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,2,Unit,A Chinese Cultural Tour(2),主讲人:毛明娟,Major Topics,Part I Listening ActivitiesChinese Culture中国文化,Words and expressions diversity n.差异性 philosophy n.哲学, 哲学体系 Christian adj.基督教的, 信基督教的 sericulture n.养蚕 pluralism n. 多样性 dominant adj.占优势的, 支配的 Mongol n.蒙古人语 Manchu n.满族,worship vt.崇拜, 尊敬 division n.分开, 分裂 transient adj.短暂的, 瞬时的 unification n.统一, 一致 outlive v.比.长命, 比.耐久 legacy n.遗赠(物), 遗产 tremendous adj.极大的, 巨大的 asset n.资产, 有用的东西 keenly adv.敏锐地,Chinese Culture 1. Listen to the tape, underline the mistakes in the passage and fill in the right ones in the blanks.,1. _Chinese culture is a complete system, including its own philosophy, literature and paintings, medicine, technology and science as well as language and festivals. 2. _All of these are quite different from other civilizations, especially from the Christian culture. Chinese culture originated from its sericulture.,arts,agriculture,3. _And as a result of its developed agriculture and imperial system, which lasted about 5,500 years, scholars, as a new class, was born. They had contributed a lot to what Chinese culture is. 4. _The richness of Chinese culture also finds expression in its diversity and abundance. China has always been a country of many ethnic groups. No matter which ethnic groupwas dominant, be it Hans, Mongols, or Manchus, her various peoples always could live under the same roof, worshipped the same emperor.,5,000 years,pluralism,5. _It is true that there were periods of division, but division was transient and unity has outlived division. All these peoples have their own legacies, but they share the same legacy as well. 6. _The diversity and pluralism of Chinese culture is a tremendous wealth. This is very keenly felt now. Increasing value is attached to this national warehouse treasure.,unification,asset,2. Listen to the tape again, and match the information in column A with that in column B (There are three extra items in column B).,3,Part Two: Situational DialogueConfucianism儒家思想,Words and expressions benevolent adj.慈善的 sin n.罪恶, 邪恶 humanitarian n.人道主义者, 人文主义者 orthodox adj.正统的, 传统的 Proper Nouns Jesus Christ 耶稣基督 Summer Palace颐和园 The Mountain Resort in Chengde承德避暑山庄,An emperor over his subject; a husband over his wife, and a father over his son; five constant virtues, namely benevolence (ren), righteousness (yi), propriety (li), wisdom (zhi) and fidelity (xin) as basic ethical code. Although Confucian is condemned for some of its views, it has branded Chinese and their life.,三纲五常,The Golden Sound and Jade Vibration,The dismounting steles.,Useful expressions for tourism,1) 这是有名的明清一条街。你就跟我来吧,错不了的。 This is the famous Ming and Qing Street. Come with me. I wont be wrong. 2) 来这儿的乐趣就是淘宝,挺便宜地买一件东西。 One of the fun things about coming here is treasure hunting. You get something cheaply.,3) 上次你不是帮我买了个“天价”笔筒吗? Didnt you buy a super expensive pen holder for me last time? 4) 白高兴了一场,原来还是个假古董。 We got so excited for nothing. It turned out to be a fake antique.,Confucianism,Mr. Wang Jing continues to discuss Confucianism with Jane on the way. They focus on the core of his philosophy and its influence on the Chinese society. Wang: Confucius had exerted a great influence on the Chinese society. His idea has become the main stream of Chinese thinking for more than 2000 years. Jane: Well, I know Confucius had great influence on the Chinese society. What are these influences? Wang: Confucius stuck to righteousness. He was always ready to help others and treated others with tolerance and honesty. To him, a benevolent person is one who loves others. He said, “Do not give others what you do not want yourself”.,Jane: He is really a saint in China, just like our Jesus Christ. Does he have any other good ideas? Wang: He thought people were born with only a little difference, but the environment and education of ones growth created peoples personality and behavior. So its waste of time to debate whether human is born evil or divine. Jane: I agree with his idea. I think all men are the same when they are born. I dont believe they have sins when they are just babies. Wang: Confucius also thought that one should love ones parents, respect elders, be kind to brothers, and generous and understanding to others.,Jane: So he is a humanitarian. Do you think so? Wang: Yes, he is. The Confucianism was regarded as the orthodox ideas during the long periods of feudalism in China. His thought had the most enduring and profound effect over Chinese culture. When you visit the Confucius Temple, you will know more about Confucianism. Jane: Mr. Wang, Ive learnt a lot about Confucianism. I hope to learn more when you make the introduction at the site.,Wang: Im ready to serve you. Look ahead! The Confucius Temple is around the corner. It is a magnificent temple, isnt it? Together with the Summer Palac


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