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新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程2 unit3答案.doc

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新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程2 unit3答案.doc

新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程2 unit3答案3-2iExplore1:ReadingViewingABABAI think we can manage the fear of speaking in public. As long as we are clear about the reasons behind this fear, we can "manage" it. Some of us dare not speak in public because of lack of self-confidence or experience. In that case, we should first believe that we have something worth sharing and then seek and make use of public speaking opportunities, for example, speaking up in class or in small groups, to practice our skills. For others of us, the source of fear comes from external factors, such as the concern that the audience will not be interested in our topic. A simple way to get rid of the anxiety is to get to know as much as possible about our audience and then tailor our talk to engage the audience.Frankly speaking, I havent had any positive experiences with public speaking up to now. In high school, I couldnt give a good public speech no matter how hard I had tried. But I still believe that with practice, I can learn to manage my nervousness and convey my message confidently and clearly in front of a crowd.I think I should take a couple of measures to cope with the difficulty of speaking in public. On the one hand, I should let go of the negative memories of the past experiences, learn from them and find the reasons for my fear. On the other hand, I should learn some public speaking skills, adopt what works for me and do much practice until I can give an effective presentation. With time and practice, I will feel more comfortable in front of my audience and become more confident in myself.3-3iExplore1:Building your languageWords and expressionsengagesustaincaptureddistractedfrequentcompetencereluctantdemonstratesdumbs downthink on your feetwatered downadd up tothinkthroughdedicatetostriking a balancein secretCollocationsinonininonfordevelop their abilities / develop the abilitiesCommunicative competence / Conversational competencedraw the attentionlose the abilityexchange ideas / share ideasdistracted her attentionVocabulary learning strategiespersonalremovaleducationalverbalproposalexperimentalapprovaladditionaladditionalapprovalpersonalproposaleducationalexperimentalLanguage focusNever have I seen or heard ofNo sooner had the teacher entered the classroomAt no time did I meanSeldom do students visit their professorsUnder no circumstances should you comment negativelywill he be allowedBanked clozestruggledoverlookedinterpersonalreliancenegativecriticalimpactseriouslystrikeconfidentiExplore23-4iExplore2:ReadingViewingopen-ended / open endedwhenwhyclosesummarizeevery wordEngage withfacetimeshoutYes, I think they are really effective tips to help us enjoy smooth conversations. Actually, one point of these tips is concentration. We may all have experienced conversations where the other person is in fact absent-minded. While we are trying to push the conversation forward, they may just play with their cellphones and make no eye contact with us. In this case, the conversation can hardly move forward.No, I dont think the tips are effective enough. I think the most important factor for a better conversation is the attitude of the people involved in a conversation. For example, if the person we are talking to sounds honest and gentle, the chances for an enjoyable conversation are really high. However, if the person looks bossy or rude, we will soon lose the motivation to talk on and will probably end the conversation as soon as possible3-5iExplore2:Building your languageWords and expressionsdullisolationupsetremarknoticeableverbalAABABACollocationstake in1A: Yes, I would like to ask my teacher for help if I cannot understand it.1B: I would never trust any message from unknown sources related to money.1C: It depends. If he stays for only one or two nights, it is OK. But if he stays for a longer period, I would not agree.2. concentration2A: No, constant interruptions are a great distraction2B: Yes, I would be distracted.2C: Yes, I think so. We should pay attention to ethics.3. shallow3A: For the sake of safety, children should swim on the shallow side of the pool.3B: To avoid shallow conversation, one way is to talk about something specific youre working on, or to talk about some exciting new ideas you just get.3C: When one is very nervous or weak.4. urge4A: Focus on the words and body language of the other person.4B: Yes, it is a good way. And we also need to resist the urge to reach for our phones in class.4C: I am not sure. If it is a secret, Id better keep it to myself.Vocabulary learning stategies


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