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最新版人教版七年级下册英语第十单元Section A 第2课时.ppt

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最新版人教版七年级下册英语第十单元Section A 第2课时.ppt

,Unit 10 Id like some noodles.,R 七年级下册,Section A 第2课时(2a-3c),I like noodles very much. And I like beef noodles, and there are some vegetables in the noodles.,Do you like noodles? What kind of noodles do you like?,I dont like noodles with meat in them. I like tomato noodles.,What about you?,order n. & v. 点菜;命令,size n. 大小;尺码,bowl n. 碗,one (large) bowl of . 一(大)碗 .,tofu n. 豆腐,1. _ noodles 2. _ beef 3. _ mutton 4. _ chicken 5. _ tomatoes 6. _ cabbage 7. _ potatoes 8. _ vegetables,2a. Listen and check () the names of the foods you hear.,2b. Listen again. Complete the sentences.,Boy: 1. Id like a _ bowl of noodles. 2. Id like _, _ and _ noodles.,Girls: 1. Id like a _ bowl. 2. Id like _ and _ noodles, please.,large,chicken potato,cabbage,medium,beef tomato,2c. Ask and answer questions with your partner. Use the information in 2a.,What kind of noodles would you like?,Id like beef noodles, please.,2d. Role-play the conversation.,Good afternoon. May I take your order?,Yes. Are there any vegetables in the beef soup?,2d,Yes. There are some tomatoes.,OK. Wed like one bowl of beef soup.,2d,Sure. What size would you like?,Large, please.,Wed also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice.,2d,OK. One large bowl of beef soup, one gongbao chicken, and one mapo tofu with rice.,Yes, thats right.,Grammar Focus,语法内容请见学案对应处,Grammar Focus,3a. Complete the conversation below.,May I have your order? _ 2. What kind of noodles would you like? 3. We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato _ 4. Yes, there are some carrots. _ 5. Sure. What size would you like? _ 6. We have large, medium and small bowls. _,D,3a,A. What kind of noodles do you have? B. Oh, a medium bowl, please. C. OK, Id like the mutton noodles then. D. Id like some noodles, please. E. What sizes do you have? F. Are there any vegetables in the mutton noodles?,3a,方法指导,先通读一遍问句与答语部分的选项,整体把握对话的大意,明确对话中顾客想要吃的食物。 开头的问答句,已给出答案了,因此应按说话的逻辑顺序,顺藤摸瓜。,3a,Check the answers,May I have your order? _ 2. What kind of noodles would you like? _ 3. We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato _ 4. Yes, there are some carrots. _ 5. Sure. What size would you like? _ 6. We have large, medium and small bowls. _,d,a,f,c,e,b,3b. Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.,1. What kind of noodles would you like? (kind) _ (chicken / beef / tomatoes) 2. _ (size) _ (medium) 3. _(any/cabbage/beef noodles) _ (no),方法指导,3b,由例句可知,本题要求同学们根据括号中的提示词,分别造三个问句与三个答语。 根据括号中的提示词可知,第二个问句应是询问想要多大碗的面条,回答是中碗的面条。 根据答语中提示词no可知,第三个问句应是一般疑问句,作一个否定的回答语。,3b,Check the answers,1. What kind of noodles would you like? (kind) _ _ (chicken/beef/tomatoes) 2. _ (size) _(medium) 3. _ (any/cabbage/beef noodles) _ (no),Id like the chicken/beef noodles with tomatoes.,What size would you like?,Id like a medium bowl of noodles.,Are there any cabbages in the beef noodles?,No, there arent any cabbages.,3c. Work in small groups. Find out who would like the food below. Write their names on the cards above the food.,3c,Anna, what would you like to eat?,Id like beef noodles with carrots.,Language points,1. Can we have two bowls of beef soup then? two bowls of 意为“两碗”,其单数形式是:a bowl of.意为“一碗.”,后可跟名词复数或不可数名词。bowl意为“碗”,其复数形式为bowls。 如:Would you like a bowl of noodles for breakfast?早饭你想吃一碗面条吗? Id like two bowls of rice for lunch. 午饭我想吃两碗米饭。,Language points,2. What size would you like? (1)what size.询问大小,意为“多大的.,多大尺寸的.,多大号码的.”。 如:What size of collar is this shirt? 这件衬衫领子的尺寸是多少啊? (2)size是名词,意为“尺寸、大小、号码”,既可以表示物体的大小,也可以用来表示服装、鞋帽等的尺码、号码。 如:-What size shoes would you like? 你要多大号的鞋子? -Id like size 40.我穿40码。,小结训练,根据情景填空。 A: What _ of soup would you like? B: Id _ egg and tomato soup. A: Well, what _ bowl of soup would you like? B: What sizes do you have? A: We have _, medium and small bowls. B: Oh, a medium _, please.,kind,like,size,large,one,Homework,完成当堂测评作业.,我们全都要从前辈和同辈学习到一些东西。就连最大的天才,如果想单凭他所特有的内在自我去对付一切,他也决不会有多大成就。 歌德,


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