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八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 4《What’s the best movie theatre》Section B(2a-2e)(人教新目标版上册)

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八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 4《What’s the best movie theatre》Section B(2a-2e)(人教新目标版上册)

Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?,Section B(2a2e),一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1My daughter shows a _ (天赋) in music. 2This question seems easy,but not _(每个人) can answer it. 3His mother _ (给) a nice birthday gift to him two days ago. 4He won first _ (奖) in the English writing competition. 5Computers play an important _ (角色) in peoples life today.,talent,everybody,gave,prize,role,二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1These _ (magician) are all from China. 2I think Yang Xiaodan sings less _(beautiful) than Li Xin. 3Who was the last _ (win),Jimmy,Jack or Linda? 4Im _ (serious) thinking about moving to America. 5Mr.Su is the _(poor) of all the teachers,but he is the _ (hardworking),magicians,beautifully,winner,seriously,poorest,most hardworking,三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1他正在编一个有趣的故事。 He is _ an interesting story. 2你应该认真对待一切。 You should _ everything _ 3去哪里吃饭,由你定。 _ to decide where to eat. 4各种各样的蔬菜都在打折销售。 _ vegetables are all on sale. 5他和他弟弟毫无共同之处。 He and his brother have _,making up,take,seriously,Its up to you,All kinds of,nothing in common,6我们的学校将会越来越漂亮。 Our school will be _ beautiful. 7例如,汤姆是我的好朋友。 _,Tom is my good friend.,more and more,For example,四、单项选择。 1.The way of learning usually plays a role _ getting good grades. AofBwithCinDat 2Jim was born in a _ family.His parents didnt have enough money to send (送) him to school. Alucky Bpoor Cnatural Ddark,3How much should he pay? Thats up to him _! Adecide Bto decide Cdecided Ddeciding 4Mary helped me buy a ticket.She _ an hour ago. Agave it to me Bgives me it Cgives it me Dgave me to it 5The dictionary has many _ of how words are used. Aactivities Bexamples Cprograms Dsymbols,6Mr.Green _ a simple dialogue (对话) to teach his students the new words. Acut up Bmade up Cbrought out Dblew out 7Do you have dreams? Yes,but I dont know the way to make them _ true. Ato come Bcame Ccome Dcoming 8My mother always tries her best _ delicious food for us. Acooking Bto cook Ccooked Dcooks,9Morning,class.Is _ here today? No,sir.Tom is not here. Aanybody Beverybody Cnobody Dsomebody 10Spring is coming.The weather is getting _. Awarm and warm Bthe warmer and the warmer Cwarmer and warmer Dthe warmest and the warmest,五、选择方框中的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、正确。 give,magic,make up,beautiful,winner, prize,similar,poor,play a role,serious Talent shows are getting more and more popular.Now,there are 1._ shows around the world,such as Chinas Got Talent.All these shows have one thing in common:They try to look for the best singers,the most talented dancers,the most exciting 2. _,the funniest actors and so on.All kinds of people join these shows.But who can play the piano the best or sing the most 3. _Thats up to you to decide.When people watch the show,they usually 4. _in deciding the 5. _And the,similar,magicians,beautifully,play a role,winner,winner always gets a very good 6. _However,not everybody enjoys watching these shows.Some think that the lives of the performers are 7. _For example,people who say they are 8._ farmers are in fact just actors.But if you dont take these shows too 9._ ,they are fun to watch.And one great thing about them is that they 10._ people a way to make their dreams come true.,prize,made up,poor,seriously,give,六、阅读理解。 Here are four clothing stores. Golden Point Sell:womens clothing and accessories (配饰) Opening hours:8:30 am.9:30 pm. Quality:Good Price: Service: Phone:6632225,The West Village Sell:mens clothing and secondhand (二手的) clothing Opening hours:8:00 am.10:00 pm. Quality:Bad Price: Service: Phone:7632646 Sports World Sell:sports clothing Opening hours:9:00 am.9:00 pm. Quality:Very good Price:,Service: Phone:7799365 The Cross Sell:childrens clothing and accessories Opening hours:8:30 am.7:30 pm. Quality:Best Price: Service: Phone:7246911 Notes: means the cheapest; means very expensive; means friendly; means the friendliest,根据以上内容,选择正确的答案。 1In Golden Point you can buy _. Awomens clothing Bmens clothing Csecondhand clothing Dchildrens clothing 2The West Village has _. Athe best quality Bthe best service Cthe worst service Dthe most expensive clothes,3If you want to learn about childrens accessories,you can call _. A6632225 B7632646 C7799365 D7246911 4The opening hours of _ are the longest. AThe Cross BSports World CThe West Village DGolden Point 5The most expensive store _. Ahas the best quality Bhas the friendliest service Copens earliest each morning Dsells womens accessories,


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