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六年级英语上册 Unit12《Review》同步试题 教科版.doc

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六年级英语上册 Unit12《Review》同步试题 教科版.doc

Unit 12 Review【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟)一. 用动词的正确形式填空。 1. Tom _(not do)his homework in the afternoon.2. Let him _(carry)the small box.3. My brother asks me _(open)the door.4. Dont talk. The boy _(sleep).5. There must _(be)some meat in the fridge.6. Miss Gao often teaches her students _(sing)new songs.7. Mr. Chen _(go)fishing every Sunday.8. You may _(clean)the classroom now.9. Mrs. Morison begins _(work)in the garden at 300 every afternoon.10. I like to do the _(read)in the evening.二. 完形填空 。(A)从A、B、C、D中选出正确的选项完成下列短文。What do you do at weekend? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to 2 home and travel. My friend John 3 in a factory. At weekends, he usually 4 the same thing. On Saturday he 5 his car and on Sunday he goes 6 his family to a farm by car. His uncle and aunt are there. It isnt a 7 one, but therere often 8 to do on the farm. The children help to give the animals their food. John and his wife help in the 9 . At the end of the day, they are all hungry and Johns aunt gives them a big 10 .1. A. play B. live C. stay2. A. leave B. get C. go3. A. work B. works hard C. is working4. A. does B. do C. has5. A. drives B. washes C. mend6. A. and B. in C. with7. A. small B. big C. new8. A. a lot of things B. much things C. many thing9. A. farm B. playground C. fields10. A. dish B. meal C. breakfast三. 阅读理解。Jack works in a company in a small city. One day his manager says to him, “Jack, I want you to go to New York to an office there to see Mr. Brown. Heres the address.”Jack goes to New York by train. He leaves the station and thinks, “The office isnt far from the station. Ill find it soon.”But after an hour he is still(仍然)looking for it. So he stops and asks an old woman. She says, “Its over there behind the tall white building.”A few days later, he goes to the same city. But again he cant find the office.So he asks an old woman on the way. It is the same woman! She is very surprised and says, “Are you still looking for that place?”1. Mr. Brown works _.A. in an office in a small city. B. in an office in New York.C. in a company in a small city. D. in a company in New York.2. Jack goes to New York _.A. take a bus B. by a train C. on a train D. take a train3. Mr. Browns office is _.A. a tall white building B. near the stationC. about an hour on foot D. far from the station4. How does Jack find the office?A. He asks an old woman for help. B. He asks a policeman.C. He has an address. D. His manager gives him the address.5. at the meaning of“surprised”?Can you guess?A. 奇怪的 B. 惊讶的 C. 好奇的 D. 感动的【试题答案】一. 用动词的正确形式。1. doesnt do 2. carry 3. to open 4. is sleeping 5. be 6. to sing7. goes 8. cleaning 9. to work 10. reading二. 完形填空。15 C A C A B 610 C B A C B三. 阅读理解。15 B B B A B- 2 -用心 爱心 专心


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