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八年级英语下册 Modul 6 Unit3《Language in use》同步练习(无答案) 外研版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Modul 6 Unit3《Language in use》同步练习(无答案) 外研版.doc

Module 6 EntertainmentUnit 3 Language in use一.选择填空( )1.I want to know _you have a brother.A. if B. that C. then( )2.MissGao teachers _ English.A. we B. us C. our( )3.Dont eat that meat. It smells_.A. dirty B. delicious C. bad( )4.Neither you nor I _a teacher.A. is B. are C. am( )5.There are _cars in the street. Its_ _ crowded.A :too, much, much too B. too many, much too C. too many, to much( )6. The_ _will get a prize.A. winner B. loser C. win ( )7. The film star acts _in this film.A. well B. good C. active( )8.They gave some money to the poor girl and tried _ her.A. help B. helping C. to help( )9.There_a man and six women in the meeting room.A. is B. are C. be( )10.Lin Tao is an _ student.A. good B. excellent C. clever( )11._favorite TV show is Animal World.A. He B. His C. Him( )12._I was born in America, my English is not good.A. When B. Because B. Although二.单词拼写1.I was ill last week. Then doctor_(建议)me to drink lots of water2.He is friendly and he has_(大量)of friends.3. Last Sunday we went to the park. We _(我们的)4.Who_(赢)the singing competition? Lily, she was the_(获胜者) 5._(尽管) he is very old, he can climb up the mountain.6.All of us have good time_(除了) Lingling , because she is badly ill.7.In his_(看法), we should do more practice after class.8.My mother_(劝告) me not to play computer games all the time.9.Do you have any_(亲密的) friends?10.Do you know the_(分数) for yesterdays match?11.Our teacher has_(解释) the text very clearly.12.The ship_(航行) on the sea for a month before reaching the port.13.The room is comfortable, but the food is_(可怕的)三.写出下列短语1.几个月之后_ 2.大量的战争_3.担心某人/某事_ 4.据某人看来_5.多久一次_ 6.为感到自豪_四.完成句子1记者对这位科学家进行了面对面的采访。The reporter_.2虽然这电影与现实生活不符,但是它很好看_very enjoyable.3哈利波特正在学生电影院上映。Harry Potter _.4我不喜欢动作片,因为打斗的场面不可信。I dont_.5如果你弄错答案了,你就会失分。You can_.五.将直接引语改为间接引语1He says ,“I like this book.”_“You are late again,” his father said to her._Jack said, “I saw her yesterday.”_My brother said, “Im going to Beijing tomorrow.”_Ann said, “Its cold today.”_Father said to Mrs Green, “Your cat is in my room.”_六.将间接引语改为直接引语1.He says that he is learning English._John says to me that he has lost my bike. _七.阅读理解The story happened during the Second World War. An old man lived in a small town of Germany. He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked. After the war had begun, his sons were all made to join the army one after another and they all died in the fight. The old man was very sad. He didnt have enough food and was often hungry. Any nobody helped him and he didnt know how to go on living. It was a very cold winter night. The old man couldnt go to sleep. He had been hungry for two days and it was so cold in his room that ice could be seen. He had to get up and begun to run in the room until he lay down on the ground. The next morning he had to beg from door to door. He had been to a lost of cities and knew a lot. Once he came to a village, but the villages were all poor and couldnt give him anything. He was too hungry to go to another village. He thought hard and found a way. He came to a police station and called out, “Hitler is a foolish pig(希特勒是蠢猪)!” Out came an old policeman at once . He took the old man into a room, gave him some bread and a cup of tea. Then he said, “Dont say in our village, sir!” “Im sorry ,sir.” said the old man. “I dont know its Hitlers hometown.” “No , no ,sir.” The policeman said in a hurry. “Its a pigs hometown!”( )1.The old man was_.A. a German B. a French C. an Australian D. an English( )2.The old man was sad because_.A. his three sons all died during the war B. his three sons had to join the armyC. he had no food or clothesD. he lived in the small town alone( )3.The old man got up and ran in his room to_.A. keep healthy B. forget he was sad and hungryC. make him warm D. find a way to forget


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