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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 4《Finding your way》word单元测试题5.doc

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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 4《Finding your way》word单元测试题5.doc

7 B4Finding your way复习练习一、根据句意,首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1. If you cant read this word, please f_ me.2. _you s_our class will win the basketball game.3. I live in s_ (南方) of Sunny Park.4.E_ in our class. Please go _ (径直地) home after school.5 R_ that lions are _(危险的)6.To the north of the World of Birds is Monkeys F_.7 The _(长颈鹿)are q_ tall . Their long n_ help them eat the l_ from trees.8. Lets go_ (cross) the bridge and see the elephant.9. Is there a _(标志) o_ the _(长凳)?10. I still remember the _ (旅行) to the Great Wall. 11. Most of the girls are a_ of ghost. 12. Do you like Chinese food or W_ food? 13. Sunshine Zoo is about three k_ away from our school.14. 1011 He told me a f_ story last Friday night.15. They can speak _ (相当) well.16There is a big b_ over the river behind my house.17Walk a_ the bridge and you will see a house.18 There are some maps _ (在的上方) the blackboard.19. The visitors walk a_the road to find the k_ of the animal world. 20.Please dont smoke .The s_ says ,”No smoking”. 21.Dont stay o _ .Its cold.22 .The bird in the _(笼子) is singing.23.All the students are p_ for the monthly exam.24. We need to drink p_ of water, at least eight cups of water every.25 I will wait for you at the _(出口) of the neighbourhood.26. -Where is the _(银行)?-Walk on and then turn right at the second crossing.27. When the t_ lights are red ,the cars must stop.28. Take the third t_on the left.29. It is said that there are lots of (宝藏) _under the palace30 The bookshop is at the _(拐角)of the street.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. They are happy _ ( see ) us again. 2. Its too late .Bin _ (have) to go home quickly. 3. Lets _ (play) tennis in the playground. 4. _ (not be) late again! You must be on time.5.The _(fun) monkey jumps around6. The exchange students want to know where _ (go).7. Would you like _ (ask) him to read it?8. I _ (visit) my teacher next Sunny.9. Search engineers help us _(find) information quickly and easily.10 Kitty wants to find information about _(dance) shows in the Arts Club.11. Ill ask her _(call) you back.12. _ your mother _(see) the doctor tomorrow 13. I hope it _(not snow) tomorrow.14. Look ! They _(wait) for us there.15. There_ ( be )lots of new films this week.16. Playing sports makes the young man _ (look)very strong.17. Millie _ (go)to Reading Club every week.18. The dog likes _ (lie)down under the sun.19. Please tell me how _ (play)the computer game.20 Go _ (cross)the road ,and you will find the shop.三、根据所给中文翻译下列句子。 1. 不要害怕,请随我来。 _ _ _ . Please come with me.2.你的父母为我们准备大量的食物和饮料吗?_your parents_ _ food and drinks _ us? 3.我应该在红绿灯处走哪条路?Which way _I go _ _ _ 4. 我们怎样到那儿? 让我们乘公交车吧。 How _we _ _ ? _ _ a bus.5. 大熊猫喜欢吃竹子并且躺一整天吗? Do pandas like to eat_ and _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 6. 双店在牛山的西边大约二十千米的路程。 Shuangdian _ _ _ Niushan, about twenty _away.7. 走过这间房子,向左转沿着靠近河边的小径走。 Walk _ the house, _ _and walk _the _ _ _the river. 8 记住,这些动物是危险的。 _ that these animals are _ .9. 这只有趣的猴子跳来跳去使人们大笑 The _Monkeys_ _and _._ _.10.在第二个路口向右转,你将会看见这个站在街道中心。Turn right at the second_ Youll see the station_ _ _ _ _ _.3.我应该在红绿灯处走哪条路?Which way _I go _ _ _ 三、句型转换1. we shall get there by bus .(划线提问) _ _ _ get there?2. Turn right at the second turning (改为同义句)_.4. The birds in the zoo are very quiet. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the birds in the zoo ?


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