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19版高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空+短文改错”组合练12套 (三)

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19版高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空+短文改错”组合练12套 (三)

精编优选练(三)“语法填空短文改错”组合练3(限时:30分钟)题组一.语法填空In recent years, a new idea 1._ is called a “naked marriage” has arisen as the cost of living goes up. It has become a new trend for many young people in China. With a small marriage certificate in hand, they get married. And for the couples in a “naked marriage”, this certificate also contains other 2._ (meaning)A resident from Chengdu said, “There are many people like us born in 3._ 1980s. Our families cannot afford 4._(buy) us new apartments, cars, let alone diamond rings. I think thats very normal for average families. We must make a better future on 5._ (we)own. ”A graduate of Sichuan University said, “The most important element in a marriage 6._(be) love. I believe our living conditions will 7._(gradual) get better. ” A professor says a “naked marriage” is in direct contradiction to Chinas 8._ (tradition) marriage customs. However, as living costs continue to rise, this phenomenon may become more popular in the future.But not all people have a positive opinion about a “naked marriage” . According to a survey 9._(conduct) by sohu.com, only about 40% of the 3,500 people surveyed like the idea of a“naked marriage”. About 80% of men support a “naked marriage”, 10._ there are also 70% of women not supporting the idea because they think these marriages are not stable.语篇解读本文介绍了“裸婚”的相关情况和人们对此持有的不同的态度。1解析:考查定语从句。近年来,一种叫作“裸婚”的新概念伴随着生活成本的增加出现了。定语从句中缺少主语,指代先行词a new idea,故填which或that。答案:which/that2解析:考查名词复数。other后用可数名词复数形式。答案:meanings3解析:考查冠词。表示在具体某个年代,应用定冠词the。答案:the4解析:考查不定式。我们的家庭负担不起给我们买新房子、汽车,更不用说钻石戒指了。afford后接不定式to do作宾语。答案:to buy5解析:考查代词。我们必须独立地创造一个更好的未来。on ones own意为“独立地”,且本句中主语为we,故此处用our。答案:our6解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。本句主语为单数,且根据上下文可知,此处时态应用一般现在时,故填is。答案:is7解析:考查副词。空处修饰“get better”,故应用副词。gradually意为“逐渐地”。答案:gradually8解析:考查形容词。空后为名词,需用形容词修饰,表示“传统的婚礼风俗”。答案:traditional9解析:考查非谓语动词。一项由搜狐进行的调查表明,3 500人中只有大约40%的人认同“裸婚”这个想法。a survey与conduct之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。答案:conducted10解析:考查连词。根据上下文可知,此处两个分句间为转折关系,因此用while (然而)或but (但是)。答案:while/but.短文改错It was in a hot summer holiday which I visited Qingdao, port city in Shandong Province. My favourite sport is swimming, so I decide to go swimming in the sea one afternoon with my friend,Wang Fei and Li Lei.It was the first time that I had swum in the sea, with waves come one after another to the shore and making great noises. Facing the rough sea, I felt a bit worrying and nearly gave up at first. And when I saw many people enjoying myself in the water, my fear was reducing. At last I joined in the swimmers. Now I still remember how wonderful I was swimming in the sea. 答案:It was in a hot summer holiday I visited Qingdao,port city in Shandong Province. My favourite sport is swimming, so I to go swimming in the sea one afternoon with my ,Wang Fei and Li Lei.It was the first time that I had swum in the sea, with waves one after another to the shore and making great noises. Facing the rough sea, I felt a bit worryin and nearly gave up at first. when I saw many people enjoying in the water, my fear was reducing. At last I joined the swimmers. Now I still remember how I was swimming in the sea. 题组二.语法填空The Water Splashing (泼洒) Festival of the Dai ethnic minority (少数民族) falls on April 13th to April 15th. It is the most important festival 1._(observe) by the Dai people of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. It is the New Year for the Dai, a festival to send off the old and greet the new.During the festival, 2._ lasts three days, people are dressed in their best clothes and participate in a variety of rich and colourful 3._ (activity). Dragon boat racing, fireworks displays and other performances such as Peacock Dance 4._(hold) on the first day. And the most popular event 5._(be) watersplashing on the second day. People splash water on each other, hoping to take away sicknesses and disasters. The wetter you get, the 6._ (lucky) you will be. The last day is usually for the young people to play games as a way 7._ (express) their love for each other.The Water Splashing Festival 8._ (vivid) exhibits the Dais respect for water and the culture of music, dance, food, and costumes. It is also a cultural bridge 9._ Xishuangbanna and Southeast Asian countries that share 10._ same festival culture of watersplashing.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,介绍了傣族泼水节的相关情况,包括时间、活动内容和意义等。1解析:考查过去分词。这是云南省西双版纳的傣族人所奉行的最重要的节日。根据该句中的“by the Dai people“可知,动词observe和名词festival之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。答案:observed2解析:考查定语从句。分析该句结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,先行词为“the festival”,故用which引导该定语从句。答案:which3解析:考查名词复数。activity“(群体性的)活动”常用复数,根据该句中的“a variety of”可知,此处表示“多种多样的活动”,故用其复数形式。答案:activities4解析:考查被动语态和主谓一致。该句主语为“Dragon boat racing,firewo


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