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开放本科英语II(2)复习题(1) 郑英秀 2011年09月27日 文章浏览次数:248 责任教师联系方式: 任冠伟:rengwmail.btvu.org资料来源:北京广播电视大学 第一部分 交际用语一、 选择填空 阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。1. Sam, this is my friend, Jane. _.A. Im Jack B. Glad to meet you, Jane C. Glad to meet you, Sam D. Very well, thank you2. Whats the matter with you? _.A. It matters with you B. Not too bad C. I feel a bit sick D. Thats right3. Could I talk to Prof. Lee? _.A. Yes, speaking B. Oh, its you C. Im waiting for you D. I am the operator here4. Ive got a bad cold today. _.A. Thank you for telling me B. Oh, dear! I hope you get better soon C. It isnt serious D. Itll be better soon5. Can you tell me where I can park the car? _.A. Yes, please B. It is made in America C. Well, just over there D. The park is not very far6. Whats the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here? _.A. Its five blocks away B. Walking through the wood C. Its a twenty-minute walk D. Half an hour if we drive fast7. You neednt do the work till after the New Year. _.A. No, you neednt B. Oh, good! Thank you. C. Happy New Year to you D. I like the work8. Have a nice holiday, Ted. _.A. Yes, youre right B. Thats all right C. Thank you, and you too D. Good idea9. How was the journey to London? _.A. It went very well B. It was a nine-hour plane journey C. I flew there D. I was very well10. Can you help me clear up the mess? _.A. Tell me who made it B. No trouble at all C. Yes, thatll be all right D. No problem11. Are you on holiday here? _.A. We are on holiday here, too B. We live here, too C. No, we arent. We live here D. Yes, we live here12. How are you this morning? _.A. Its still good B. Its too early C. Very well, thank you D. Its lovely morning13. I wish you success in your career. _.A. You are welcome B. I think so C. Yes, please D. The same to you14. Whats the fare to the museum? _.A. Five hours B. Five oclock C. Five miles D. Five dollars15. What do you do? _.A. Im a teacher B. I live in a small town C. I come from a small town D. I like teaching16. Is it going to be warm next week? _.A. Yes, it is B. I dont believe it C. No, it hasnt D. It changes all the time17. What do you usually do in your spare time? _.A. Yes, its my favorite time B. Gardening C. No, Ill never do that D. Do it by yourself18. Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? _.A. Good news for you B. Go ahead, please C. Yes, sure D. No, I cant19. May I speak to Jack please? _.A. No, you cant B. Theres no Jack C. I dont know hes out D. Im afraid youve got the wrong number20. Here you are, Sir. _.A. Yes, Im here B. Yes, here we are C. All right D. Thank you very much


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