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九上英语Unit 5检测题满分:120分时间:120分钟班级:_姓名:_听力部分(30分)一、听力测试(共四节)第一节听句子,选图画。每个句子读两遍。(5分)第二节听下面短对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(5分)(B)6.Where was Janes fathers car made?AIn China.BIn Japan.CIn America.(A)7.How is the paper cutting made?ABy hand. BBy machine.CBy robot.(C)8.What did the boy do last Sunday?AHe went to the gym.BHe did his homework.CHe made a birthday cake for Jane.(A)9.Who made the kite for Tom?AHis brother.BHis father.CHis mother.(A)10.How did the mans grandmother learn the paper cuttings?ABy herself. BFrom her grandson.CFrom her daughter.第三节听下面长对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(10分)请听第1段材料,回答第11、12小题。(B)11.When did Betty get the ring?AOn her grandmothers birthday.BOn her twelfth birthday.COn her first day to school.(C)12.What is the ring made of?AGold. BGlass. CSilver.请听第2段材料,回答第13、14小题。(B)13.Where was the coat made?AIn China.BIn England.CIn Korea.(B)14.How much will the man pay for the coat?A300 yuan. B240 yuan. C60 yuan.请听第3段材料,回答第15至第17小题。(B)15.How long did Jack stay in Shanghai?AFor a month. BFor two months.CFor three months.(C)16.Wheres the tea produced?AIn Hebei. BIn Shanghai.CIn Hangzhou.(A)17.How did Wang Lan get the tea?AHer friend sent it to her.BShe bought it from a market.CShe planted it herself.请听第4段材料,回答第18至第20小题。(C)18.What time does the museum open?AAt 8:50. BAt 9:00. CAt 9:10.(B)19.What will the two speakers visit first?AA big black bear. BA big white bear.CA big white tiger.(A)20.Who is the museum specially built for?AChildren. BParents. CTeachers.第四节听短文,填信息。每空一词。短文读两遍。(10分)Weifang is a small but 21._old_ city.Weifang is famous for the 22._kites_When the kites are flying in the sky,the sky is just like a big 23._garden_A pupil can make the 24._simplest_ kite.There is a kite festival in 25._April_ every year in Weifang.笔试部分(90分)二、单项填空(10分)(B)26.The ring is made _ silver and it is made _ France.Aof;byBof;inCinto;byDinto;in(A)27.(天津中考)Dr.Bethune _ still _ in both China and Canada today.Ais;remembered Bis;rememberingCwill; remember Dhas; remembered(D)28.The Internet makes _ possible for people to send and receive information at great speed and little cost.Athem Bthat Cthis Dit(C)29.The _ in our city is getting much heavier because more and more people have private cars.Atradition BenvironmentCtraffic Dbusiness(A)30.To make classes interesting and _,a teacher used WeChat in class in a school in Hangzhou.Alively Bsilly Cusual Dnoisy(A)31.(临沂中考)Thanks to the robots,the human reporters dont have to spend a lot of time _ boring numbers and information.Aprocessing Bto processCprocessed Dprocess(D)32.I think you need to avoid _ in bed because its bad for your eyes.Aread Bto readCis reading Dreading(B)33.Lisa is afraid of _ at night.Aalone Bbeing aloneClonely Dbeing lonely(A)34.Teenagers have to be 18 years old before they _ to drive a car.Aare allowed BallowedCwill be allowed Dallow(B)35._is a big problem for us.AHow to be dealt with itBHow to deal with itCHow dealing with itDHow dealt with it三、完形填空(10分)One day,a hunter went hunting with his dog.He saw a rabbit running out of a bush not far in front and _36_ raised his gun to shoot.The rabbit was hurt.It ran away in fear.The hunter waved to the dog to _37_ it.The welltrained dog rushed like an arrow,running very fast and full of confidence.The rabbit ran so desperately(拼命地)that it _38_not to have been hurt at all.However,the dog was surprisingly left behind.Gradually(逐渐地),the dog was losing sight of(看不见)the rabbit.At last when the dog _39_ emptyhanded,the hunter was angry and blamed(责备)it,“How useless !Unable to catch an injured rabbit!No supper for you.”Feeling sad,the dog tried to explain for _40_,“Though I didnt catch it,I had done my best.”When the rabbit got home,all the other rabbits were surprised at its _41_They were dying to ask,“How did you manage to run away when the dog almost caught you?Its unbelievable!”The frightened rabbit answered,“The dog would only be blamed for not catching me at most,_42_ all it did was to do its best.The situation is completely different _43_ me.I would surely lose my life if I was caught.I had to go all out(竭尽全力)!”We can learn a lesson for our daily life from the story.Have we ever examined ourselves and asked _44_ we did our best or went all out when we looked for a(n) _45_ for our failure?(B)36.A.slowlyBquicklyCeasilyDstrangely(D)37.A.bark at Blo


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