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Beijing,Opera,Introduction of Beijing Opera,Four main roles,Sheng (生,Male role),Dan (旦,Famale role),Jing (净,Painted face male role),Chou (丑,Clown role),The explanation of the four main roles,Sheng in Chinese may mean strange or rare, but the chief male role is a well known character.,老生,武生,小生,Dan, which means morning or masculine, is contrary to the feminine nature of the characters.,青衣,刀马旦,老旦,花旦,Jing means clean, but in fact the paintings on their faces make the characters look unclean but colorful.,正净,副净,武净,The feature of Chou characters are similar with clown in western drama, they are usually quick and talkative.,文丑,武丑,茶衣丑,丑婆子,褶子丑,袍带丑,Types of facial makeup,Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas, is a special feature of a national cosmetic. As each historical figure or a certain type of person has an approximate spectral type, like sing, play music to the music, so called “types of facial makeup in operas”. On the types of facial makeup in operas sources, the general view is from mask.,Colour of types facial makeup in opera,Red faces have positive meanings, symbolizing loyal ,brave, faithful, and wise men.such as Guan Yu.,红脸的关公战场沙,Black, usually have neutral meanings, symbolizing just brave, criticized(刚烈) integrity(正直 ) and even reckless(鲁莽 ), however, they can also represent uprightness.,黑脸的张飞叫喳喳,Yellow types of facial makeup in operas symbolize vicious brutality, such as Dian Wei.,黄脸的典韦,Blue or green have neutral meanings that symbolize the hero of the bush, with the former also hinting at strength and intrepidity.,绿脸的魔鬼斗夜叉,White faces have negative meanings that symbolize treacherous, insidious奸诈 and crafty men,such as Cao Cao.,白脸的曹操,Cao Cao 曹操,Purple is a positive color, which signifies wisdom and bravery.,紫色的天王托宝塔,Gold and silver faces symbolize mysteriousness, and stand for monsters or gods.,金色的猴王 银色的妖怪,Four Famous Dan Actors,梅兰芳,程砚秋,荀慧生,尚小云,“The Drunken Concubine”,“FAREWELL MY CONCUBINE”,This a story about susan. Ming Dynasy, susan is a very famous courtesan, she is fall in love with wang Jinglong. But when wang run out of all his money in brothels, he have to leave .,苏三起解,Instrument of Beijing Opera,The instrument includes two parts: one is Wenchang(wind instrument), one is Wuchang(percussion instrument),唆呐,笙,月琴,三弦,京二胡,京胡,板,大锣,单皮鼓,小锣,堂鼓,The Clothes of Beijing Opera,The clothes are made as the style of Ming Dynasty and also refereed to the clothes of Tang, Song, Yuan and Qing Dynasties. All the clothes are in the same style and there isnt any difference about the dynasty, the area or the seasons.,蟒 boa bu,Peking Opera costumes,京剧服饰,衣 clothes,帔 short embroidered cape imbridd,褶 casual clothes,靠 armoura:m,蟒 boa,Character: Noble dress 帝王将相等穿的衣服 With a dragon or pythonpain 有龙纹或蟒纹,蟒 boa,Four different types 四种不同的类型,帔 short embroidered cape,Character: a seam(缝隙) in chest (对襟长袍) with wide sleeves(袖子),黄帔,帔 short embroidered cape,红对帔,Cape of the child 对儿帔 The same colour and texture 相同的颜色和纹理,靠 armour,character: Usually generals dress 通常是将军穿的 Round neck, tight cuffs 圆领、紧袖口 Main pattern: fish scale-shaped(鱼鳞纹) T-shaped(丁字纹),Extreme exaggeration and distortion 极度夸张与变形 Most with a flag 大多数有靠旗,褶 casual clothes,character: Inclined collar and long gown 斜领长衫 Usually dress by common people 普通老百姓穿的衣服 Simple and versatile style clothing 造型简单的多功能服饰,衣 clothes,The remaining 除了上面四种以外的衣服 All kinds of style 各种各样的类型,象形衣,红囚衣,Monkey king,Su san wearing a red dress she is s prisoner,Beijinng Opera in Our Daily Life,Commemoration Coin,Key words,Clown klaun 丑角,小丑 Masculine 男性的,阳刚的 Feminine fmnn女性的,阴性的 Spectral spktrl鬼怪的 Cross-dressing 反串 Uprightness p,ratns 正直 n Intrepidity ,ntrpdt n 勇猛 Hinting 暗示 treacherous trtrs 不忠的 NOT LOYAL troupe: trup 戏班子 Percussion pkn打击乐器 Penultimate pnltmt 倒数第二 tyrant tarnt 暴君 warlord 军阀 Merciless msls冷酷无情的 martial: m:l军事的 benevolence:bnvlns 仁慈 bureaucracy:bjurkrs 官僚政治 folklore fukl:民间传说,THANK YOU,


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