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,麦卡伦威士忌品鉴会,McCullen whiskey tasting,xxxx文化传媒有限公司倾情呈现,劳斯莱斯是世界顶级的超豪华轿车厂商,劳斯莱斯出产的轿车是顶级汽车的杰出代表, 以其豪华而享誉全球,是高端汽车的主要代表之一。 那大家知道麦芽威士忌中的劳斯莱斯是谁吗?,Rolls-Royce is the worlds top super-luxury car maker, and Rolls-Royces cars are the best representatives of top cars. Globally renowned for its luxury, it is one of the main representatives of high-end automobiles. Do you know what rolls Royce is in malt whiskey?,THE MACALLAN,“麦卡伦-麦芽威士忌中的劳斯莱斯”,“THE ROLLS-ROYCE AMONG MALT WHISKIES” -HARRODS BOOK,公元1700年,麦卡伦酒庄Easter Elchies House, 首开精酿风气。开始以昂贵的顶级雪莉桶,酿造风味菁纯的苏格兰单一麦芽威士忌,并因此驰名英联邦。而在苏格兰首都爱丁堡威士忌博物馆中,记载着1700年代的麦卡伦单一麦芽威士忌 ,被称为“Made from the best ingredient”(用最珍贵的原料酿制)。因为自1700年代起,麦卡伦珍贵的酿造工艺,让所有高阶品鉴家感受到,那种如钻石般的灿烂风味,华丽丰腴,炫目悠长,同时传递着引人深韵的品质特征。,麦卡伦是名声卓越的烈酒和橡木桶专家,而麦卡伦六大支柱,正是缔造其大师匠艺的基础。对六大支柱的探寻不仅跨越了时间的空间,更是对传统的积淀和升华。,The six pillars are the foundation stones for the fame and character of The Macallan. They encompass the strong sense of place at the heart of the distillery and the estaye,together with our long experience of distilling and maturing a single malt whisky with a repuration for product excellence and distinctive taste.,麦卡伦的精神家园 The Spiritual Home,特别小巧的铜制蒸馏器 Curiously Small Stills,仅撷取16%最为精华的酒心 The Finest Cut,精选最佳橡木桶 Exceptional Oak Cask,天然的酒液色泽 Natueal Colour,无比纯粹的珍贵佳酿 Peerless Spirit,“麦卡伦-麦芽威士忌中的劳斯莱斯”,劳斯莱斯,世界顶级豪车的代表, 麦卡伦-麦芽威士忌中的劳斯莱斯, 成功人士的象征,彰显品位与高雅, 活动聚集高圈层成功人士,为他们提供一个交流的平台, 从而,我们确立了活动调性,高端,时尚,高雅。,Rolls Royce, the worlds top luxury car, Rolls-Royce in the malt whiskey, The symbol of successful people, show taste and elegance, The activity gathers high circle of successful people, provides them a platform for communication, Thus, we established the activity modulation, high-end, fashion and elegance.,现场氛围包装,On-site atmosphere packaging,第一部分,氛 围 包 装,活动现场采用鲜花装饰, 以西餐长桌为主,中间配有鲜花装饰桌花。 整体色调为黑色,黑色颜色深沉,很有质感。 配合主题,高端大气。,The event site is decorated with flowers, The long table with western food, with flowers decorated table in the middle. The overall tone is black, dark color deep, very simple texture. Fit theme, high - end atmosphere.,氛围 包装,现场设有酒类展示区,各类麦卡伦限量版威士忌展示,供现场来宾赏析。,A wine display area, a variety of macallan limited edition whiskey display, for the audience to appreciate.,签到区背板,本次签到采用麦卡伦威士忌的瓶底拓印签到方式, 现场准备一定数量麦卡伦威士忌的酒瓶子,颜料, 用酒瓶子的底部沾上颜料,印到签到册上, 然后签上名字, 完成签到。,This time the signature of the bottle bottom rubbing of the malenk whiskey is adopted. A certain number of bottles of macallan whiskey, paint, Apply the paint to the bottom of the bottle and seal it in the book. Then sign your name and sign in.,现场设有甜品台,甜品台以黑色,红色,金色为主,甜品台背景由木质架子和黑色轻纱构成,并伴有玫瑰花,上面拴有手工装饰挂毯,并伴有装饰灯。,Site has a sweet, sweet in black, red, gold, dessert background made up of wooden shelves and black veils, accompanied by rose, tied above have decorative tapestries, accompanied by chandeliers.,ROLLS-ROYCE OF PURE WHEAT WHISKY,ROLLS-ROYCE OF PURE WHEAT WHISKY,甜品台桌面装饰同甜品台背景色调统一,以黑色,红色,金色为主, 黑色桌布,红色玫瑰花,金色装饰物, 甜品以黑色翻糖蛋糕为主装饰,配以红色蛋糕,黑色甜品。,Dessert set desktop decoration with dessert set background color, in black, red, golden, black cloth, red roses, gold ornaments, dessert is given priority to with black double sugar cake decoration, match with red cake, black dessert.,甜品台,第二部分,主题活动推荐,Theme activities,嘉宾到访签到,可在主题签到背板上签名留念并留影纪念。 现场设有小提琴迎宾演奏。畅游在蓝色海洋上悠扬的音乐可以使人身心愉悦,让您深切感受到无限的浪漫和自由心境的舒适惬意。,来宾签到 小提琴迎宾,Guests will sign on and sign on the back board to commemorate the visit. There is a violinist playing at the scene. Swimming in the blue ocean, music can make you feel comfortable and comfortable.,现场邀请麦卡伦威士忌公司专业培训师为我们的客户进行麦卡伦品牌介绍及威士忌品鉴讲解。 打造高品质麦卡伦威士忌品鉴会。,麦卡伦品牌介绍,We have invited the professional trainer of McAllen whisky company to introduce the McCullen brand introduction and the whisky tasting to our clients. Build a quality McAllen whisky tasting.,麦卡伦威士忌培训讲师为现场嘉宾分享威士忌的分级、苏格兰威士忌的分布、单一麦芽威士忌、威士忌制作工艺等,细致而全面了开启一堂威士忌的知识讲座。,麦卡伦威士忌品鉴,McAllen whisky training lecturer for the guests to share the classification, the distribution of scotch whisky, single malt whisky, whisky, etc., manufacturing process, detailed and comprehensive knowledge of open a whisky.,现场聘请专业的外籍乐队,为来宾奉献精彩歌曲表演。,外籍乐队表演,Invite professional foreign band to perform the performance for the guests.,华尔兹 华尔兹优美、柔和,舞曲旋律优美抒情,我们特聘请著名华尔兹舞者为客户表演优雅的华尔兹。,外籍乐队表演,The waltz is beautiful and soft, the dance melody is beautiful lyrical, we employ the famous waltz dancer to perform elegant waltz for the customer.,品鉴晚宴,晚宴,我们为配合喂威士忌,特意选用的西餐,精美西餐供您品尝。,For dinner, we have specially selected western food for you to taste.,瓶子创意DIY,Bottle creative DIY,在活动开始后,DIY区域开放,本次活动选择切合活动主题的瓶子创意DIY,来宾到场后,可参与DIY活动。,After the activity starts, the DIY area is open, this activity chooses the bottle creative DIY with the theme of the activity, the guests present, can participate in the DIY activity.,活动流程,Active process,第三部分,16:30-17:00 来宾签到 小提琴迎宾 17:00-17:05 来宾落座 17:05-17:20 麦卡伦品牌介绍 17:20-17:25 乐队表演 17:25-17:45 酒类讲解 来宾品鉴 17:45-17:50 华尔兹 17:50-20:00 晚宴 16:30-20:00 瓶子创意DIY 20:00- 活动结束,活动细节,Activity details,第四部分,桌花,此次活动我们特意聘请


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