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Unit 2-A1.bacillus (复数:bacilli)杆菌,芽孢杆菌,细菌any rod(杆)-shaped or cylindrical (英 slndrkl adj. 圆柱形的,圆筒状的)bacterium of the genus (英 dins n. 类,种;生物 属)Bacillus, comprising spore-producing bacteria.芽孢杆菌属的任何杆状或圆柱形细菌,包括产孢子细菌。2.clostridia (单数:clostridium)梭状芽孢杆菌any of several rod-shaped,spore-forming,anaerobic bacteria of the genus clostridium, found in soil and in the intestinal tract of humans and animals.梭菌属梭状芽孢杆菌中的任何一种杆状孢子形成的厌氧细菌,存在于土壤和人类和动物的肠道中。4.lactobacillus 乳酸菌,乳杆菌属any long, slender, rod-shaped, anaerobic bacterium of the genus lactobacillus, that produces large amounts of lactic acid in the fermentation of carbohydrates, especially in milk.任何长的,细长的,杆状的乳酸杆菌属的厌氧细菌,在碳水化合物的发酵过程中产生大量的乳酸,特别是在牛奶中。6.Prebiotics 益生元natural substances in some foods that encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.某些食物中的天然物质会促进肠道中健康细菌的生长Probiotics 益生菌A usually dairy food or a dietary supplement containing live bacteria that replace or add to the beneficial bacteria normally present in the gastrointestinal tract一种通常的乳制品或膳食补充剂,其中含有能替代或添加至胃肠道中, 通常存在于胃肠道Unit 3-A7.adenosine 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷A nucleoside formed by the condensation of adenine and ribose. It is present in all living cells in a combined form,as in ribonucleic acid.腺嘌呤和核糖缩合形成的核苷。它以组合形式存在于所有活细胞中,如在核糖核酸中。8. anabolic adj.合成代谢的A metabolic process in which complex molecules are synthesized from simpler ones with the storages of energy; constructive metabolism.一种新陈代谢过程,其中复杂的分子由具有存储能量的简单分子合成; 建设性的新陈代谢。9.monomeric 单体的A compound whose can join together to form a polymer一种可以连接在一起形成聚合物的化合物monosaccharide 单糖simple sugar,such as glucose,that does not hydrolysis(hadrlss) to yield(生产) other sugar 10.neurotransmitter 神经递质A chemical by which a nerve cell communicates with another nerve cell or with a muscle.神经细胞与另一个神经细胞或肌肉相通的化学物质。nucleotidase n.核苷酸酶an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a nucleotide to a nucleoside and phosphoric acid 一种催化核苷酸水解成核苷和磷酸的酶Unit 4-A14.biotransformation 生物转化The series of chemical changes occurring in a compound, especially a drug as a result of enzymatic or other activity by a living organism.化合物中发生的一系列化学变化,特别是由于生物体的酶活性或其他活性导致的药物。15.pharmacognosy 生药学,药材学The branch of pharmacology concerned with crude drugs of plant and animals origin.药学的分支,涉及植物和动物的原料药。16.pharmacokinetics 药代动力学The branch of pharmacology that studies the fate of pharmacological substances in the body, as their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.药学的一个分支,研究体内药理物质的命运,作为它们的吸收,分布,代谢和消除。17.pharmacodynamics 药效学The branch of pharmacology dealing with the course of action, effect and breakdown or drugs within the body.药学的分支,涉及体内的作用,作用和分解或药物的过程。Unit 6-A21.bioavailability 生物利用度The extent to which a drug or other substances is taken up by a specific tissue or organ after administration.给药后特定组织或器官吸收药物或其他物质的程度。22.biopharmaceutics 生物药剂学The study of the relationships between physical and chemical properties,dosage and administration of a drug and its activity in humans animals.研究药物的物理和化学性质,剂量和给药及其在人类动物中的活性之间的关系Unit 7-A23.elution 洗脱Elution to remove by dissolving, as absorbed material from an adsorbent.通过溶解从吸附剂中吸收的物质来洗脱24.hydrolysis 水解作用Chemical decomposition in which a compound is split into other compounds by reacting with water.化学分解,其中化合物通过与水反应分裂成其他化合物25.chromatgraphy 色谱法,层析A scientific method of finding what separate chemicals are in a substance by passing it through a material such as paper, which different substances will flow through at different speeds.一种科学的方法,通过使物质通过纸张等不同物质以不同速度流过的物质来查找物质中的单独化学物质。immunoassay n.免疫测定identification of a substance (especially a protein) by its action as an antigen;通过物质(尤其是蛋白质)作为抗原的作用进行鉴定;Unit 7-B26.complexometric 络合滴定的A chemical technique using the formation of a colored complex to indicate the end of a titration.一种化学技术,使用有色复合物的形成来指示滴定的结束。27.reactant 反应物Any substance that undergoes a chemical change in a given reaction.在给定反应中经历化学变化的任何物质solubility n.溶解性the quality or property of being soluble; relative capability of being dissolved 28.titration 滴定To ascertain the quantity of a given constituent of known strength and measuring the volume necessary to convert the constituent to another form.确定已知强度的给定成分的数量并测量将成分转换成另一种形式所需的体积Titrant滴定剂Standard concentration of reagent solution for titration, we judge the content of the sample to be tested by the amount of titrantSpectrometry光谱测定法,频谱测定法,能谱测定An optical device for measuring wavelengths, deviation of refracted rays, and angles between faces of a prism 用于测量波长,折射光线的偏差以及棱镜面之间的角度的光学装置Spectroscopy光谱法The science that deals with the use of the spectroscope spektrskp and with spectrum analysis涉及光谱仪使用和光谱分析的科学standardize v.标定to bring to or make of an established standard size, weight, quality, strength, or the like使或达到既定的标准尺寸,重量,质量,强度等Unit 8-A29.pharmacophore 药效团,药效基团,药效结构The group of atoms in a dr


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