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高一英语开学第一课 课件

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高一英语开学第一课 课件

WELCOME TO MY CLASS!,About English,Do you like English? Do you think it difficult? why? Learning English is a big challenge(挑战) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟) In fact , learning English is interesting.,麻豆,晒,秀,Pk,败东西,Importance of English,Most widely used language in the world. One of the official languages in the UN. English examinations in our student life. English is used in our daily life and future work. Some interesting English movies,English Study,- some advice for every student,态度决定一切 成功源自好习惯 好的伙伴,成功一半,Confident Strict Active,My favorite motto,Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work until we succeed.,态 度,DEVELOP A GOOD ATTITUDE. 态度决定一切。 STUDY EVERY DAY! 英语学习是一个长期的积累的过程。 DISTRIBUTE YOUR STUDY TIME 学习要有主次轻重;要有目标,各个击破。 ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN EVERY CLASS 积极参与课堂活动 1 hour of class = 2 hours of study time! VISIT INSTRUCOR DURING OFFICE HOURS TO GET ACQUAINTED 多和老师交流 PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 勤于练习,有意识地学,有针对地做,培养学会几个习惯 Learn to use resources finding out how useful English is in your life. English is every where. If you have sharp eyes, sharp ears and a desire to learn, you will be surprised to discover that you are actually surrounded by rich learning resources. Reference books Dictionary Learn to use dictionaries. Internet,Learn to use dictionaries. You must have at least one dictionary, with both Chinese and English explanations such as Oxford, Longman, students practical essentials of NMET. Some electronic dictionaries may appear handier, but they may not be as reliable as those printed dictionaries by established press houses.,Learn to speak,Speak or read in a loud voice in class. Thats easy for all of you to do but as I know it is difficult for you to follow. Don t be shy if you want to express yourself in public. If you can speak and read in a loud voice, the whole class will listen to you attentively and you will be full of confidence be encouraged to learn it well.,Learn to read READ READ, read some more, READ things you yourself enjoy. READ, and talk about it. READ very carefully some things READ on the run, most things, Dont think about READING, but . READ,Learn to take notes.,Learn to take notes. for collecting the key points in class or out of class while reading English magazines or newspapers. for keeping a diary in English every day. For collecting your mistakes,“二”习五多,Prepare your lessons well before every class.(预习) Review what youve learned in time.(复习) Read more and read different materials.(多读) Write as often as possible.(多写) Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说) Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问) Cooperate more(多合作),Remember,Practice makes perfect(熟能生巧) Attitude is everything (态度决定一切) Try your best Just do it You can learn English well Believe in yourself,remember,The rules to obey in class,Join in the class Do hands up when you know sth or have some good point speak English speak it loudly & clearly. Listen to others Ask for help if difficult Mobiles off Not eating or drinking Never miss or forget homework (oral, written),英语国际音标表(48个),元音(20个),(Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English . Good pronunciation makes memorizing words quickly.),辅音(28个),Remember: practice makes perfect!,Homework,1. 用英语写一篇短文简要介绍自己及自己以前的英语学习方法。 2听懂、会说所学课堂用语。 3准备好“四本”,即作业本、听写本,笔记本和改错本。 4. 预习第一单元单词并查阅其用法。,


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