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人文英语3 形成性考核册部分作业参考(2017秋).doc

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人文英语3 形成性考核册部分作业参考(2017秋).doc

2017年人文英语3 形成性考核册部分作业参考(2017春)在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单(1 -2页)人文英语3作业1一、交际用语1. C2. B3.B4.A5. C二、词汇语法6.C 7.B 8.B 9 .C 10.B .11 .B 12 .A 13. B 14 .A 15.B16.B17.B 18.B 19.C 20. C三、阅读理解:21.F 22. T 23.T 24. T 25.F ; 26-30、A C B A C四、写作(一篇作文,共20分)31题:根据写作要求,写出一篇不少于100词的作文(P44)。人文英语3作业2一、交际用语1.B2.A3. C4. C5. A二、词汇语法6.B 7.B 8.A 9. A 10.B 11 .A 12 .A 13. A14 .A 15. B16. A17. C 18. B 19. B 20. B三、阅读理解:21. F 22. T 23. T 24. F 25.F 26-30、BCABA四、写作(一篇作文,共20分) 31题:根据写作要求,写出一篇约100词的作文。(P114)人文英语3 作业3一、交际用语1A2C3A4A5A二、词汇语法6B 7C 8B9A10A 11C12B13A14B15C16A17C 18B 19B 20A三、阅读理解21T22F23T24T25T, 26-30、BABCC四、写作(一篇作文,共20分)31题:根据写作要求,写出一篇作文。人文英语3作业4写作题:写一篇100词左右的短文,描述你就读的大学学校的情况。(范文仅供参考):范文一 My TV University LifeI am studying at Guangdong Radio and TV University. This university offers variety of open and distance courses for adult learners. The students can study here and receive a diploma when they get enough credits. This university has a small campus and three classroom buildings. In these buildings there are many computers. They are all linked to the Internet. The students can use computers to learn the courses at home or in the offices. However, they also can go to the classrooms to have face-to-face lessons. This university is really good for busy adults. It will be a very interesting and exciting learning experience to study at this university.范文二: My TV University LifeI am engaged in long distance education. My web-based courses are English, Chinese, Computer, Maths, Politics, etc. I like English best. We can join online discussion forums, but its very difficult for me to understand what the speaker says. Every day we complete our home work on the computer and send our homework to the tutor, though sometimes he or she is not online. He or she will solve the difficulties and puzzles in tutorial. I love my TV University life.范文三: My TV University LifeConsider about the future, I am engaged in long distance education, which have a sort of web-based courses, including Chinese, Math, International Business and English. Through join online discussion forums, I have a great progress . By send our homework to the tutor, we can know how we learned in the study. When solve the difficulties and puzzles in tutorial, I get it we closed to the aim gradually. It is my TV University life. I am glad to have the time and learnt more from it. My TV university experience gave me too much pleasure in seeking for meaning of life ,it enriches my knowledge and opens my eye-reach.


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