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Unit5 Why do you like pandas?Period 1 Section A(1a-2c) Teaching aims:1. Know the words about animals and their personalities. 2. Enable the students to talk about and describe their favorite animals.3. Educate the students to love and protect animals.Key points:1. Master these words: zoo, animals, panda, tiger, elephant, koala, lion, giraffe, cute, beautiful, smart, lazy, scary, kind of, South Africa, Australia.2. Master the following sentence patterns:- Why do you/dont you like ? Why does /doesnt he /she like ?Because they are - Where are from? They are from Teaching aids: a tape recorder, pictures, ppt.Teaching steps: Step One Greetings Say Hello to the students.Step Two Lead-in Play a short video for the students. What animals do you know?Step Three Presentation 1. Teach new words with pictures.2. Present the following sentences with pictures.Why do you/dont you like ?Because they are Step Four ListeningPlay the recorder and ask students to do activity 1b.Step Five pair work. Show some pictures and a sample dialogue to the students, then ask them to make more conversations and act them out.A: Lets see the lions.B: Why do you want to see them?A: Because they are interesting.cute interesting fun smart beautiful friendly shyStep Six Work in groups. Ask and answerShow a sample dialogue to the students, then ask them to make more conversations and act them out.A:I like dogs. B:Why do you like dogs?A:Because they are cute and friendly. B: What animals does she like? Why does she like them?A:She likes panadas. Because theyre cute Step 7 Listening1. Listen and complete 2a. Play the recorder twice, for the first time , students find out the animals they hear. Then they guess the description words and countries. Next, play the recorder for the second time and students to make sure the answers. 2. Listen and complete 2b.Step Seven Pair work1.Present a map of the world to teach new words and the new sentence pattern “Where are they from?” “They are from”2. Show some pictures of animals and have students make conversations with the following sentences: A: Lets seeDo you like ? B:Yes, I do./ No, I dont.A: Why do you/ dont you like them? B: Because they are .A: Where are they from? B: They are from .3. Ask several pairs to show their conversations.Step Eight Survey1. Ask students to work in groups and do a survey.2. Fill in the chart about the survey .3. Ask students to do a report about their survey results. Step Nine Homework 1. Make a list of the animals you know and try to describe each animal with a word we learnt in this class. 2. Write an article about your favorite animals and describe their appearances, personalities, food, hobbies and where they are from. Period 2 Section A (1a-2c) Teaching aims:1. Know the words about animals and their personalities. 2. Enable the students to talk about and describe their favorite animals.3. Educate the students to love and protect animals.Key points:1. Master these words: pet, leg, cat, sleep. 2. Master the following sentence patterns: Why do you like pandas?Because theyre kind of interesting.Why does John like koalas? Because theyre very cute.Why dont you like tigers?Why dont you like tigers?Where are lions from? Theyre from South Africa.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Review.1. Review the words: chant.2. Where are the animals from?Step 2 Work on 2d. Role-play. 1. T: Some people like animals very much.They keep (=have养)an animal at home. We call the animals that we keep at home pets. (pet, cat,leg, sleep) T: What pets do people keep?2. Fast reading. Read the conversation and answer the questions. (1). What pet does Peter have? (2). What pet does Jennys mother have?3. Careful reading. Read again and answer the questions.(1). Does Peter like his dog?(2). What can the dog do? (3). Does Jenny like her mothers pet? Why or Why not?4. Then Ss read the conversation in 2d 5. Let some pairs role-play the conversation in 2d.Step 3 Grammar Focus. 1.学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 你为什么喜欢熊猫? _ 因为它们有趣。 _ 约翰为什么喜欢考拉?_ 因为它们很可爱。 _ 为什么你不喜欢老虎?_ 因为它们真得很吓人。_2. Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers by themselves.3. Give Ss eight more minutes to remember them. Step 4 Work on 3a. 1. Look at 3a. Tell Ss to fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Then practice the conversation. 2. Students do it.3. Check the answers. Step 5 Work on 3b. 1. Tell Ss to write the names of animals in the blanks to make se


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