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八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 9《Can you come to my party》Self Check(人教新目标版上册)

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八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 9《Can you come to my party》Self Check(人教新目标版上册)

Self Check,Unit 9Can you come to my party?,一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1He looked at the _(日历) and found it was Wednesday. 2More than 20 _(客人) came to his party last night. 3Some animals sleep in the _(白天) and come out for food at night. 4Can you come to the _(开幕式) of our new school library? 5The information is not useful.Please _(删除) it.,calendar,guests,daytime,opening,delete,二、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 1Mom,this evening Im _,so lets go to a movie. 2You can _on both sides of the paper. 3It took us two days to make the all _for the party. 4Can you help me to get two tickets for the_? 5School Day is a big _in my school every year.,available,print,preparations,concert,event,三、单项选择,1.Can you go to the movies with me tonight? Sorry,I have to study math.I have a math _ tomorrow. AeventBdiscussion Cexam Dconcert 2From Susans description of the book,we can know _ she loves it. Ahow much Bhow many Chow long Dhow often 3Mr.Hand gave me a map _ I wouldnt get lost. Aif Bbecause Cas long as Dso that,4Youll just have to wait _ they call your name. Auntil Bif Calthough Dwhen 5Can you go to the science museum with us this afternoon? _.I have to write to my cousin. AYes,please BYou are right CSorry,I cant DGood idea,四、阅读理解。,Dear Liz, Thank you so much for inviting us to the birthday party for your daughter Mary.As her aunt and uncle,we are glad to take part in such a happy event.We are going to get to your house on the evening of May 10 at seven oclock.We are looking forward to meeting you.And wed like to take some dishes. Yours, Jenny & Bob,Dear Simon, Daniel and I were happy when you accepted our invitation to our dinner party on July 10.I feel really sorry that I have to cancel (取消) it.Daniel became ill yesterday and he is in hospital now. Im looking forward to inviting you again. Yours, Tina,1Bob is going to _ birthday party. AJennys BLizs CMarys DTinas 2The birthday party is _. Aon the afternoon of May 10 Bon the evening of May 10 Con the afternoon of July 10 Don the evening of July 10,3Tina planned to have a _ party. Ahousewarming Bgarden Cbirthday Ddinner 4Tina cancelled her party because _ is not well. ADaniel BLiz CSimon DBob 5Which of the following is TRUE? AThe birthday party is at Bobs house. BLiz will take some dishes to the birthday party. CSimon didnt accept Tinas invitation. DTina wishes to invite Simon next time.,


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