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全国高考英语综合模拟测试卷-含答案及详解第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASummer Program Guide for TeensPre-College Immersive ProgramWellesley College is known for the thousands of accomplished women it has sent out into the worldwomen who are committed to making a difference. Especially designed for high school girls, the program is based on Wellesleys campus. Students will take courses and become members of the Wellesley community.When: July 7 - August 1More Information: 781-283-2748 Young Scholars ProgramOpen to high school students who have an academic average of 3.2 or better, the program is a great introduction to the University of Maryland. Seminars featuring speakers in innovative(革新的) career or academic fields further enrich the learning experience. Students enjoy movie nights, activities at the students union and more.When: July 8 - July 27More Information: 301-405-7762 Zeal Adventure and TravelWe offer two-week and three-week long trips to Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, Costa Rica, and Spain. All trips include 15 to 25 hours of community service activities. Depending on your trip of choice, youll be volunteering with sea turtles, caring for dogs in Spain, and much more. Every trip also includes exciting outdoor activities like surfing, ice climbing and hiking.More Information: 844-282-9325 California College TourStudents will visit top schools throughout the state on this fun-filled tour. The tour includes enjoying tourist attractions along the way, including Disneyland! Along the way, students take college tours, meet with admissions staff, and learn how to make the most out of future college visits.More Information: 510-548-661221. What can you do if you attend the Young Scholars Program?A. Take part in various outdoor activities.B. Learn the history of Wellesley College.C. Watch films together with other students.D. Enjoy some tourist attractions along the way.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了专为青少年开设的四个暑期项目。这些项目对中学生尤其是高中生具有指导意义。21.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据 Young Scholars Program 部分最后一句“Students enjoy movie nights, activities at the students union and more.”可知,参加该活动时,你可以和其他学生一同看电影。故选C。22. Which number can provide access to volunteering chances?A. 301-405-7762.B. 510-548-6612.C. 781-283-2748.D. 844-282-9325.22.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据 Zeal Adventure and Travel 部分第二句“All trips include 15 to 25 hours of community service activities.”和该部分第三句中的“.youll be volunteering with sea turtles.”可知,该活动提供做志愿工作的机会。根据该部分末尾的“More Information: 844-282-9325”可得知联系电话。故选D。23. Which program may help students make a choice during the college application?A. California College Tour.B. Young Scholars Program.C. Zeal Adventure and Travel.D. Pre-College Immersive Program.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根据 California College Tour 部分最后一句“Along the way, students take college tours, meet with admissions staff, and learn how to make the most out of future college visits.”可知,学生在该活动中将参观多所大学,与招生工作人员见面,并学会如何充分利用以后参观大学的机会。这些活动有助于学生了解不同的大学以及招生流程等,对学生在将来选择、填报大学志愿会有所帮助。故选A。BA disastrous fire surrounded Notre Dame completely and destroyed large parts of the Gothic(哥特式的 architecture on Monday“Notre Dame is our history, our literature; part of our spirit, the place of all our great events, our wars, our liberations, the center of our lives" French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters in front of the still burning Paris landmark and promised to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral.“Notre Dame is burning, and know the sadness and this tremble felt by so many fellow French people. But tonight, Id like to speak of hope too, "he said, announcing the launch of a fundraising campaign.“Lets be proud, because we built this cathedral more than 800 years ago, weve built it and, throughout the centuries, let it grow and improve it. So I gravely say tonight: we will rebuild ittogether, ”he added.The disastrous fire engulfed(吞没) the upper reaches of Paris towering Notre Dame Cathedral as it was undergoing renovations(翻新)。Tourists and Parisians looked on horrified from the streets below. Frances Interior Ministry said firefighters might not be able to save the structure.The fire collapsed the cathedrals spire尖顶) and spread to one of its landmark towers "Everything is burning; nothing will remain from the frame, "Notre Dame spokesman Andre Finot told French media. The 12th-century cathedral is home to incalculable works of art and is one of the worlds most famous tourist attractions, immortalized by Victor Hugos 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame.The cause of the fire was not known, but French media quoted the Paris fire brigade(消防队) as saying the fire is “potentially linked" to a 6 millioneuro($6. 88 million)renovation project on the churchs spire and its 250 tons of lead. Officials opened an investigation as Paris police said there were no reported deaths. Some 400 firefighters were battling the fire well into the night.24. What Emmanuel Macron said mainly shows


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