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进口涂料备案书 代办谘询回函

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进口涂料备案书 代办谘询回函

地址: 香港元朗工業村福喜街50號A座2樓Add: 2/F, 50 Fuk Hi St., Yuen Long, N.T., HK.電話/TEL: 2675 0606 傳真/FAX: 2675 9737<進口塗料備案書> 代辦諮詢回函CONFIRMATION FOR “REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF IMPORT COATING”申請公司名稱Applicant(中 文)(English)地址Address電話 Tel.:傳真 Fax.:電郵:法人代表 Representative:聯絡人 Contact Person:中國內地的分裝廠商(如有)/ Repackaging Firms in China(if available):名稱 Name:地址 Address:電話 Tel.:傳真 Fax.:聯絡人Contact Person:擬進口口岸 Intended declaration port: 本函隨附以下資料 Following are materials attached for this application:(請於 “” 內剔上已附交的資料 Please tick the appropriate box if the materials have been provided.)1.申請公司的營業執照複印件Copy of clients Business Registration Certificate2.國內分裝廠商(如有)營業執照複印件Copy of repackaging firms Registration Certificate3.由塗料生產商提供的產品中有害物質含量符合中華人共和國國家技術規範要求的聲明Manufacturers written statement that the harmful contents in the product are under the limits of related Chinese standards.4.由塗料生產商對其產品的用途承諾書 Manufacturers written commitment letter on scope of Product Uses5.由塗料生產商對其產品的包裝規格聲明Manufacturers written statement on Package Specification6.産品標簽及標記、分裝產品標簽Product marks and labels, repackaged product label7.產品的基本組成成份表 Product formula8.產品描述、用途說明Product description9.其他 Others(請注明/Please state):本申請單位聲明以上提供的資料正確無誤並同意受中龍檢驗認證(香港)有限公司最新的諮詢服務通用條款和條件約束(有關條款和條件可向中龍檢驗認證(香港)有限公司索取或於網站www.cdichk.com內瀏覽)。We, the Applicant, hereby declare that the above information provided is true and correct and agree to be bound by the latest China Dragon Inspection & Certification (H.K.) Ltd General Terms and Conditions of Consultation Services, available on request or accessible at www.cdichk.com. _申請單位蓋章及代表簽署 日期Company Stamp & Signature of Representative Date申請 “進口塗料備案書” 產品清單Product List for applying “Registration Certificate of Import Coatings”生產廠商名稱:Manufacturer:(中文)(English)地址:Address電話Tel.:傳真 Fax.:序號No.產品名稱 (中文及英文)Product Name(Chinese & English)品牌 (中文及英文)Brand Name(Chinese & English)型號Model水溶 / 油溶Solvent-based / Water-based1.申請 “進口塗料備案書” 產品資料表Product Details for “Registration Certificate of Import Coatings”序號No.產品名稱 Product:品牌 Brand Name:型號 Model:產地 Origin:HS編碼 HS Code:外觀 Appearance:1.基本成份及百分比Basic Constituents (%)用途 Product Use: (室內 Indoor / 室外 Outdoor / 工業 Industrial)產品性質 Product Nature: 水溶 Water-based 油溶* Solvent-based* 硝基漆類 Nitrocellulose 聚氨酯漆類 Polyurethane (光澤(60)值 Gloss Level at 60: ) 醇酸漆類 Alkyd序號No.產品名稱 Product:品牌 Brand Name:型號 Model:產地 Origin:HS編碼 HS Code:外觀 Appearance:2.基本成份及百分比Basic Constituents (%)用途 Product Use: (室內 Indoor / 室外 Outdoor / 工業 Industrial)產品性質 Product Nature: 水溶 Water-based 油溶* Solvent-based* 硝基漆類 Nitrocellulose 聚氨酯漆類 Polyurethane (光澤(60)值 Gloss Level at 60: ) 醇酸漆類 Alkyd序號No.產品名稱 Product:品牌 Brand Name:型號 Model:產地 Origin:HS編碼 HS Code:外觀 Appearance:3.基本成份及百分比Basic Constituents (%)用途 Product Use: (室內 Indoor / 室外 Outdoor / 工業 Industrial)產品性質 Product Nature: 水溶 Water-based 油溶* Solvent-based* 硝基漆類 Nitrocellulose 聚氨酯漆類 Polyurethane (光澤(60)值 Gloss Level at 60: ) 醇酸漆類 Alkyd實施專項檢測的進口塗料商品編碼及名稱Imported Coatings Commodity Nos. and Names for Implementation of Special TestingHS編碼HS No.商品名稱Commodity Name32081000溶於非水介質的聚酯油漆及清漆等 (以聚酯為基本成份的(包括瓷漆及大漆)Polyester paint, varnish, etc. soluble in non-aqueous media (with polyester as the basic constituent (including enamel and Chinese lacquer)32082010.10溶於非水介質的光導纖維用塗料 (以丙烯酸酯類化合物為主要成份)Coatings used for fiber optics soluble in non-aqueous media (with acrylate compounds as the primary constituent)32082010.90其他聚丙烯酸油漆、清漆等 (溶於非水介質的以丙烯酸聚合物為基本成份, 包括瓷漆及大漆)Other polyacrylic acid paint, varnish, etc. (with acrylic polymers soluble in non-aqueous media as the primary constituent, including enamel and Chinese lacquer)32082020溶於非水介質的聚乙烯油漆及清漆 (以乙烯聚合物為基本成份(包括漆及大漆)Polyethylene paint and varnish soluble in non-aqueous media (with ethylene polymers as the basic constituent (including enamel and Chinese lacquer)32089010.10溶於非水介質的光導纖維用塗料 (以聚胺酯類化合物為主要成份)Coatings used for fiber optics soluble in non-aqueous media (with polyamine ester compounds as the primary constituent)32089010.90其他聚胺酯油漆清漆等 (溶於非水介質以聚胺酯類化合物為基本成份, 含瓷漆大漆)Other polyamine paint, varnish, etc. (with polyamine ester compounds soluble in non-aqueous media as the basic constituents, including enamel and Chinese lacquer)32089090溶於非水介質其他油漆、清漆溶液 (包括以


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