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首字母高频词汇练习 顺序版1. Walk a_ this street and turn left at the third crossing.2. In china the hottest month is A_.3. Have you got an e-mail a_?4. I dont want this coat. Please show me a_ one.5. There are many a_ in the zoo.6. He doesnt study hard. His father is always a_ with him.7. An a_ a day keeps the doctor away.8. What are you going to do this a_?9. - whats your _? - Im 14.10. She a_ get to school early. Shes never late for school.11. Please take a_ the empty bottle.12. There is an old house b_ the tall tree. The tall tree is in front of the house.13. There are a lot of b_ flowers in his garden.14. There is a b_ over the river.15. The first class b_ at 7:30.16. He usually watches TV for half an hour b_ he goes to bed.17. He wants to get some money, so he goes to the b_.18. His parents are b_ teachers.19. Ben never practises the piano. He plays it b_.20. Janes b_ is on the twenty-fifth. Im going to buy a present for you.21. Id like two b_ of pain brushed.22. She washes her face, b_ her teeth and has breakfast.23. - What do you usually have for b_?24. Can I b_ your ruler? Mine is at home.25. dont forget to b_ your books next time.26. Its a windy day. The wind is b_ strongly.27. The cinema is b_ the bookshop and the post office.28. Ill try my b_ to work hard at English.29. Beijing is the c_ of China.30. Theyre good at throwing and c_ the ball.31. Im going to c_ the Baiyun Hills this Sunday.32. Thank you, and here is your c_.33. China is great c_.34. His grandfather lives in the c_.35. There are a lot of clouds in the sky. Its a c_ day.36. Its c_ today. Put on your sweater, please.37. Heres your c_. Put it on, please.38. His mother is a good c_. she can cook delicious food.39. There is a c_ on the desk. It can tell you the time.40. How much does the bike c_?41. I like c_ stamps very much.42. The first day of June is C_ day.43. We c_ our classroom every day.44. this bike is too expensive. Have you got c_ ones?45. Please c_ the table with a cloth.46. Whats one hundred _ by two point five?47. His father is a d_. He works in a hospital.48. The last month of the year is d_.49. Can you tell me the d_ between the two words?50. On the evening before the Spring Festival, people usually have a big d_ with their family.51. He often d_ morning exercises in the park.52. The d_ sits in the front of the bus.53. He usually d_ a glass of milk and eats two eggs for breakfast.54. The watch costs me 100 d_.55. This question isnt difficult. I can answer it e_.56. A good beginning helps to make a good e_.57. We do eye e_ every day.58. The bottle is e_. There isnt anything in it.59. He always gets to school e_. Hes never late for school.60. Its too e_. Do you have anything cheaper?61. I hope you all become good f_.62. - Whats your f_ book? - I like books about animals.63. There are many f _ and trees in our school.64. There are some trees in f _ of my house.65. I am not very good at skiing and often f _ down.66. Dont f _ to turn off the light when you leave the classroom.67. She says that the Chinese people are very f_.68. Do you live f_ from school?69. Look! The kite is f_ high in the sky.70. You can buy some apples, pears in a f_ shop.71. She is f_ the cat.72. Im looking f_ to the holiday.73. He is g_ at playing basketball.74. How are you g_ on with your studies?75. He g_ many vegetables and flowers in his garden.76. They are G_. They come from Germany.77. We love our g_ country.78. In the evening I do my lessons and my sister does h_79. What a h_ rain it is!80. She is a good student. She often h_ others.81. I work h_ at my lessons.82. China is a big country with a long h_.83. Her grandfather is h_


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