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七年级下英语优秀作文unit2 作者: 日期:My WeekendEveryone has different weekend ,boring or happy .And I have a busy and a happy weekend .On the weekend , I get up at 8:30. Then I do my homework. In order to learn more math, I have to have some after-school class. I dont have much time for lunch, so I should eat lunch quickly. In the afternoon, I have a class with my best friend Lisa. After class, I usually play badminton with my friends. After dinner, I either read books or watch Tv . And then, I go to bed .Its a good way for me to relax. What a busy and happy day! - 李玥瑶Hello, everyone! I have a busy but interesting weekend. In the morning get up at seven oclock.I exercise at ten past seven. Then I take a shower and brush my teeth at a quarter past eight. After that, I do my homework. I not only do my homework very carefully, but very seriously as well. After that, I either play basketball or play the flute at ten oclock. For lunch I usually eat fruit and vegetable. In my opinion, they are good for my health and they taste good! In the afternoon, I have a class from half past one to half past four. I think the class is important for me. I have dinner at half past six. I usually play games with my sister after dinner. After that, I neither watch TV nor play computer games. Because I need to get ready for my school day! Then I go to bed at nine oclock. This is really a busy day! - 柴雨琦I have a relaxing weekend. On Saturday, I usually get up at 9:00. So I can have more sleep. Then I have breakfast. After that, I do my homework. At about 12:30, I eat lunch. In the afternoon, I either go to the department store or go to the supermarket. I usually get home at 3:00. Next, I always read the books I like. In the evening, I often take a walk at 7;00. Because I think its good for my health. In order to prepare for the dancing class on Sunday, I must sleep early at about half past nine. Thats a relaxing weekend! Dont you think so? -蒋紫凝 I have a busy and interesting weekend . I usually get up at 8:00. Then I have a good breakfast . After that I do my homework from ten to twelve For lunch , my mother always makes a lot of delicious food . Such as fish, dumping , beef I like fish best . It not only tastes good but also very healthy. In order to get good grades, I take after- school class from two to four . At about 5:30 , I usually help my mother to do housework . Its too hard . After dinner . I either watch TV or play computer games . I know its not good for our eyes . But its a good way for make me to relax! At about ten. I brush my teeth and then I go to bed . Whats a happy weekend I have! -陈正浩I have a busy but happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I always get up at 7:40,then I have a math lesson from 8:30 to 11:30.Its difficult but interesting for me. After that, I often have lunch with my parents and grand parents. It is happy for me to chat with them. Next ,I go home. I like to play computer games or watch TV in the afternoon. Although they are not good for our health, they are interesting and amusing. In the evening, I have a Chinese lesson from 6:00 to 9:00.I get home at about 9:30.I often read magazines before I go to bed. I usually go to bed at 10:50.What a busy weekend I have! -任可欣I have a busy but happy weekend. In the morning I often have class from 8 to 12 I am very tried but I can learn a lot of knowledge .And in the afternoon I either do my homework or play with my friend. In the evening I often help my mom to do some cleaning. And the next day I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. After dinner I watch TV with my parents .At that time we can talk with each other and say something happily.Whats a happy weekend I have! - 刘芊芊I have a busy but interesting weekend. In the morning, I usually get up at half past seven. Then I get dressed and brush my teeth. I have breakfast at eight oclock. After that, I always play badminton from ten oclock to twelve oclock. In my opinion, its relaxing for me. For lunch, I eat KFC with my father. I know its not good for me, but it tastes good! In order to get good grades, I take after-school classes form half past one to half past four in the afternoon. After classes, when I get home. I always do my homework. In the evening, I have dinner with my parent. After dinner, I either watch TV or play computer games.


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