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1 Frank : Hello everybody , let me have your attention , please. Today we will have a new colleague, Megan, could you introduce yourself to us first?Megan: Hello, everyone, nice to meet you. My name is Megan. I am a newcomer in our company. I feel so honored to work with you. I hope we can be friends in the future.Frank: Certainly we can. And Megan, come on , tell us some more about you. Your hobby, your personality, or even your ambition and your ideas, if you dont mind. Everything is OK here. Megan: I am trying to make my dream come true. And this company gives me a precious chance. I wont let it go. I hope I can make some achievements here and make progress with all of you together . So , you can see that I am a determined person.Frank: You know , a person with perseverance is always welcomed here , Then do you have any expectation of us ,Megan?Megan: To tell you the truth, I have just graduated from my school with little working experience, so I do hope people here can give me a hand if I have difficulty in my work someday. Lastly, thank you for your attention.2Tony: john, this is your new staff, Megan. Megan ,this is our supervisor ,John. You two can have a talk for a while. Example me for a minute.John: Please sit down. nice to meet you, Megan, I am in charge of this section. You can tall me John. And are you satisfied with our company at the present time?Megan: This company and this job ,both are satisfying, John, can you tell me something about my job? I am eager to know about it ,please call me Megan, too.John: In our company ,we expect our new staff member can work from the bottom and work up later on. Maybe a lot of difficulties are in front of you. Can you make it without complaining?Megan: I get it. I really appreciate you and this chance. I think its fair for everybody to work from the bottom. I will take advantage of this opportunity to gain experience. I believe time will tell.John: thats good. I believe you can make it. please try your best when you work .Remember, NO PAINS,NO GAINS.3Tony: Hi, Megan, have you finished the talk with John already? Are you available now? If so, let me describe your work duties, OK?Megan: Yeah, we just talked about my future job.And the supervisor hoped that I can make progress by degress in my work .I am free now .And what am I expected to do?Tony: As a newcomer ,you are going to be responsible for some basic tasks first, including answering the phone ,typinglater, you will be assigned to the sales apartment .There you can learn much about workings of our company and its sales quickly.Megan: I see .It must be a challenging job .But its not a surprise to me. Thats to be expected. I can deal with it as well as I can. And what about now? What should I do? If I have some problems ,may I speak out directly?Tony: For this is your first day in our company, you can begin with our products .Before you do your job ,its necessary for you to be familiar with our own products .Then you can get down to your work smoothly.Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.Megan: Quite right. And thanks for your instruction.4Megan: Tony, how about my salary? You have decided to meet all my requirements, I hope you can consider it carefully. I think a good company will ensure its staff a good salary. In return, the staff can work harder and harder for the company.Tony: Yes, you are 100% right. Our company provides every employee here with a good welfare. In order to let them concentrate on their work. So, dont worry about that .We agree to all of them. Congratulations.Megan: Wow, really thank you. Plus, when can I get my salary then? And also do you mind telling me something else, like attendance record, holiday, and how to ask for leave?Tony: All new staff are likely to ask the same questions. I can understand that. On the 20th day of every month, you can get your salary on time. And you are required to work 8 hours per day, from 9am to 6pm.Every month you have 3 days off, except the weekend and some important holidays.Megan: OK, thats good. I get it. I have no questions to ask. And do you have anything else to tell me, Tony?Tony: No, you can go back to your seat and enjoy your work now.5Megan: Oh, its time to have lunch. But I dont know where the restaurant is. Excuse me, may I ask where I can have my lunch?Sarah: didnt tell you yet? You can follow me then, and I will treat you to lunch, my new colleague. My name is Sarah, nice to meet you.Megan: Thank you very much, Sarah. I need to get familiar with there trifles, so that I wont waste too much time on them and bother you guys, either.Sarah: It doesnt matter. Have you known of your work now? I believe you will get used to it very soon. Dont feel too ashamed to ask for help.Megan: Thats very kind. I have already roughly known of my job. Thank you for your concern.6Megan: Sarah, just now Tony asked me to ap


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