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山东农业大学毕 业 论 文黄河小区电气设计院 部 机械与电子工程学院专业班级 电气工程及其自动化2班 届 次 2015届 学生姓名 袁树霞 学 号 20110690 指导教师 郗忠梅 二一五年六月五日装装订线线目 录摘要IAbstract II引言11 设计概况11.1 小区概况11.2 设计依据11.3 设计要求21.4 设计成果22 设计计算书22.1 负荷分析22.2 负荷统计计算22.3 无功功率计算及补偿42.3.1 电力电容接线方式42.3.2 无功补偿方式52.3.3 无功补偿容量52.3.4 并联电容器的选择63 变电所位置和形式的选择63.1概述63.2 小区变配电所的布置及结构方案73.2.1 配电室的结构73.2.2 值班室的结构83.3 变电所位置的确定84 主变压器台数和容量的确定94.1 变压器主变台数的选择94.2 变电所主变压器容量的选择95 变电所主接线方案的选择105.1 变电所主接线方案的评价105.2 变电所主接线方案的确定106 短路电流计算116.1 短路计算的意义和内容116.2 短路电流计算方法116.3 短路计算点的选取117 变压器一次设备的选择与校验157.1 概述15i7.2 高压一次设备的选择和校验157.3 低压一次设备的选择和校验168 变电所高、低压线路的选择208.1 高压侧线路的选择与校验208.2 低压侧线路的选择与校验219 变电所继电保护设计249.1 概述249.2 变压器保护设置259.3 变电所10KV母线保护2610 照明系统2610.1 光源照度计算2610.2 电源进线设计3110.3 照明线路的控制与保护3311 弱电系统设计3311.1 概述3311.2 有线电视系统3311.3 电话系统3311.4 网络布线系统3411.5 访客对讲系统3412 防雷和接地装置的确定3412.1 概述3412.2 变电所防雷接地系统设计3412.3 单体楼的防雷接地系统设计35参考文献36致谢37附录38ContentsAbstractIAbstract IIPreface11 Design general situation11.1 Small zone general situation11.2 The design gist11.3 The design require21.4 Design result22 Design statement of account22.1 Load Analysis22.2 Carry the statistics reckoning22.3 Reckon and commute without the rate of work42.3.1 The electric power electric capacity connects line method42.3.2 Without the work offset method52.3.3 Without the work offset capacity measure52.3.4 Merge the select of the capacitor63 Change an electricity the position with the modal select63.1 Sum63.2 The small zone changes to go together with an electricity of the layout and the structure scheme73.2.1 Change an electricity the certainty of the position73.2.2 hange an electricity the type scheme select83.3 Determine position of substation84 The main transformer pedestal number and the certainty of the capacity measure94.1 The transformer lord changes the select of the pedestal number94.2 Change an electricity the select of the main transformer capacity measure95 Change the select that the electricity connects the line scheme the lord105.1 Change the appraisal that the electricity connects the line scheme the lord105.2 Change the certainty that the electricity connects the line scheme the lord106 The short-circuit electric current calculation116.1 The senses and the contents of the short-circuit reckoning116.2 Short-circuit electric current computational method116.3 The short circuit reckons the selection of the point117 Change an electricity to check a select of facility and the school151I7.1 Sum157.2 The high pressure a select of facility and school check157.3 Low-pressure select of facility and school check168 Change an electricity the select of the high and low-pressure circuit208.1 The select and school of the high pressure side circuit check208.2 The select and school of the low-pressure side circuit check219 The select and school of the low-pressure side circuit check249.1 Sum249.2 The transformer safeguard locate259.3 The transformer safeguard locate2610 The electricity light, heat and water expense design2610.1 The light source luminance check2610.2 The power supply enters the line design3110.3 Illuminate the regulate and the safeguard of the circuit3311 The weak electricity system design3311.1 Sum3311.2 Cabled T.V. system3311.3 Telephone system3311.4 Telephone system3411.5 Visitor vs. speak system3412 Defend thunder and connect the certainty of the solemn installation3412.1 Sum3412.2 Change the thunder that electricity defend connects the solemn system design3412.3 The single corpus building defends thunder to connect the solemn system design35Reference36Acknowledgement37Appendix381I黄河小区电气设计袁树霞(山东农业大学 机械与电子工程学院 泰安 271018)摘要:随着国民经济的快速发展,人民生活水平逐渐提高。现在以建筑技术与信息技术相结合的智能小区迅速地发展起来。智能小区符合了人们对居住的环境、信息的获取、娱乐、教育等方面的要求。它不仅包括服务,空间展开,电子基础设施,缆线管理等一般服务, 更重要的是以建筑为平台,集结构、服务、管理和电气自动化及通信网络系统之间的最优化组合,向人们提供一个安全,高效,舒适,便利的居住环境。本小区计包括两大部分,强电设计及弱电设计。强电设计分为:供电系统设计、照明设计、防雷及等电位接地设计,弱电部分包括消防系统设计、有线电视设计、电话设计及宽带网络设计。关键词:供配电设计 负荷计算 电气照明设计 弱电系统 继电保护 1IThe Electrical Design of HuangHe neighborhood a housingShuxia Yuan (Mechanical & Electrical Engineering College of Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong 271018)Abstract Along with the social shape and the advancement, is combining together with the information technique and the structure technique of brain the small zone develops quickly. The shape of the brain small zone is for people tender more conveniently, elegant and easy living condition,


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