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U校园新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版unit6答案Unit 6 Climbing the career ladderListening to the world6-2 SharingPractice 1Practice 21) a researcher2) gets too busy3)relax4) flatPractice 3BBABBPractice 4CEDBFPractice 5参考:1. The worst thing about her job is that it can get very stressful.2. Seeing that people who are very poor and very sad dont have much opportunity and can do lttle about it hurts him a lot.3. The worst thing about his job is the (long) hours he works.4. He never knows what hes gonna be doing from one day to the next, so sometimes its hard to make plans.5. What he dislikes about his job is being away from his family.6.He thinks spending a lot of time outside of the UK has its disadvantages.6-3 ListeningUse the skills 1Use the skills 21)a free bus ride2) a dentist3) watch films4) Lunch5) a cheap6) take your dog7)a surprise holiday8) free coffee9) bring their children10) a party11) free drinks12) go fishing13) all the fishThink and spcak 16-4 ViewingView it 11) traveling to work2) live abroad3) cheap houses4) an online map company5) 38 pounds / thirty-eight pounds6) quality of life7) the trafficThink and speak 1Speaking for communication6-6 Rolc-playingNote them down1ABBBNote them down 2I. (1) like2. (2) cant stand / can not stand3. (3) absolutely love4. (4) dont like/ do not like(5) prefer5. (6) dont mind / do not mind6. (7) keen on7. (8) hate8. (9) not very keen on(10) want to be6-7 PresentingGet ideas 12. (3) personal(2) faces2.(3) personal(4) special message3. (5)at home4. (6) beautiful websiteGet ideas 2c d a e bOrganize ideas 1Present ideas 1More practice in listening6-8 More practice in listeningConversations 1BDCCConversations 2ADBBPassages 1BBADPassages 21) evaluate2)compensation3) negotiating4) confirm5) schedule6) circumstances7)turn down8) start over9) work out10) informedNews 1B CNews 2C AUnit test6-10 Unit test短对话5题1) They are too worried about their appearance.2) Give a speech.3) He is afraid of flying.4) She performed poorly and is unlikely to get the job.5) It has both advantages and disadvantages.长对话5题6) Reading resumes.7) Because the resumes are too good.8) Mr. Phil Langdon.9) Miss Raina Aziz.10) The man thinks that some students today takeacademics too seriously.短文理解5题11) They work longer hours today than workers did in1979.12) He observed the banker hard at work.13) The banker spent 80 percent of his time doing busywork.14) It is not always positive,15) According to the working time and jobperformance.复合式听写10题16) opportunities17) practical18) define19) compassion20) focusing on21) significance22) think big23) plays a huge role24) attend25) Contented


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