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Test 1 Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1. A) The asset of the US there has been frozen. B) The conflict there threatens the U.S. national security. C) Rallies are planned to protest the war there. D) The U.N. Security Council is involved in the issue there.2. A) Four Sudanese. B) The U.S. president.C) Reporters. D) George Clooney.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3. A) To arrest the leader of the opposition party. B) To prepare for the presidential elections. C) To answer his charges at home. D) To protect his supporters.4. A) Ugandas multi-party elections were darkened. B) Economic support from western nations was cut off. C) Ugandas role model in the region was canceled. D) Ugandas relationship with its donors felt strained.Questions 5 and 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A) The bomb attacks occurred in Lebanon. B) The bomb attacks occurred in Homs. C) Up to 32 people were killed in a car bomb. D) Up to 16 people were killed in two bomb attacks.6. A) The attacks took place in the al-Zahraa district. B) Thirty-two people were killed in the two bombings. C) There will be another attack soon. D) Nineteen people were killed in the two bombings.7. A) The government and rebel forces reached a cease-fire agreements. B) The government took back areas controlled by rebels. C) Two bombing attacks took place in the al-Zahraa district. D) Anti-government rebels attacked the headquarter of The Wall Street Journal.Test 2Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1. A) Their health becomes worse.B) They dont fight as hard as before. C) They wont get the benefit of pensions.D) They receive less education2. A) In the late1970s.B) In the early 1970s. C) During World War .D) In the late 1960s.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.3. A) Nobody was injured in it.B) It was caused by an error. C) It killed 27 miners.D) It affected national electricity supply.4. A) Extraordinary expansion of mine companies. B) The laws requiring federal mine inspections. C) The decline of coal supply in the world. D) An accident causing thousands of death.Questions 5 and 7 will be based on the following news item.5. A) An express company that delivers food. B) A meal replacement diet. C) A report on fast weight-loss diet category. D) An annual ranking of best diet plans.6. A) The food is made by medical workers. B) The food is healthier than made-at-home meal. C) The food is delivered to dieters directly. D) Dieters can order a variety of food.7. A) It is tough to achieve.B) It may change our lifestyle.C) It is unhealthy and unsustainable.D) It can lead to future diseases.Test 3Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1. A) The number of adult girls is expected to double by 2050. B) Child marriage in Africa will be ended by 2050. C) Half women will be married before reaching adulthood by 2050. D) The legal marriage age will set above 18 by 2050.2. A) Poverty and lack of education.B) Local culture that undervalues children. C) The low legal age for marriage.D) High risks of becoming teenage mothers.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.3. A) Waste products of whisky could make biofuel. B) Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world. C) A new fuel called Biobutanol is found by a Scottish professor. D) There are many waste products in making whisky.4. A) Corn and sugar cane.B) Rye and corn. C) Strong beer and wheat. D) Rice and wheat.Questions 5 and 7 will be based on the following news item.5. A) Getting high skilled people.B) Promoting companys technology C) Finding enough employees.D) Increasing members of immigrants.6. A) The number of them decreases dramatically. B) They mainly move from south states. C) They come to Chicago without work visa. D) The number of them increases after the recession.7. A) The law of immigrantsB) The environment for companies. C) The number of work visas.D) Higher salary and better titles.


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