐步增加/减少, 如:Students scaled an 8-foot fence to enter the theatre. Such a big order means scaling up our production capacity. 【随时练】 With the opportunity to survive becoming small, the search operation has been scaled down slowly at present. A. has been scaled down C. scaled up Key: B B. is being scaled down D. is scaling up conflict 【原句回放】 Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions, often facing many dangers including disease,?and conflicts with the local people. (P32) 【点拨】 conflict n. angry disagreement between people or groups 表示 冲突, 争端 ,常与介词 between / over 连用, be in conflict with sb. 表示 与某人处于 争执中 。conflict 也用作动词, 表示 冲突;争执 如:There is a conflict between the two sides of his personality. She is in conflict with her employer over sickness pay. The two stories conflicted, so I did not know what to believe. 【拓展】区别 conflict, fight, struggle 都含 战斗 、 斗争 的意思。 conflict 指 由于严重不一致, 而引起抵触或冲突 , 如:Their account of the causes of the war conflicts with ours. 他们对于战争起因的报告与我们的报告相反。 fight 原义是 打仗 、 战斗 , 指 任何形式的斗争 , 特别强调 短兵相 接 , 如:The two boys fought. 两个孩子动手打起来了。 struggle 本义是 挣扎 ,指 克服某种障碍或困难, 以达到某种目的 ,意味 着 处境难 , 如:They were struggling for peace. 他们为和平而斗争。 【随时练】 In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _in personality. A. contract B. contrast B. connection D. conflict Key: D. 析:conflict 争论,摩擦,冲突;contact 接触,联系,交往; contrast 对比;对照;connection 联系,关系。 restriction 【原句回放】At that time, there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so ,?(P33) 【点拨】restriction n. the act of limiting or controlling someone or sth. 表 示 限制,约束 ,短语 lift/ remove restrictions on 表示 解除对?的限制 , 如:The restriction of press freedom is seen as an abuse(侵犯)of human rights. We have been asking the government to lift the restrictions on food export. 【拓展】 restrict v. 表示 限制,限定 ,restrict sth. to sth 表示 限制某人 某物 restrictive adj. 表示 严格限制的 。 如:Doctors have restricted the number of visits to two per day. Travel is my dream, but a busy working life has restricted my opportunities. The current building regulations are very restrictive. 【随时练】The county is facing restrictions _ the use of water for irrigating crops. A.to Key: C B. with C. on D. toward fluency 【原句回放】, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his fluency in Chinese ? and dressed as a Chinese man, even shaving his head in the Chinese style. (P33) 【点拨】 fluency n. quality of speaking , writing in an easy smooth manner 表 示 流利,流畅 ,with fluency 表示 流畅地, 滔滔不绝 , 如:Visitors were amazed at the students conversational fluency in English. He speaks English with great fluency. 【拓展】fluent adj. 表示 流利的,熟练的 , be fluent in 表示 在某方面熟练 的 , fluently adv. 熟练地 如: couldn imagine our prime minister was fluent in eight foreign languages. You t You speak more fluently than I. 【随时练】 She speaks _ though not very correct French. A. fluent Key: A B. fluently C. fluency D. with fluency appeal 【原句回放】One of the collectors was Father Farges, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him. (P33) 【点拨】appeal vi. to be attractive or interesting to sb. 表示 (常与 to 连 用)吸引;引起兴趣 ,还表示 呼吁,恳请,上诉,诉诸 等, 如:Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you? The government is appealing to everyone to save water. The victims families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer. He appealed against the judges decision. 【拓展】appeal 用作名词,表示 呼吁,请求,吸引力 ,常与介词 for 连用,make an appeal 请求; 如:They have launched an appeal to send food to the flood victims. There have been several appeals for an end to the fighting. The old couple made an emotional appeal for his daughter to connect them. 【随时练】The design _all the ages and social groups is not easy to make. A. appealed to C. to be appealed to Key: D B. being appealed to D. appealing to postpone 【原句回放】My parents suggested postponing our visit to the pyramid because we didn t have enough time to see them before we left Egypt.(P35) 【点拨】postpone vt. to decide that sth. will not be done at the time when it was planned, or to delay 表示 推迟,延期 ,postpone doing sth 表示 推迟做某事 常与介词 till/until/ to 连用, 如:We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th. The ball


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