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新标准大学英语Unit 3-Active Reading 课件

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新标准大学英语Unit 3-Active Reading 课件

Unit3 Active Reading (1),Thinking for Yourself,IQ Multiple Intelligence,IQ( Intelligent Quotient) They mostly tested your linguistic and mathematical skills. Multiple Intelligence Intelligence can be regarded as a set of different kinds if thinking or skills or different aspects of the mind.,Different Thinking styles,Number Smart I am good with numbers, logic, and like to find the answers to problems using reasons,Different Thinking styles,Body Smart I often think in terms of movements, and use my body and hands to express myself.,Different Thinking styles,People Smart I spend a lot of time trying to understand other people.,Different Thinking styles,Picture Smart I like to think in pictures, and can develop mental models of the physical world,Different Thinking styles,Word Smart I like to think in words, and use language to express complex ideas.,Different Thinking styles,Music Smart I tend to think in sounds, and feel a strong connection between music and emotions.,Different Thinking styles,Nature Smart I like to understand the natural world, and good at communicating with animals.,Examples:,何炅,Examples:,杨澜,Examples:,周恩来,Examples:,范冰冰,Examples:,郭德纲,Examples:,杨丽萍,Examples:,Albert Einstein,Examples,王菲,Examples:,潘一山,What is your thinking style?,Most people have a combination of different thinking styles, probably some are more emphasized than others.,Questions for discussion,1. What do you understand by the title “Thinking for yourself”? 2. Is it important to think for yourself? 3.Have been encouraged to think for yourself?,1st time Fast Reading,Reading and Understanding (Page32) 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.c,Structure Analysis,Part One: ( 1-5) Thinking for yourself is not a popular activity, though it should be. Part Two: (6-20) The algebra teacher taught me an important lesson about thinking for yourself.,Culture Points,A vision statement Socrates,Language Points,1. radical adj. 激进的;极端的; Britons are naturally resistant to radical ideas. Japan hardly takes radical actions, which does not mean it has remained completely unchanged.,Language Points,2. particularly adv. (1)尤其; I like all her movies, particularly her latest one. (2)非常;特别; Be particularly careful when driving at night (3)= in particular,Language Points,3. suspicion n. (1) 怀疑;不信任(U) After a crime, suspicion naturally falls on the person who has a motive for it. (2)疑心;猜疑(C) (about)(that) I have a suspicion that she is not telling the truth.,Language Points,4.vision n. (1)视力;视觉 have perfect, poor, blurred vision withinoutside my field of vision (2)远见;洞察力 a statesman of vision adj. visionary visionary leaders, writers,Language Points,5. glimpse n. (1) 窥见某物之一斑 You can only have a glimpse of western country life by a seven-day travel. (2)一瞥; at sth a quick glimpse at the newspaper headlines catch sight of sth catch a glimpse of sth,Language Points,6. advanced adj. (1)高级的;高等的 advanced Englishmath advanced studies (2)先进的; advanced ideastechnology (3)年事已高的;资深的 be advanced in years,Language Points,7. sum n. (1)金额;款项 a of money; He was fined the sum of 200. Huge sums have been invested in this project. (2)总数;总和 of and the of (3)总之;in sum (4) sum v. sum up 总结;概括,Language Points,8. lean vi. 倾斜; (1)forwardbacktowardsacross (2)againseonupon 9. peer vi. 窥视; intothroughatover,Language Points,10. rub擦,摩擦 11. agony (1)煎熬;折磨; (2)疼痛;痛苦 12. presence absence in ones presenceabsence in the presenceabsence of sb,


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