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八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 4《What’s the best movie theatre》Section A(1a-2d)(人教新目标版上册)

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八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 4《What’s the best movie theatre》Section A(1a-2d)(人教新目标版上册)

Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?,Section A(1a2d),一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1Helens grandfather goes to the _(戏院) twice a week. 2The two computers both have big _ (屏幕) 3The air in the countryside is very _(新鲜的),so I like living there. 4Though our house is small,its very _(舒适的) 5Bob dreams of being a _(记者) when he grows up.,theater/theatre,screens,fresh,comfortable,reporter,二、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1Its raining hard.Please drive _ 2The two pairs of shoes are both nice.Which one do you want to_? 3There were no _ for me on the bus,so I had to stand. 4My house is _to the park.I go there every morning. 5Would you like to go to the movies with me?I have two _,carefully,choose,seats,close,tickets,三、按要求完成下列句子。 1I think physics is difficult(对画线部分提问) _ do you _ physics? _ do you _ physics? 2City_Park is the most beautiful park in my city.(对画线部分提问) _ is the most beautiful park in _city? 3Town Cinema has the shortest waiting time.(改为一般疑问句) _ Town Cinema _ the shortest waiting time? 4你可以在鑫鑫服装店买到最便宜的衣服。(翻译句子) You can buy clothes _ in Xinxin Clothes Store.,How,like,What,think of,Which,your,Does,have,the most cheaply,5目前为止你有多少朋友?(翻译句子) How many friends do you have_? 6哪家电台播放最无聊的歌曲?(翻译句子) Which radio station _ songs?,so far,plays the most boring,四、单项选择。 1.Sun Cinema has the _ sound. Agood Bbest Cwell Dbetter 2Are you new _ town? Yes,I am. Ain Bon Cat Dfrom,3_ do you like the show? Its fantastic. AWhere BWhat CHow DWhen 4Why did you _ me for the job? Because you are more outgoing. Areach Bchoose Cshare Ddream 5Tina,driving to Shanghai is expensive.The train takes you there _. Acheaply Bquickly Cbeautifully Dquietly,6My home is _ to the school.I only spend five minutes walking there. Aclose Benough Csimilar DHappy 7After working in the morning,my father usually lies on the sofa _ and sleeps for half an hour in his office. Ahardly Breally Ccomfortably Dluckily 8The young bus driver saw a _ in the front of the bus and let the old woman _ down. Asit;sit Bseat;sat Csit;sat Dseat;sit,9This clothes store is the _ in the city. I dont think so.It sells the _ clothes.I dont like it at all. Abest;best Bworst;worst Cworst;best Dbest;worst 10Yang Xiaodan,thanks for telling me the way to the library. _. AOf course BNot really CGood idea DNo problem,五、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A:Good morning,sir.Im new in the city. B:1._ A:Thank you. B:2._ A:All in all,its great.But I still dont know about the neighborhood. B:What do you want to know? A:3._ B:Blue Moon.You can buy the nicest clothes there.,A:4._ B:The clothes there are the cheapest. A:5._ B:Youre welcome. AWell,how do you like our city? BWhat about the price? CThank you for telling me so much. DHow many clothes stores in the city? EMorning,welcome to our city. FEr,which is the best clothes store in the city? GIt has the shortest waiting time.,六、阅读理解。 Rosa,Gina and Jason live in the same town.They like going to the movies on weekends.Now they are talking about the movie theaters in their town.,1.Rosa often goes to the movies with her _ on weekends. Afriends Bparents Cbrothers Dcousins 2Town Cinema has _. Athe biggest screens Bthe most comfortable seats Cthe worst service Dthe latest movies 3Gina goes to Happy Cinema _. Aon weekends Bevery Sunday Cthree times a year Donce a week,4Jason goes to June Cinema _. Aon foot Bby bus Cby bike Dby train 5June Cinema _. Ahas the most comfortable seats Bis the most expensive Chas the friendliest service Dis the closest to Jasons home,


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