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人教版七年级英语下Unit4 Don27t eat in class单元试卷及答案教学内容

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人教版七年级英语下Unit4 Don27t eat in class单元试卷及答案教学内容

人教版七年级英语下Unit4 Don27t eat in class单元试卷及答案精品文档英语人教七年级下Unit4 Dont eat in class单元测评单项选择(10分)16_sleep in class,boys and girls.ANot BCant CDont DArent17_ you _ go home now?ADo;have to BDoes;have to CHave;to DHas;to18Can you watch TV _ school nights?Aat Bon Cin D/19We cant _ music in the classroom.Ahear Bhear to Clisten Dlisten to20Dont talk _ eat in class.Aand Bor Cso Dbut21Do you have lots of_ to follow in your school?Afriends Brule Crules Da rule22Hes never _ class.Aarrive Blate for Carrive late Dlate23He cant _,but he often _ to the beach to play.Aswimming;go Bswim;goes Cswims;goes Dswim;go24Mom,can I go skating?_,but you have to wear a coat.Its cold outside.ANo,you cant BYes,please CYes,you can DNo,you can25I have _ things to do today,so Im _ busy.Atoo many;too many Btoo many;much tooCtoo much;much too Dtoo much;too many完形填空(10分)My dear kids,here are some_26_for you.As students in our school,you have to follow them.Dont _27_ late for school.You have to be here by eight.Dont eat in the classroom _28_ you can eat in the dining hall.Get back home before six in the afternoon.You cant eat _29_ and you can only eat at school at noon.Dont _30_ with your classmates or other students.You can wear glasses in class.But you cant wear _31_.Clean the _32_ after school.You have to _33_ sports shoes for PE.class in the _34_.You cant go out on school _35_. It is dangerous to go out at night.Go to the music room if you want to listen to music.Hand in(上交)your homework on time.26Aopinions Bsuggestions Cguides Drules27Afun Barrive Creturn Dwalk28Aor Bso Cbut Dand29Ainside Bbeside Coutside Daround30Atalk Bwash Cstand Dfight31Awallet Bsunglasses Cbelt Dclothes32Astudy Bshop Cclassroom Dbedroom33Awear Bon Cin Dwith34Agym Bdining hall Cpalace Dclassroom35Amorning Bnoon Cafternoon Dnights阅读理解(30分)AMany students in the USA always take the school bus to school every day.Parents think taking the school bus is very safe.But sometimes it is also dangerous.Some students died because they broke the school bus rules.Here are some bus rules:Arrive at the bus station early.Wait for the bus at the bus station.Dont play around the bus.Dont run everywhere at the bus station.Dont walk or fight in the bus when it is going.Dont try to leave the bus until it stops.These rules are good for students.Remember them and dont break them.So you can keep yourself safe.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。36Taking the school bus to school is always safe.37Students can run everywhere at the bus station.38Students have to sit on their seats when the bus is going.39Students cant get to the bus station late.40Students can be dangerous if they break the school bus rules.BLittle Mary is a good girl.She began to go to school last year and now shes in Grade 2.Her home is not far from school,but she is often late for class because she likes watching TV and listening to music in the evening and goes to bed very late.So she cant get up on time in the morning.This term Mr.White,Marys uncle,works in her school.He teaches Grade 2 history.He is very strict with students,of course,with Mary,too.He often tells Mary to follow the school rules and come to school on time.Today Mary got up late again.When she went to school,it was 8:15.Her uncle was waiting for her at the school gate. “You are ten minutes late for the first class.” Mr.White said angrily(生气地). “Why are you often late for class?”“Every time when I get to the street corner,I always see a sign(标志)It says SCHOOLGO SLOW!(慢行),” said Mary.41Mary is a _ year student.Afifth Bsecond Cfirst Dthree42Mary is often late for school because _.Ashe likes watching TV Bshe cant sleep well at nightCher mother isnt at home Dshe cant get up on time in the morning43What does Mr.White do?He is a _.Aworker Bdoctor Cpoliceman Dteacher44The first class begins at _.A8:10 B8:00 C8:05 D8:1545The sign on the street corner is for _.Adrivers(司机) BMary Cstudents Dteachers词汇运用(10分)A根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)51Do you often have lunch in the school d_ hall?52We must k_ our classroom clean.53We cant ride a bike in the school according to the school r_.54Don


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