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2019学年江苏徐州地区七年级(上)英语期末试卷精选汇编:完形填空徐州市Good morning, boys and girls. Here is something important about 36 to London next month. Now, the most important thing is 37 . You should take about 600 with you. I think that will be 38 . When you get to 39 ,your new family will 40 you. You must wear a red shirt, 41 the family can find you easily. You should also take four photos of yourself with you. Of course, please 42 the school letter. its very important. When you are there, if you have any question, you can call School Office. Ill give you the office 43 now:its 5210663. The person to ask for is Mrs. Green. 44 in the office from 9:00 a.m. 45_ 5: 00 p. m. every day. OK. Thats everything. Have a good journey!36.A. go B goes C going D. to go37.A. food B. money C.clothes D. computer38. A.interesting B.comfortable C. popular D. enough39.A.London B. New York C. Paris D. Beijing40.A. meet B. love C. keep D. dislike41. A. so B. but C.or D. if42.A. takes B. take C.taking D. will take43. A. name B.place C.phone number D. e-mail44. A.He is B. She is C. We are D. They are45.A.in B. at C. of D. to36-40 CBAAD41-45 CBCBD睢宁县My name is Simon and I am 36 Class 4. Grade 7. My favourite 37 is roller skating and I go skating every day to keep fit. Before, I am really not 38 ! I sit all day long 39 I always try to get out of PE at school. I dislike it! Then I meet my best friend Tommy three years ago. 40 get on well, and he is always active (活跃的) and fit. He asks me to go to a skating class with him, and I say 41_. The class is energetic - I am tired after the warm-up (热身) and I fall over to the ground all the time. The 42 class is difficult, but the next few classes get easier. Then I find I start to _43 the classes. I cant wait for the next one. It is so much fun!Now I love roller skating. Im a member of the 44 roller skating team. Next month we will have a skating match in our city. Im getting 45 for it. Roller skating becomes part of my life now!36. A. about B. on C. in D. for37. A. subject B. sport C. colour D. place38A. fit B. busy C. lazy D. free39. A. if B. but C. and D. or40. A. We B. You C. They D. He41. A. hello B. sorry C. no D. yes42. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth43. A. hate B. have C. take D. enjoy44. A. hospitals B. restaurants C. schools D. shops45. A. smart B. ready C. top D. interested 36-40C BACA 41-45 DADC B新沂市堰头中学Amy isnt interested in drawing. She likes writing stories and reading 36 to her friends. Every Wednesday afternoon she has to have her drawing lessons in the 37 room. One day, Amy feels 38 as usual when she is having her drawing lesson. "Hello," Amy hears a voice behind her. She turns around and sees a young girl. "Im Mary. Whats your 39 ?" The girl asks. Amy 40 Mary her name. Then the two 41 begin chatting. "What drawings do you like best?" Mary asks. "I dont know," Amy says. "Theyre all the same to me." "You mean you dont have a favorite?" Mary is surprised. "No, not really." Amy answers. Mary opens Amys book and asks Amy to draw a 42 . When Mary sees Amy doesnt know how to draw it, she puts her hand on top of Amys and helps her. "Look, Amy, what can you see on the 43 ?" Mary asks. "I want to draw a tiger, but it looks like a cat," Amy laughs. "Yes, a very nice cat. Good! Maybe next time we can draw a tiger. Now lets try to make the cat more lovely, OK?" Mary smiles. Together they 44 all the afternoon. Then Amy finds 45 interesting in the drawing - drawing is not that difficult. Soon Amy and Mary become good friends.36. A. it B. them C. you D. us37. A. music B. art C. sports D. computer38. A. interested B. angry C. excited D. bored39. A. name B. address C. phone number D. QQ number40. A. says B. talks C. tells D. speaks41. A. teachers B. doctors C. girls D. boys42. A. dog B. cat C. bird D. tiger43. A. wall B. tree C. blackboard D. paper44. A. sing B. dance


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