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硕士学位论文(工程硕士)财务报销管理系统的设计与实现DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OFFINANCIAL REIMBURSEMENTMANAGEMENT SYSTEM周雪哈尔滨工业大学2011 年 6 月 国内图书分类号:TP311国际图书分类号:621.3学校代码:10213密级:公开工程硕士学位论文财务报销管理系统的设计与实现硕 士 研 究 生:周雪导副师:马培军教授导师 吴雅琴高级工程师申 请 学 位:工程硕士科:软件工程学所 在 单 位:软件学院答 辩 日 期:2011 年 6 月授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index: TP311U.D.C: 621.3Dissertation for the Masters Degree in EngineeringDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OFFINANCIAL REIMBURSEMENTMANAGEMENT SYSTEMCandidate:Zhou XueSupervisor:Prof. Ma PeijunAssociate Supervisor:Senior Engineer Wu YaqinAcademic Degree Applied for: Master of EngineeringSoftware EngineeringSchool of SoftwareJune, 2011Speciality:Affiliation:Date of Defence:Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文摘 要财务报销是每一个单位内部基本的管理和活动要素。在当今快速变化的商业环境中,业务软件的发展推动企业对信息化的需求不断提高,公司希望通过高速有效、交互性高的财务报销管理软件来优化企业财务业务流程的管理,降低财务部门的工作量,减少员工及领导在财务报销上的精力损耗。本文首先说明课题的来源和背景,针对企业的实际情况及财务报销管理系统的特点,通过对目前各种流行技术的全面的比较,并对本领域相关的理论深入研究分析,对系统进行全面的梳理和优化后,最终确定了系统的建设方案:针对公司原有报销流程业务,根据公司的实际办公环境采用 LotusNotes/Domino平台为开发工具,同时在其之上通过对报销业务流程进行建模、分析和优化,此业务流程管理系统是以知识管理为工作的中心,以互联网为前提的平台,增强了报销业务流程的灵活性和适应性。本系统采用 B/S 结构,数据库采用 Domino 的文档型数据库。在数据库分布上考虑到报销单据的数据量庞大,按照各类报销业务的数据量分布以及单据内容特点,将财务报销管理系统的报销库分为:借款、差旅、交通费、招待费、日常费用、其他费用几个数据库,分类别存贮报销单据,并利用同步索引机制将几个数据库中的单据状态实时更新集中起来。在财务报销管理系统内部模块间交互、与外部财务 ERP 系统等交互连接时,采用面向服务的体系结构思想实现系统的松耦合,屏蔽平台的相关性。面向服务的体系结构能够令使用者很容易地将业务流程与系统进行绑定,通过 XI制证技术实现服务封装,避免了资源与时间的浪费。由于应用了业务流程关系很有效地降低了其自身的繁琐程度,使得面向服务的组件得到了更高的使用率。本文以提高业务复杂度、增强系统交互性为目标,充分利用 Lotus 的技术和平台优势,结合业务流程管理思想的一般要求和财务报销的实际情况,将系统封装成粗粒度的服务接口,实现了一个财务报销管理系统,为财务报销及相关管理信息提供合理的管理平台,保证了在合理的监管控制之下企业内工作有效地执行。关键词:财务报销管理;业务流程管理;XI 制证;同步索引- I - 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文AbstractFinancial reimbursement is the basic management and essential of activities inevery corporation. The business environment changed rapidly at present, and thedevelopment of software business promotes companies to increase the demands ofinformation technology, the companies are eager to build the business environmentwith efficient and interactive financial reimbursement and management software. Inorder to optimize the management of business processes, reduce the workload of thefinancial sector, reducing staff and leadership in the energy loss on financialreimbursement.This article argues that the subject source and background for the actualsituation and the characteristics of financial claims management system. Throughwith a variety of popular technologies present a comprehensive comparative, and dodeep related, comprehensive analysis of the system and optimized to finalize thesystems building program: according to the original claims of the companybusiness processes, and the companys actual office environment, I use LotusNotes/Domino platform development tool. On the other hand, through modeling,analysising and optimizing the business processes on the reimbursement, based onthe net, enhance reporting flexibility and adaptability of business processes.The system uses B/S structure, and Dominos document database. Consider thehigh volumes according to various types of reimbursement business data content, Idistribute the database to: loan, travel, transportation, hospitality, daily fees, othercosts of several databases, store documents by sorts.In Financial reimbursement management system, the interaction between theinternal modules and connection with external financial ERP system,service-oriented architecture can achieve loosely coupled of systems and shieldedthe relevance of platform. Service-oriented architecture enables users to completethe task that connected business process to the base system easily, in that way it cansave time and IT resources; and the relationship between business processes canmake service-oriented components re-use, thus minimizing the complexity of thebusiness process itself.This article regards increasing the degree of operational complexity and- II - 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文enhancing the system as the goal of interactivity. It fully use of Lotus technologyand platform advantages, combining business process management thinking and theactual situation of the system, packaging the systems into service interfaces, toachieve the financial reimbursement management system so that all the work of theorganization are in effective management and monitored; and all kinds ofknowledge accumulation, management, utilization, to provide the support for theleaders to made decisions.Keywords: Financial reimbursement management, Business Process Management,XI, Synchronization Index- III - 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文目 录摘 要.IABSTRACT.


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